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61 Cards in this Set

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t/f- Robert Fulton became famous for developing the first steam-powered locomotive


t/f- Samuel Slater became known as the Father of American Industry after building the complex Arkwright machinery from memory at a mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island


t/f- Only men worked in Great Britain's emerging factories


t/f- U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton argued that industrialization would help the young United States gain economic independence from Great Britain


t/f- Mass production made putting together products and repairing machines much easier


t/f- Karl Marx believed that communism was necessary as an intermediate stage in the transition from capitalism to socialism


t/f- Britain's enclosure movement not only supported population growth, but also helped make all farmers wealthier


t/f- As steam power began to be used commercially, factories began to be built near coal mines rather than near rivers and streams


t/f- The industrialization of France was delayed by British secrecy, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars


Which of the following was one factor that allowed Britain to industrialize first?

a. widespread famine

b. British colonies

c. government-owned factories

d. a strong army


After about 1825, factories began to be located near

a. rivers

b. coal mines

c. the ocean

d. cotton fields


What initially delayed the growth of industry in Germany?

a. a revolution

b. a lack of natural resources

c. the lack of a central government

d. a reactionary dictatorship


Which of the following natural resources was most important for the early development of industry in Great Britain?

a. coal

b. iron ore

c. water

d. timber


Which of the following countries was the first to industrialize?

a. the United States

b. Great Britain

c. France

d. Japan


How did industrialization hurt skilled craft workers working in cottage industry?

a. by leading to a labor movement that raised wages

b. by leading to a shortage of raw materials

c. by shifting populations from countryside to city

d. by undercutting prices for their products


Which of the following was one effect of the factory system?

a. More people joined the middle class

b. Workers became more skilled

c. The price of products increased

d. Workers dealt directly with merchants


Mass production, which created an increase in the quantity of goods purchased, led to

a. more consumer goods available to more people

b. higher wages and shorter hours

c. an increase in the cost of factory-made goods

d. an increase in the number of workers factories needed


People who advocated social democracy wanted to

a. elect Karl Marx president of the United States

b. establish utopias around the world

c. move from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

d. move from capitalism to socialism through a revolution


Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels argued that capitalism would inevitably lead to

a. an energy crisis

b. poverty and a workers' revolution

c. an extensive welfare state

d. enslavement of most of the population


The idea of separate spheres implied that

a. women and men should work side by side in industry

b. men provided moral guidance in the business world

c. women stayed home while men supported the family

d. boys and girls should be educated separately


What enabled the United States to industrialize rapidly?

a. a wealth of natural resources and a large labor force

b. the enclosure movement

c. a strong navy and merchant marine

d. the criminalization of the labor movement


Industrialization had which of the following effects on the middle-class people?

a. They worked harder than ever before

b. They now had time and money to spend on leisure

c. They became active in the labor movement

d. Their standard of living decreased


Britain's colonial empire fueled the development of industry in that country because

a. the nation had access to vast amounts of raw materials

b. the war machine required quick and efficient production of goods

c. colonies provided slave labor for growing industries

d. workers in the colonies earned far less than workers in Britain


Which of the following was a negative result of the growth of the textile industry in Great Britain?

a. fewer cotton farms in Great Britain

b. the huge population growth in the country

c. the expansion of agriculture in India

d. the spread of slavery in the United States


A region in northwestern England became known as the "black country" because

a. laborers there smudged coal dust on their faces to keep the sun out of their eyes

b. iron-smelling factories polluted the air

c. industries located there were all immensely profitable

d. the sand on the beach was dark gray


The Luddite movement emerged in order to

a. agitate for the ten-hour day

b. oppose industrial changes that were putting weavers out of work

c. direct strikes breaking out all over Great Britain

d. abolish child labor


What led to the growth of the middle class?

a. industry's need for managers and other mid-level farms

b. the increasing profit earned from small, family-owned farms

c. the increase in prices of manufactured goods

d. the growth of universities


The mercantile system in Britain was replaced by

a. entrepreneurship

b. socialism

c. department stores

d. laissez-faire economics


According to Marx and Engels, establishing a society based on cooperation and equal distribution of wealth would require

a. an energy crisis

b. development of a wealthy industrial class

c. universal public education

d. a revolution


____________ was a British farmer who invented the seed drill, a machine that made planting grain more efficient.

Jethro Tull

____________ made the production of cotton more profitable by inventing a machine that removed seeds from raw cotton blossoms.

Eli Whitney

Inventions that transformed cloth-making from a cottage industry to a machine-driven industry led to the construction of large buildings called __________.


The era when the use of power-driven machinery began to develop is called the ___________________.

Industrial Revolution

The inventor _________________ developed an efficient steam engine that was a crucial innovation in industrialization.

James Watt

The world's first mill that took raw cotton through all the processes to turn it into finished cloth was located in ___________, Massachusetts.


Funds for investment of business, called _________, were crucial to the industrialization of Great Britain.


British workers organized into __________________ in the early 1800s to pressure employers to raise wages and improve working conditions in factories.

labor unions

Elements of ___________________, the system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items, became known as the American system.

mass production

In his book The Wealth of Nations, author ____________________ declared that markets free from government interference would benefit everyone.

Adam Smith

In industrialization countries, the _________________________, or level of material comfort, generally improved.

standard of living

In Great Britain, _______ was crucial for heating water to power steam engines.


_________________, drawn by jobs in American factories, moved to the United States from around the world


The theory that government, rather than individuals, should own property and control industry is called ______________.


someone who starts a new business


Founder of the world's first all-in-one mill

Frances Cabot Lowell

Workers who burned factories and smashed machines to protest industrialization


The process of changing to power driven machinery


The belief that communities can solve society's problems


Work stoppages used to pressure employers to improve working conditions


Workers produce goods at home

cottage industry

Agriculture development that displaced farmers

enclosure movement

Wealthy oil industrialist

John D. Rockefeller

Nickname of polluted region in northwestern England

"black country"

Land, labor, and capital

factors of production

Economic system free of regulation


Government owns property and controls industry


Government that helped modernize Japan


Government owns the means of production and controls economic planning


Why was Britain's navy and merchant fleet important to the country's industrialization?

They could bring in raw materials and send finished goods around the world.

Compare and Contrast. Work at home and work in a factory.

Home- better quality, manage own work schedule, work faster if more money needed

Factory- bad working conditions, poor ventilation, pollution, little pay, long hours, more quantity

How did Robert Owen's ideas differ from those of Thomas Malthus?

Robert Owen believed in socialism, in which a government owns property and controls the industry. Thomas Malthus believed that the population would grow faster than food production.