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88 Cards in this Set

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During the process of ratifying the Constitution:
two states, Rhode Island and North Carolina, voted against ratification.
Which of the following is NOT a check against presidential power in the Constitution?
The House can remove the president from office after impeaching him.
What was the annuity system involving the U.S. government and certain Indian tribes?
a system under which the federal government gave annual monetary grants to Indians
During the early years of the republic, African-Americans:
made up well over 10 percent of the total population.
Shays’s Rebellion demonstrated to many leading Americans the need for a more central government to ensure private liberty.
Which of the following is true of the Virginia Plan?
It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house.
Who wrote Notes on the State of Virginia?
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington made a significant statement about slavery when he freed his slaves before taking the presidential office.
In the 1780s, settlers in western areas such as Tennessee and Kentucky:
believed they had a right to take possession of western lands and use them as they saw fit.
Under the Treaty of Greenville of 1795:
twelve Indian tribes ceded most of Ohio and Indiana to the federal government.
The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-house legislature, which gave each state one vote.
Which of the following was a consequence of the Seven Years’ War?
strengthened pride among American colonists about being part of the British empire
The French and Indian War began because some American colonists felt that:
France was encroaching on land claimed by the Ohio Company.
In the Chesapeake region, slavery:
rapidly became the dominant labor system after 1680.
In the 1700s, the militarily-strong West African nations of Ashanti and Dahomey refused to participate in the slave trade.
Which of the following is a true statement about the Atlantic slave trade’s effect in West Africa?
It helped lead to the rise of militarized states in West Africa, whose large armies preyed upon their neighbors in order to capture slaves.
Most slaves in eighteenth century British America had been born in the colonies.
What was the primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?
to bring stability to the colonial frontier
The most successful colonial governors:
used their appointive powers and control of land grants to win allies in colonial legislatures.
Which of the following is NOT true of the Great Awakening?
Its more subdued style of preaching appealed to a wider audience than the older, bombastic style employed by the Puritans.
The language of British liberty:
was used by humble members of society as well as by the elite.
In the portrait of Olaudah Equiano in his book, Equiano holds a:
Which of the following is true of the Louisiana Purchase?
Jefferson expected the land acquisition to make possible the spread of agrarian republicanism.
Which of the following is NOT true of the presidential election of 1800?
Thomas Jefferson’s victory in the New England states proved to be key to his election.
George Washington wore the finest English clothes at his first inauguration.
What was unusual about the Embargo Act of 1807?
It stopped all American vessels from sailing to foreign ports—an amazing use of federal power, especially by a president supposedlydedicated to a weak central government.
The Battle of Washington, D.C., valiantly fought by the Americans, was a much needed victory.
Acre for acre, the Louisiana Purchase was not a bargain.
Jay’s Treaty abandoned any American alliance with Britain by positioning the United States close to France.
Which of the following led directly to the formation of an organized political party opposed to the Federalist Party?
Jay’s Treaty
Gabriel’s Rebellion:
demonstrated that the slaves were as aware of the idea of liberty as anyone else.
John Adams’s acceptance of defeat in 1800 established the vital precedent of a peaceful transfer of power from a defeated party to its successor.
When Andrew Jackson had the chance to obtain African-American help to fight the British in the Battle of New Orleans, he:
recruited free men of color and promised them the same pay that white recruits
New Netherland never became an important or sizable colony in the Dutch empire.
The work of farmers’ wives and daughters often spelled the difference between a family’s self-sufficiency and poverty.
What sparked a new period of colonial expansion for England in the mid seventeenth century?
the restoration of the monarchy in 1660
William Penn obtained the land for his Pennsylvania colony because:
the king wanted to cancel his debt to the Penn family and bolster the English presence in North America.
The cities were the most rapidly growing region in North America by the mid–eighteenth century.
Slavery flourished in Brazil and the West Indies in the seventeenth century because of tobacco.
Elizabeth Sprigs, an indentured servant in Maryland, found her experience to be:
extremely harsh, barely better than that of a slave’s.
Once Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691:
it was required to abide by the English Act of Toleration, which displeased many Puritan leaders.
What inspired the 1715 uprising by the Yamasee and Creek peoples against English colonists in Carolina?
high debts incurred by the Yamasee and Creek in trade with the English settlers
English settlers in New York demanded their rights over their former Dutch rulers through the Charter of Liberties.
A consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion was a consolidation of power among Virginia’s elite.
When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans:
tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans.
The transatlantic flow of people and goods such as corn, potatoes, horses, and sugar cane is called:
the Columbian Exchange
The Spanish justified their claim to land in the New World through all of the following EXCEPT:
defeating the English fleet in 1588.
In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded:
Which one of the following is true of religion in seventeenth-century Europe?
Religious uniformity was thought to be essential to public order.
Bartolomé de Las Casas argued that Indians:
should enjoy “all guarantees of liberty and justice” as subjects of Spain.
Columbus was Spanish.
The Columbian Exchange was:
the transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World.
Which one of the following is true about Native Americans and material wealth?
Chiefs were expected to share some of their goods rather than hoard them.
Both the Aztec and Inca empires were:
large, wealthy, and sophisticated.
Which one of the following statements about Spanish America is true?
Over time, Spanish America evolved into a hybrid culture—part Spanish, part Indian, and, in some areas, part African.
The Olive Branch Petition:
was addressed to King George III and reaffirmed American loyalty to the crown.
Violent social turmoil in rural areas during the 1760s:
involved events in both northern and southern colonies.
All of the following are true of the Declaration of Independence EXCEPT:
its arguments made it a uniquely American document with little relevance to other nations.
During the Revolutionary War, tensions between backcountry farmers and wealthy planters:
gave the British hope that they might be able to enlist the support of southern Loyalists.
The Sugar Act alarmed colonists, in part because it:
threatened the profits of colonial merchants already in economic trouble.
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense:
argued that America would become the home of freedom and “an asylum for mankind.”
The expulsion of the journalist John Wilkes from his seat in Parliament:
symbolized the threat to liberty for many in both Britain and America.
James Chalmers, the Loyalist and member of Maryland’s planter elite, equated independence with slavery.
American leaders viewed the British Empire as an association of equals.
Which of the following is TRUE of the soldiers who fought for American independence?
During the war’s later years, the Continental army relied increasingly on young men with limited economic prospects.
The Quebec Act:
granted religious toleration to Catholics in Canada.
In spite of the revolutionary rhetoric of freedom, indentured servitude was still widely practiced in the northern states by 1800.
What settlement in Africa did the British establish for former slaves from the United States?
Sierra Leone
Approximately how many free Americans remained loyal to the British during the war?
20 to 25 percent
As a result of the religious freedom created by the Revolution:
upstart churches began challenging the well-established churches.
Who was Phillis Wheatley?
a poet who wrote about how African-Americans felt about freedom
Thomas Jefferson’s declaration that “all men are created equal” did not radically alter society.
Republican motherhood encouraged:
greater educational opportunities for women.
For which three accomplishments did Thomas Jefferson wish to be remembered?
the Declaration of Independence, the University of Virginia, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
Because Americans were preoccupied with war, religious liberty was a rather peripheral issue in the 1770s and 1780s.
Which state’s constitution granted suffrage to all “inhabitants” who met a property qualification, allowing property-owning women to vote until an 1807 amendment limited suffrage to males?
New Jersey
Why did apprenticeship and indentured servitude decline after the Revolution?
The lack of freedom inherent in apprenticeship and indentured servitude struck growing numbers of Americans as incompatible with republican citizenship.
mounted a surprise attack in 1622 that wiped out one-quarter of Virginia’s settlers.
Which one of the following is true of poverty in seventeenth-century Great Britain?
About half of the population lived at or below the poverty line by the end of the seventeenth century.
In what ways was Puritan church membership a restrictive status?
Full membership required demonstrating that one had experienced divine grace.
During the English political upheaval between 1640 and 1660:
new religious sects began demanding the end of public financing and special privileges for the Anglican Church.
Why did the Pilgrims flee the Netherlands?
They felt that the surrounding culture was corrupting their children.
Growing connections with Europeans lessened warfare between Indian tribes.
Roger Williams imagined Rhode Island as a feudal domain.
Under English law, married women held many legal rights and privileges.
How did Richard Hakluyt explain his claim that there was a connection between freedom and colonization?
English colonization would save the New World from Spanish tyranny.
In Puritan marriages:
reciprocal affection and companionship were the ideal.
Which one of the following lists these colonies in the proper chronological order by the dates they were founded, from the earliest to the latest?
Jamestown, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island