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258 Cards in this Set

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The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed all of the following policies EXCEPT:
the active American presence in republican revolutions across the globe
The Virginia Company was composed primarily of merchants from:


This culture is an example of a "mound-building" society.


Which group dominated Mexico from 800 to 1200 A.D.?
The Toltecs
Bacon's Rebellion took place in:
The pan-Indian resistance movement of the early 1800s in the Oho River Valley focused its efforts on
uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West
According to Luther, salvation is the result of:
Archaeologists call the earliest Americans:
How did the Eastern Woodland Indians differ from Mesoamerican Indians?
Their outlook was more communal than individualistic.
The Columbian Exchange refers to transformations in what aspect of the Atlantic world?

Why did both the Spanish and the Portuguese eventually enslave Africans to supply labor for them in the Americas?

Disease had nearly wiped out the indigenous peoples of the lands they conquered

How did England's model of exploration and colonization differ from that of France and Spain?

English explorers and colonists relied on private investors

The items the Spanish exported from the lands they conquered in the Americas included all of the following EXCEPT


The Portuguese and the Spanish were alike in their treatment of the native inhabitants of the lands they conquered in the Atlantic and Caribbean because both forced the inhabitants to

provide the labor on their plantations

The Paleo-Indians were

the first human settlers of the Americas

Aztec society was different from that of the mound builders and Anasazi in that only the Aztec

practiced human sacrifice.

Which of the following was most likely NOT a reason that the peoples who had been conquered by the Aztec were willing to become allies of the conquistadores?

They hoped to acquire gold and other forms of wealth from the conquistadores

Martin Luther and John Calvin were similar in that they both

broke away from the Catholic Church

All of the following contributed to the failure of the English settlement at Roanoke EXCEPT

the prevalence of Spanish raids

How did the decline of large game affect the Paleo-Indians?

They had to search for new food sources

The Vikings and Columbus were similar in that they both

established European outposts in America.

What was the Glorious Revolution?

the ouster of James II and ascension of William and Mary

According to the text, "During the first generation of settlement, when land was plentiful and the immigrant population small, Pennsylvania upheld Penn's promise to treat the Indians with respect." What does this statement imply about relations between the colonists and Indians?

Conflicts resulted from tensions over land

In 1680, why did the Pueblo people revolt against the Spanish in New Mexico?

The Spanish were attempting to repress their traditional religious practices.

The distribution of power in the British Empire influenced the government of the future United States in its

division between local and national authority

English settlers of the Carolinas traded with Indians to obtain what product for export?

slaves and deer hides

Planters in Barbados turned to each of the following to provide labor on their sugar fields EXCEPT

migrants from the American colonies

The Dutch city of New Amsterdam welcomed

all Europeans, including Jews

Why did William Penn view Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment"?

He envisioned a land where people of many faiths would live in peace.

What was the cause of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia?

frustration with the favoritism of the governor

All of the following may have contributed to the Salem witchcraft hysteria EXCEPT

a waning in the power of Puritan ministers and beliefs

Maryland afforded religious freedom to

all Christians

How did the settlement of Puritan New England differ from that of the colonies of the Chesapeake?

Puritans migrated as families.

How did the cultivation of sugar affect the economy of the English Caribbean?

It produced substantial wealth and attracted many immigrants to the West Indies

Which region of colonial America was the most ethnically diverse?

the mid-Atlantic

How did colonial culture begin to change at the start of the eighteenth century?

Expanded trade with the British Empire made it possible for many colonists to live more luxuriously

Which of the following events happened last?

the signing of the Proclamation of 1763

The largest number of slaves was transported from Africa to

Brazil and the Caribbean.

The Great Awakening affected colonial-era women in the colonies by

providing a forum for them to testify publicly about their spiritual lives.

How did the Indians of the middle ground differ from those in other geographic regions?

They established deep-seated economic and cultural ties with French traders

The location of South Carolina affected the Stono Rebellion of 1739 in that the slaves who rebelled

hoped to find refuge in nearby Spanish Florida.

Settlers from Paxton responded to Pontiac's Rebellion along the frontier by

attacking friendly Indians who had not taken part in the rebellion

How did their enslavement affect the culture of many African Americans during the colonial era?

Many African Americans worked to preserve their culture despite the constraints of slavery.

What aspect of the New England economy grew most dramatically in the eighteenth century?

the maritime economy

By the eighteenth century, the leading slave-trading nation had become


The German-speaking evangelicals known as the Moravians were effective at reaching

the American Indians

The Great Awakening was a movement that reflected a renewed interest in

spirituality and religion

The Sons of Liberty were

a leading group of Patriots.

Why did Lord Cornwallis's retreat to Yorktown prove to be a blunder?

The French navy was able to cut off the British from an escape by sea

In 1775, Lord Dunmore's Proclamation

offered freedom to any slave who joined the British forces

Which was the only colony that did NOT send representatives to the Continental Congress that convened in 1774?


The Patriot leader who expressed the greatest concerns about more radical forms of democracy was

John Adams

Washington's crossing the Delaware River to attack British allies at Trenton took the British by surprise because

the crossing occurred on Christmas night.

John Adams's dismissive reply to his wife Abigail's entreaty to "Remember the Ladies" betrayed his distrust of

the extension of democracy.

The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by passing the

Intolerable Acts.

Why did the British transfer the bulk of their military forces in America from the frontier to the major seaports between 1765 and 1768?

The most violent opposition to the Stamp Act had been located at the seaports.

What view might have contributed most to Americans' continuing slavery while also supporting liberty for themselves?

the belief that only property owners have a stake in government

Charles Townshend promulgated the Townshend Acts because he thought that

the colonists had been opposed to internal taxes targeted at commerce within the colonies.

How did Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense transform American thinking about politics?

It denounced monarchy as being incompatible with liberty.

How did the Massachusetts Constitution limit the power of the governor?

The legislature could check the governor through its ability to override a veto by a two-thirds vote.

Most Anti-Federalists

distrusted the social and economic elite.

The United States faced military conflicts with all of the following EXCEPT


How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 effectively bar the average citizen from directly obtaining land in the Northwest Territories?

Its system for distributing land in the territories was prohibitive.

Women were expected to participate in the political life of the new republic by

cultivating patriotism and virtue in their children.

What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?

desire for luxury goods that had been unavailable during the war

Why was George Washington looked upon as a model of civic virtue?

He served his country when needed.

The Constitution established a Congress that had

two houses, one representing each state equally and one determined by population.

What motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?

a shortage of silver and gold

Which of the following is NOT true of the Virginia Plan?

It was based on the one-state one-vote principle.

Why did Shays's Rebellion give additional impetus to those hoping to reform the Articles of Confederation?

It revealed the vulnerability of a nation with a weak central government

Which of the following events happened first?

the signing of the Treaty of Paris

The Revolution challenged traditional republican theory, according to which citizens were expected to

defer to their betters.

According to Enlightenment thinking, why might it be possible to use education to create model citizens?

People were thought to be born a blank state upon which republican ideals could be written.

Why did Republican leaders decide not to challenge President Washington in the 1792 election?

Washington was believed to be above partisanship.

The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest against a policy that was initially proposed by

Alexander Hamilton.

In the 1796 election, John Adams had the most support in

New England.

Why did James Madison agree to draft what became known as the Bill of Rights?

He wanted to appease Anti-Federalists still suspicious of the government.

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution stated that

powers not granted to the federal government belonged to the states and the people.

How was Judith Sargent Murray's novel The Story of Margaretta different from the typical sentimental novel of the period?

The female protagonist uses her intelligence and education to overcome difficulties.

Why did Republicans oppose recognition of the new government in Saint-Domingue?

They worried that American slaves would be inspired by the revolt.

Hamilton's ideas included all of the following EXCEPT

promoting an agrarian-based economy for the United States.

Who did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson believe was the best arbiter of the constitutionality of the Sedition Act and other such acts?

the states

Agreements in Jay's Treaty ended conflicts between

the United States and Britain.

All of the following are true about Alexander Hamilton EXCEPT that

he became a prosperous Southern planter.

Thomas Jefferson envisioned the United States as a nation of

independent yeoman farmers.

The Battle of Fallen Timbers resulted in

the decisive defeat of the Ohio Indians.

Why were so few people willing to act as tax collectors in Kentucky during the Washington administration?

They disagreed with the excise tax on whiskey.

A Boston newspaper proclaimed the beginning of the Monroe presidency as an "Era of Good Feelings" because

there had been a shift away from partisan antagonism.

When Thomas Jefferson sent a delegation to France after Napoleon Bonaparte took power, what did he hope to acquire?

the port of New Orleans

In his first term, Thomas Jefferson reduced the size of the federal government by

eradicating the national debt created by the Federalists.

How did Jeffersonian policy attempt to transform gender roles in Creek society?

by encouraging men to tend to the fields

Which of the following headlines could have appeared in 1807?

"The Chesapeake Affair: Danger on the High Seas"

The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in response to revolutions in

Spanish America.

Aaron Burr's challenging Alexander Hamilton to a duel reflected what value in early nineteenth-century American culture?


What was the position of the old Republican guard regarding the possibility of war during President Madison's first term?

They feared that war would bring about the expansion of the federal government.

Which of the following events sparked an alliance between Tecumseh and the British?

William Henry Harrison's attack on the village of Tippecanoe

In the War of 1812, American efforts to defeat the British in Canada

failed miserably.

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

to explore and map the West

As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall

made decisions that strengthened the federal government.

What agreement did Congress come to in the Missouri Compromise?

Land to the north of a certain latitude would be free, and land to the south would be slave territory.
Who coined the phrase "manifest destiny"?
John L. O'Sullivan

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed:

slavery everywhere in the United States.

America's first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of manufacturing was:

Lowell, Massachusetts.

President Johnson's Reconstruction plan included all of the following proposals EXCEPT:

the extension of voting rights to all black males, 21 or older, in the South.

Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included:

a bloody civil conflict between proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas.

Despite McClellan's timid Union attacks, Antietam was a major turning point because:

the close victory afforded President Lincoln the opportunity to announce emancipation.

The Emancipation Proclamation:

did not apply to border states in the Union.

William Lloyd Garrison believed that slavery:
was immoral and should be immediately ended.
Nat Turner's revolt is significant because:
it confronted the idea that slaves were content in bondage.
The Compromise of 1850 established which of the following statutes?
all of the above
The Wilmot Proviso proposed that
free labor should exist in the territory gained in the Mexican War.
The term Trail of Tears refers to the:
horrifying conditions experienced by Cherokees during their removal.
This document, issued at the Seneca Falls Convention, called for full female equality.
the Declaration of Sentiments
The spoils system features a strategy in whic
government jobs are given to supporters of the victorious party.
Andrew Jackson's chief political strategist during his run for the presidency in 1828 was
Martin Van Buren.
After the War of 1812, which region emerged as producing much of the national political leadership?
the West
What struck Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America, most vividly about American society?
its equality
Critics of the 1828 tariff opposed it because they believed
it would trigger Britain to retaliate by raising tariffs on imported cotton.
Which was among the rights that free African Americans lost in the North and West during the 1820s and 1830s?
the right to vote
Most Southern states enacted laws against enclosing unused land because many Southern farmers
were not committed to exploiting land for commercial use.

What resulted from a strike by white workers at the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia?

The only white workers remaining supervised an exclusively enslaved labor force.

Which of the following accurately describes the casualties of Nat Turner's Rebellion?

At least fifty whites and as many African Americans died before the rebels were stopped.

The writings of plantation mistresses show their lives to have been


What did the endurance of dueling in the South reveal about Southern white culture?

the centrality of honor in the value system

The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 marked the beginning of

the movement for women's rights.

Horace Mann's most notable contributions were in the field of


What factors led to the transformation of Southern attitudes toward slavery?

As cotton agriculture became more important to the economy and abolitionist fervor increased, white Southerners were compelled to defend the institution.

Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints?

Joseph Smith

The Female Moral Reform Society attempted to vanquish


Manifest Destiny emphasized the primacy of

white American civilization.

Where did the Mormons ultimately settle?


What was Abraham Lincoln's position on the Mexican War?

He opposed the war and felt that territorial expansion was a threat to America's future.

Who were the "Barnburners"?

anti-slavery Democrats

Manifest Destiny was the doctrine that

God intended the United States to extend westward to the Pacific.

What was the effect of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
Abraham Lincoln became known across the nation.
Free-Soilers and abolitionists were outraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it
was viewed as evidence that Southerners planned to extend slavery wherever possible.
By 1860, the percentage of Southerners who owned slaves was
about 25 percent.
All of the following are true of Southern cotton from 1840 to 1860 EXCEPT that
its profitability enabled Southerners to become less dependent on Northern industry.
Why were Republicans able to gain the presidency in the election of 1860?
The Republicans scored a decisive win in the North.
What was the consequence for Sergeant William Walker of the 21st U.S. Colored Infantry when he had his men lay down their arms in protest over unequal pay?
Which provision of the 1863 the Conscription Act led to resentment?
Which provision of the 1863 the Conscription Act led to resentment?
the ability to buy one's way out of the draft in exchange for a high fee
How did the Union's retention of the Border States invalidate the Confederacy's justification for secession?
It demonstrated that secession was not necessary to protect slavery.
How did the war affect women in both the North and South?
They took on new responsibilities outside the domestic domain.
At the outset of the war, what strategy was favored by many on both sides of the conflict?
an early and forceful offensive, in anticipation that it would be decisive
To inspire newly freed slaves, a Boston Christian organization published the autobiography of
Phillis Wheatley.
The romanticizing of antebellum society and the South's loss of the Civil War became known as
the Lost Cause.
What crisis marked the presidential election of 1876?
Voting irregularities called 19 electoral votes into question.
Which statement would most likely have been said by a Radical Republican in 1865?
"The former Confederate states should be punished for secession and slavery."
In the early years of Reconstruction, the majority of teachers who educated Southern freedmen were
white women from the North.
What view did the Redeemers take on the role of government?
Government should be small and pro-business.
Political cartoonists portayed Andrew Jackson as all of the following EXCEPT
a money-grubbing banker
What was the spoils system?
the granting of government jobs to supporters of the victorious party
Most Southern whites were yeoman farmers who
worked their own small farms.
How did the market revolution affect skilled artisans?
Their skills became less valued.
How did Greece's war for independence influence America?
It inspired the Greek Revival style of architecture and interior design.
What event led Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to focus their attention on the oppression of women?
the restrictions they faced at the international antislavery conference in London
Why did the Whigs reject Henry Clay as their candidate for president in the election of 1848?
His policy of non-expansion was no longer compelling after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed.
In the 1848 election, the Free-Soil Party attracted all of the following EXCEPT
The creation of interchangeable parts benefited American industry by making it possible to
speed up the manufacturing process.
The Gold Rush resulted in all of the following EXCEPT
the institution of slavery in the West.
Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant?
Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia
At the outset of the war, what strategy was favored by many on both sides of the conflict?
an early and forceful offensive, in anticipation that it would be decisive
The romanticizing of antebellum society and the South's loss of the Civil War became known as
the Lost Cause.
Why were white Southerners derisive toward scalawags?
They believed scalawags to be traitors to the white race.
Why was Abraham Lincoln's Reconstruction policy called the "Ten Percent Plan"?
Former Confederate states could reestablish their governments once 10 percent of voters pledged loyalty to the Union.
Who opened a sea route from Europe to India?
da Gama
Though West African societies were as diverse as those in the Americas, they were different in that only West Africans
practiced Islam.
Benin differed from other West African nations with regard to the slave trade because Benin
discontinued its involvement in the slave trade.
The Renaissance originated in
a renewed interest in classical learning.
According to the text, Benin's decision with regard to the slave trade
enabled the kingdom to maintain its political autonomy longer than its neighbors did.
The theology of John Calvin included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that
the damned could find salvation through good works.
Why did the balance of power in the Atlantic shift near the end of the sixteenth century?
The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.
The Renaissance scholars known as humanists primarily studied
liberal arts.
How did the English and Spanish models of colonization differ?
The English expelled the native population whereas the Spanish absorbed it.
The distribution of power in the British Empire influenced the government of the future United States in its
division between local and national authority.
Why did the English title of proprietor carry enormous political power?
It granted the individual almost king-like authority over his domain.
How did the English gain possession of the Dutch colony of New Netherland?
Dutch merchants decided to negotiate for favorable terms rather than resist the English.
Maryland afforded religious freedom to
all Christians.
In 1689, the English Bill of Rights established
the principle that absolute power does not exist.
All of the colonies established during the Restoration were
proprietary colonies.
Why did King James II revoke the charters of New York and New Jersey and create the Dominion of New England?
He wanted to consolidate the English colonies and place them under powerful governors, in the style of Spain.
How did the cultivation of sugar affect the economy of the English Caribbean?
It produced substantial wealth and attracted many immigrants to the West Indies.
What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
to provide governing principles for the community of Plymouth
Puritan minister Increase Mather viewed King Philip's War as a sign of God's displeasure. Both this view and the Salem witchcraft hysteria showed that colonial Puritans
saw both God and Satan as active agents in their lives.
In the early eighteenth century, the British government created a federal system of government that divided power between
central authority and local government.
All of the following are true of the Puritans who immigrated to America EXCEPT that
they lived in Holland before leaving for America.
Who were permitted to vote in Massachusetts?
Why could Carolina be characterized as a "colony of a colony"?
Why could Carolina be characterized as a "colony of a colony"?
It produced goods to support West Indian agriculture and trade.
The Proclamation of 1763 restricted colonists to territory:
east of the Appalachian Mountains.
Which of the following statements best describes the slave's adaptation to bondage?
Slaves attempted to outwit their masters but occasionally resorted to violence.
How did the end of the Seven Years War affect Indians?
They lost a major source of arms and ammunition.
According to the Whig theory of virtual representation, members of Parliament each represented
the greater good.
Colonial assemblies were needed to deal with such responsibilities as
organizing local militia.
Which group established good relations with the Indians in order to facilitate trade?
the French
In a meeting of Iroquois leaders with British Superintendent for Indian Affairs Sir William Johnson, an Onondaga Chief stated that the Great Spirit was displeased with British expansion into Indian lands. How did Johnson's response reflect colonial views of Indians?
His dismissive response reflected colonists' view of Indians as ignorant.
How did their enslavement affect the culture of many African Americans during the colonial era?
Many African Americans worked to preserve their culture despite the constraints of slavery.
In the eighteenth century, population growth and societal pressures affected colonial society in all of the following ways EXCEPT that
more and more colonists moved out of the cities to escape overcrowding.
George Whitefield did all of the following EXCEPT
encourage followers to abandon the Anglican church.
In what way did the slave codes of the mainland British colonies ensure the continuity of the institution?
The codes defined children born to slave mothers as slaves themselves.
Other than rice, what was South Carolina's most significant export in the early eighteenth century?
Many of the American colleges founded in the eighteenth century were founded
by supporters of the Great Awakening for the education of new ministers.
During King George's War, Spain temporarily aligned with which nation against Britain?
How did the Great Awakening affect the institution of slavery?
It helped spread Christianity among slave populations.

the increasing importance of commerce to these regions

the increasing importance of commerce to these regions

After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans?

The Battle of Saratoga

In the Battle of Bunker Hill, the American forces showed themselves to be


Which of the following affirmed the power of Parliament to pass binding laws on the colonies?

Declaratory Act

The Battle of Lexington occurred when British troops marched from Boston in order to

seize military supplies from nearby Concord.

All of the following motivated the Regulators EXCEPT

a belief in abolition.

Why was the participation of France, Spain, and Holland so crucial to the outcome of the American Revolution?

The British were forced to fight on many fronts.

The Sugar Act did all of the following EXCEPT

proclaim that colonists did not need to consent to taxation.

The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was

a violation of rights and liberties.

How did the British respond to the creation of the Continental Army under General George Washington?

They prepared for a sustained military conflict.

What was the effect of King George III's rejection of the "Olive Branch" petition sent by the First Continental Congress?

Those who supported independence no longer believed reconciliation was possible.

Which was the only colony that did NOT send representatives to the Continental Congress that convened in 1774?


After the Stamp Act crisis was resolved, why did the British continue to seek ways to tax the colonists?

The British still needed revenue from the colonies.

Which resulted from General Horatio Gates's victory over General John Burgoyne at Saratoga?

The French were persuaded to commit forces to aid the colonists.

The Patriot leader who expressed the greatest concerns about more radical forms of democracy was

John Adams.

Why did the British retreat to New York after defeating the Patriots in Boston?

They wanted to isolate Patriot New England from the rest of the colonies.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 did which of the following?

created a political structure for the new territories

The Constitutional Convention was spurred by which of the following?

none of the above

The first sentence of the Constitution states: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The words "insure domestic Tranquility" may have been a reference to

Shays's Rebellion.

Each of the following men was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention EXCEPT for

Thomas Jefferson.

In what way is the Constitution a departure from the original plan for government embraced after the Revolution?

Americans originally wanted a government that exemplified democracy and could not become too powerful, whereas the Constitution did not allow for a directly elected president but did allow for taxation.

All of the following were seen as ways to instruct the public in civic virtue EXCEPT

folk traditions.

In The Federalist, James Madison argued that a large, diverse republic

offered the best hope for safeguarding individual rights.

Thomas Jefferson's initial plan for the Northwest Territory called for

the end of slavery in the western territories after 1800.

What type of men dominated the colonial assemblies before the Revolution?

the wealthy

What were the Shaysites attempting to accomplish through Shays's Rebellion?

stop farm foreclosures

How did the Articles of Confederation reflect the colonial experience of Americans?

Americans had resented taxation and government by the British and so created a weak central government.

Where did the convention to reform the Articles of Confederation take place?


How did Benjamin Franklin view the Constitution?

as nearly perfect

The Great Compromise, devised by Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth,

resolved the dispute over representation in Congress.

What bold plan did Hamilton create in an effort to address the Revolutionary War debt?

having the federal government fund the national debt at its full value

Why was the French government angry at the United States in 1796?

The French believed that the United States favored the British, with whom they were at war.

Who did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson believe was the best arbiter of the constitutionality of the Sedition Act and other such acts?

the states

Which of the following was a major theme of President Washington's Farewell Address?


Why did James Madison oppose the policies of his former ally, Alexander Hamilton, beginning in 1789?

Madison believed that Hamilton's economic plans would undermine republican values.

Why did James Madison agree to draft what became known as the Bill of Rights?

He wanted to appease Anti-Federalists still suspicious of the government.

The XYZ Affair almost caused

a declaration of war against France.

Why did the Federalist Alexander Hamilton support the Republican Thomas Jefferson after the 1800 election?

He believed that Jefferson was a better choice than Aaron Burr.

Why did Republican leaders decide not to challenge President Washington in the 1792 election?

Washington was believed to be above partisanship.

Why was Alexander Hamilton's plan to honor state- and Confederation-issued paper at face value perceived as controversial?

It rewarded speculators with wealth.

To secure the support of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for his economic program, Hamilton agreed to

move the nation's capital from New York City to the South.

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution stated that

powers not granted to the federal government belonged to the states and the people.

Why were the British seizing American ships in 1793 and 1794?

They wanted to stop American trade with France.

Why were so few people willing to act as tax collectors in Kentucky during the Washington administration?

They disagreed with the excise tax on whiskey.

The creation of Democratic-Republican societies in 1793 and 1794 revealed that

many Americans were interested in national politics.

With the rise in partisan politics in the 1790s, what tool were professional politicians such as John Beckley willing to employ?


The Sedition Act could be seen as a violation of

First Amendment rights.

The pan-Indian resistance movement of the early 1800s in the Oho River Valley focused its efforts on:

uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West.

Which of the following headlines could have appeared in 1807?

The Chesapeake Affair: Danger on the High Seas"

What was the African-American freeman Denmark Vesey charged with doing?

plotting an insurrection

The Battle of New Orleans was noteworthy not only because it was a crushing defeat for the British but because

it occurred after a treaty with the British had been signed.

How did Thomas Jefferson's style as president differ from that of his predecessors?

Jefferson rejected formalities in an attempt to project democratic ideals.

As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall

made decisions that strengthened the federal government.

In his inaugural address, what did Thomas Jefferson describe as the proper defender of liberty?

state governments

The Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland
strengthened the power of the federal government over the states.