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173 Cards in this Set

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Virginia Company

1st permanent settlement in North America

House of Burgesses

1st legislative body in New World


cash crop, "brown gold"

native American chieftain

bacon's rebellion

uprising against government

half-way covenant

partial church member for puritan

king phillip's awar

1675, early conflict between English and native american

massachussests charter

became Massachusetts bay colony in 1691

salem witch trials

1690s, massachusetts


founded by William penn, quakers

new amsterdam

founded by the Dutch, 1664, new york


first French settlement


wealth in gold, sell more than you buy

trans-atlantic trade

mercantilism, shipping goods to/from Great Britain

middle passage

slaves from Africa to new world

ben franklin

American founding gather, ambassador to france

great awakening

1730s/1740s, religious revival

French and indian war

great britian and france, 1754, over control of land

treaty of paris 1763

ended French and indian war

proclamation of 1763

forbid setting west of Appalachian mountains

stamp act

special stamps on printed documents

intolerable acts

closed boston harbor for boston ta party

committee of correspondence

committees formed communication publicly

pain/common sense

1776, pamphlet supporting independence

declaration of independence

most important document in American history

john locke

English philosopher

Thomas jefferson

borrowed locke's words for declaration of independence


commander-in-chief of continental army


French commander who fought with American troops

general cornwallis

surrendered his british troops at Yorktown

treaty of paris 1783

ended American revolutionary war

shay's rebellion

seize federal arsenal, American government too weak

great compromise

representation in congress


strong central government


weak central government-promised bill of rights

whiskey rebellion

taxes, Washington constitutional authority

northwest ordinance

admitting new states

Louisiana purchase

france, doubled size of US

lewis and clark

Jefferson, survey land atlantic to pacific

war of 1812 (causes)

trade, impressment, british support native americans

war of 1812 (results)
ended all us military hostility with great britain

erie canal

connects Albany to buffalo

Monroe doctrine

warn European nations not to interfere in north and south america

eli whitney

cotton gin, interchangeable parts

manifest destiny

obvious fate to expand united states for sea to sea

Elizabeth c. Stanton

women's rights

senecca fall convention
first women's rights convention, NYC


end slavery


stop selling alcohol

missori compromise of 1820

maine-free, Missouri-slave, balance-congress

nat turner

preacher, killed 60 whites and executed


regions in united states

Mexican-American war

1845, texas, cali, new mexico

compromise of 1850
new mexico, cali-free state

popular sovereignty

rule by the people

dred scott decision

sued owner for freedom-denied

john brown

abolitionist, fedi arsenal, martyr


president, preserve union

Gettysburg address

dedication of cemetery

causes of civil war
north-industry, railroads/south-slaves
habeas corpus

legal rule, imprisoned see judge

emancipation proclamation

freed slaves in confederate areas

civil war leaders

grant, Sherman, Jackson, lee


deadliest one-day battle


deadliest 3-day battle of CW


turning point of war


Sherman burnt, center for manu


readmit southern states to union

13th amendment

abolish slavery

14th amendment
US citizen for all born in US

15th amendment

voting rights for males over 21

freedmen's bureau

help African American transition to freedom

black codes

laws control lives of freed slaves


society to control freed slaves

impeachment of Johnson

high crimes and misdemeanors

trancontinental railroad

stretch across continent-1869




Rockefeller, trust/monopoly

sitting bull

fought US Army troops

wounded knee

sitting bull died

ellis island

NY immigration station

Samuel gompers

led AFL

American federation of labor

employers of better conditions


investigation of corruption

upton Sinclair/ida tarbell

the jungle

hull house

social service agency-chicago


force public vote on issue


must show public


removal of official from office

direct election-senators

17th amendment

jim crow

law resulting in restrictions

plessy v ferguson
separate but equal


national association for advancement of color people
Chinese exclusion act

1882, banned Chinese immigrate

Spanish-american war

spread democracy in Latin america

Roosevelt corollary
US right intervene in latin america
panama canal

1914, connected atlantic to pacific

started 1914, US entered in 1917


policy to keep US out of war


british liner sunk by germans
great migration

movement of African American from south to north

espionage act of 1917

cant say against us military

18th amendment

stop selling alcohol

19th amendment

womens voting right

fourteen points

peace plan, Woodrow wilson

league of nations

post war plan that US did not join


single party government ruled by dictator

red scare

spreading of communism

harlem renaissance

wave of art/music of African American culture

lanston hughes

best-known poet of harlem renaissance

Louis armstrong

jazz/blues trumpet player

mass production

henry ford, assembly line

great depression

severe economic recession in 1930s

dust bowl

ecological disaster in midwest

tennesse valley authority

Roosevelt's new deal, build dams

wagner act

national labor regulations act

security act

1935:65 or older, unemployment, disabled

A. Philip Randolph

founded sleeping car porters

pearl harbor

Hawaii, bombed by Japanese, December 7, 1941

lend-lease act-1941

lend military equipment for defense of us

battle of midway

most important naval engagement of pacific


allied invasion of Nazi-occupied france

fall of berlin

one of bloodiest battles in WW2 history

Atom bomb

2 dropped on japan in august 1945

marshall plan

us plan to rebuild west Europe after ww2

north atlantic treaty organization-noncommunist


stop spreading of communism

Truman doctrine

us aid to prevent spread of soviet influence

Korean war

1950s, communist vs noncommunist, stalemate

bay of pigs

1961, tried invasion by Cuban exiles

Cuban missile crisis

missiles in cuba pointing toward us

Vietnam war

control of Vietnam, 1960-1970

tet offensive

Viet Cong's most damaging war campaign

interstate highway act

Eisenhower, construction of highway

kennedy/Nixon debates

1st ever on tv

sputnik 1

soviet union launched satellite, 1957

Jackie robinson

first African American baseball player

harry truman

integrated armed forces, 1948

brown vs. board of education

1954, separate is not legal

Martin Luther King Jr.

fought for racial segregation

civil rights act-1964

L. Johnson, no discrimination

voting rights act

outlawed requirements for voters

warren court

1950 to 1960, ruled on landmark cases

Miranda v. arizona

police must inform of constitutional rights

assassination of kennedy

November on 1963

great society

johnsons vision for america


government insurance

democratic national convention

on tv, everyone saw tear gas

anti-Vietnam war

Americans feelings about war (burn draft card)

national organization for women

1966, promote equal rights

cesar chavez
leader for Latin civil rights, fruit banning

Rachel carson

silent spring, led to water quality act

earth day

1970 led to EPA

environmental protection agency

set limits on pollution, 1970

Barry Goldwater

ran for president, lost to johnson

Richard Nixon

1968, conservative movement

roe v wade

1973, right for abortion

university of California v bakke

race used with college application

Watergate scandal

cover up in democratic headquarters

general ford

presidency damaged by nixon

jimmy carter

tried to bring peace to middle east

camp david accords

peace agreement between Egypt and israel

Iranian revolution

invasion of US embassy in Iran

Iranian Hostage Crisis

lasted 444 days, captives released


econ policy, cuts/defense increase

iran-contra scandal

sold weapons to iran

collapse of soviet union

Reagan's biggest success


free trade zone between Canada, Mexico, United States

impeachment of Clinton

2nd in history

electoral college

American vote for members, may pick president

George W. Bush

Sept 11, hold foreign citizens/terrorists

Operation enduring freedom

invasion of Afghanistan

operation Iraqi Freedom

invasion of Iraq-weapons mass destruction