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50 Cards in this Set

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What were the societal changes after the revolution?
-Slavery=dissapears in north
-Emphasis on equality=fewer voting requirements, equality, but not for everyone
-State Gov=3 branches, bill of rights
-Women=republican motherhood raising "good" citizens
-Gordon Wood's thesis=pursuit of happiness,
-Economy=tons of dept, no currency, inflation
-Foreign policy
What were the Articles of Confederation?
-Failed constitution
-13 states joined, congress=only branch, each=1 vote,amendments
What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
-No power to regulate commerse between states
-Could not collect taxes
-Could not pay soldiers
What was the Northwest Ordinance?
-How a territory becomes a state
-Territorial governor
-5000 voters, temp. constitution
-60000 residents can write a real constitution for approval
-No slavery in the west (with exceptions)
What was the Constitutional Convention?
-Delegates from every state
-Secret sessions
Who was James Madison?
-Father of contstitution
-National principle=national gov stronger than state
-Separation of powers=3 branches
-Extended Republic=contstitution protects groups from becoming too strong
Contrast the Virginia plan to the New Jersey plan...
-Based on pop
-2 houses (both based on pop)
-Equal representation
-1 house
What was the idea of Checks and Balences?
-By Montesquieu
-3 branches of gov, check each other
-Supremacy clause=const. is supreme law of land
-Safeguards=protect mob rule, conserned too much power in the hands of the uneducated
-Elastic clause=congress can do things w/o const. w/in reason
What was the Great Compromise?
-Created 2 houses (1 on pop, 1 equal)
What did the Anti-Federalist want because they were afraid of strong central government?
A bill of rights
When was the Federalist Era, and who was president for most of the time?
1789-1801, Washington
What did the Bill of Rights say?
-Religion, assembly, petition, press, speech
-To bear arms
What was Hamilton's Financial Plan?
-To get nation more stable financially, pay off national debt
-Paying off state debts
-Tariff=to bring in $
-Excise taxes=on whiskey
-National Bank=federal
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
-Farmers "Whiskey Boys"
-Excise tax
-Tar and feathered tax collectors
What does the federal government do to stop the rebellion?
-Builds army
-They run away
-Shows that the federal gov is powerful
What were the main political parties throughout these chapters?
-Federalist="Federalist papers", Madison, Hamilton, wanted new Constitution, central gov
-Anti-Federalist=Adams, Henry, anti-Constitution, state gov
-Jeffersonian Republicans, strong state gov
-Jacksonians=Anything Jackson did, anti-Adams
-Whig=Webster, J.Q. Adams, Clay, American System, federal bank
What did Washington declare on the French Revolution?
What did Jay's Treaty say?
-Tension between Britain and US temporarily stopped
-Britain remove troops
-Pay for damage to US ships
-US pay back debts owed before Revolutionary War
But what did this treaty leave out?
What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
-Trying to stop ppl from speaking out against gov.
-Alien=raised requirements for US citizenship (majority supported Jefferson)
-Ppl who spoke out against gov could be imprisoned
In responce to the A and S Acts, what resolutions happened?
Va and Kentucky Resolutions
-said they could nullify a and s b/c they were unconstitutional
What was the federalist legacy?
-Hamiton's financial plan
-Washington's presistence
-Westward expansion
What political parties was Jefferson from?
What did Jefferson do with the federalist policies?
-Kept some (financial plan)
-Reduces requirement for citizen
-Pardons some ppl charged with A and S acts
-Gets rid of whiskey tax
-Works to reduce debt
What was the Judiciary Act of 1801?
-creates new judicial officials
-Chief Justice and 5 associates
Who was John Marshall?
-Chief Justice, Federalist
-Served for 34, over big cases
What was the Yazoo Land Fraud?
-Land scandal
-around Jefferson, ppl came after him
-GA had sold millions of acres before making it federal land
-created strife in Republican party
What was a major factor of the War of 1812?
What was the Chesapeak-Leopard Affair?
-Brits claimed that 4 Americans had fled Britain
-Leopard fires on Chesapeak and kill
-Starts forbidding British Ships in American Ports
What was the Embargo Act?
-Exporting good from/to Britain and France was forbidden
-Damages US economy more than others
-Repealed w/i 2 years
What was Jefferson's Legacy?
-Expansion (US doubled)
-Moved away from aristocracy
-Kept country from war
What were the Causes of the War of 1812?
-Napoleonic War
-Impressment (C-L Affair), France and Britain believed they were owed
What was the War of 1812 overview?
-US vs. British Canada
What were the American problems?
-Not great army
-Federalist didn't want war
-End in stalemate
What were the battles?
-Fort McHenry=around DC, Francis Scott Key captured
-Battle of New Orleans=Jackson makes name, lots of British casualties, treaty had been signed 2 weeks prior, American spirit
What treaty ended the war?
The treaty of Ghent=cease fire, stalemate, didn't address impressment
What was the Missouri Compromise?
-Dispute on new states (Missouri and Maine) which were slave
-Congress made Mi slav, Ma not
-prohibits anything north of 36'30 line from slavery
-Major issue (gag rule)
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
-Colonial powers gain no new territories in Americas
-Leave America alone!
What was the result of this Doctrine?
-Not much...
-Shaped long term US foreign policy
What was the New Democracy?
-Appeal to voting masses not just upper-class
-Gov for the ppl
-Universal white man suffrage
-Turner Thesis="anyone can do it"
What was Jackson's Legacy?
-More common ppl like him
-2 parties (Rep and Dem)
-Spoil system (corrupt)
-Economic problems (BUS)
-Trail of tears
What was the results of the Second Great Awakening?
-Women's rights
-Insane ppl in prison reforms
What was temperance?
-Movement to stop alcohol consumption
-Mosty by women
What was the principle of Republican Motherhood?
The idea that the women's job was to raise the perfect citizen, and it was blamed on her if this didn't happen.
What education reforms happened in the mid-1800s?
-More tax supported education
-Horace Mann=established teacher training program
Where did education still lag in?
Secondary education (college)
What Mental health reforms happened in the mid-1800s?
-Shifted from punishment in prison, to more of a rehab
-Dorthea Dix=efforts to improve conditions for mentally ill, separate facilities and nicer
What were the non-religious Utopian communities of the time?
-Religious or lifestyle choices
-New Harmony, Ind=hippies, in woods, Owen, 1st public school, everyone does everything but failed b/c ppl stopped doing stuff
-Brook Farm, Mass.=similar to NH, famous intellectuals
-Oneida, NY=Free love, selective mating, gender equality, made $ off plates
What were the religious Utopian communities?
-Shakers, NY=From Quakers, no sex ever, $ from furniture
-Mormons, Utah=Religious group
What was Transcendentalism?
-Romantic influence (Europe)-connecting ppl to emotions
-Philosophy=Nature, truth goes beyond senses