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26 Cards in this Set

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Economic policy in which country controls the imports and exports of its colonies.
Favorable Balance of Trade
Situation in which a country exports more than it imports, or sells more than it buys.
Navigation Acts
British laws between 1651 and 1733 that were key aspects of mercantilism and that restricted the production of goods by American colonies and forbade trade with countries other than England.
Enumerated Articles
Goods produced in the American colonies that could be sold only to the British Empire.
Proclamation of 1763
British law closing to Colonial settlers the area west of the Appalachians.
Fort Pitt
French Fort Duquesne captured and renamed by the British during the French and Indian War.
The Sugar Act
A law passed in 1764 which taxed the colonists imports of sugar, wine and coffee.
The Privy Council
Advisors to the King of England who set policies on governing the American colonies.
The Parliament
Law making body of England
Chief Executive of an English colony or American state.
Lawmaking body elected by the people.
Elected body given the responsibility of making laws.
Town Meeting
Gathering of townspeople to act upon town business; early form of government, especially in New England.
County Court
Local government in Southern colonies.
Glorious Revolution
English uprising in 1688 in which the Catholic King James II was replaced by the protestant monarchs William and Mary.
A tariff or tax placed on foreign goods brought into the country.
Taxation without Representation
Argument by colonists that they were taxed by the British without being represented in Parliament.
Sons of Liberty
Patriot groups that fought against British authority in the American colonies.
Refusal to buy certain goods or services as a protest.
Declaratory Act
Law passed in 1766 by the British Parliament that declared the American colonies subject to British law.
Indirect Tax
Tax on imports that was collected from shippers and paid by consumers in the form of higher prices.
Tax on imports; in some countries also placed on exports.
Townshend Acts
British laws of 1767 that imposed taxes on Colonial imports to pay British debts.
Circular Letter
A plea issued by the Massachusetts legislature to other colonial assemblies that all colonists act together to resist taxation without representation.
Boston Massacre
Incident between British soldiers and Americans in 1770 Boston in which several Americans were killed.
French and Indian War
War fought between Great Britain and its two enemies, the French and the Indians of North America. Most of the battles were in Canada. American colonists, including George Washington, fought with the British in this war, which lasted from 1754 to 1763. The British won the war and won the right to keep Canada and several other possessions in the New World.