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82 Cards in this Set

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Freedman's Bureau

1865, They set up schools, and educate 100,000 people to read and write. Primitive welfare department.

Andrew Johnson

Stump Politician, reasonable reconstruction, pardons 13,000 people, 1st time President is possibly impeached (sets precedence)

10% Plan

10% of southern voters to take a pledge that they agree with US, then they can vote.

Wade-Davis Bill

Says 50% of southerners need to take Iron Clad Oath

Black Codes

"slavery under another name," prohibits blacks to owning property, carrying weapons, ect

Alexander Stephens

ex- VP of Confederacy, supported Black Codes

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

14th Amendment

granted citizenship to all born in US

15th Amendment

African American MEN could vote

Seward's Folly

The purchase of Alaska, 1860s


southerner that is a collaborator, go along with reconstruction

Klu Klux Klan

begins in Georgia, harass and kill mainly blacks, but eventually whites that go along with reconstruction

Tenure of Office Act

if an official has to be approved by congress to be put in office, if want to fire you go through congress

Edwin M. Stanton

Secretary of War, reason for Tenure of Office Act

Redeemer Governments

democrats who want to get away from the radical republican ideas, mostly rich businessmen, landowners, and professionals.

Compromise of 1877

republicans will remove troops and give south back, most blacks will lose vote and Burbans take back control

Credit Mobilier

construction company involved with railroad, go to congress and give cheap and free stocks

Panic of 1893

depression lasting 4 years, while Cleveland is president

Pullman Strike

1894, Populist call for federal jobs

Rutherford B. Hayes

becomes president in 1877, advocate for sound money, and had no scandal history

Chester A. Arthur

becomes VP of Garfield in 1880, takes over as Pres in 1881, after Garfield is shot

Pendleton Act of 1883

civil service commission independent from the cabinet. 1st Federal service set up by itself

Grover Cleveland

democrat, becomes president in 1884

Interstate Commerce Commision

1st independent regulatory system, investigates railroads, bad business

Benjamin Harrision

republican nominee for Pres in 1888, most significant gesture was giving job to Theodore Roosevelt. Passes: Disability Penchant Act, Sherman Anti-Trust, Sherman Silver Purchase, McKinley Act

McKinley Tariff

raises tariffs, puts tariffs on farmed good, allows cheap sugar, supposed to help trade

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

passed in 1890, prohibits certain business activities that government deemed un-competitive.

Boss Tweed

mob leader in NYC, employed bribery, graft, and fraudulent elections

Horace Greeley

Editor of NY Tribune, candidate for liberal republican parties (he is their nominee, he dies 3 weeks after votes are counted)

Plessy v. Ferguson

"separate but equal" 1896

Jim Fisk

helped create the Speculative Bubble. 1st scandal that comes to life

Union Pacific Railroad

west from Omaha

Central Pacific Railroad

east from Sacramento (built by Chinese workers)

Cornelius Vanderbilt

buys railroads "consolidating" dies in 1877. Robberbarans

Thomas Edison

most famous American inventor, "nickel deaden," setting up the electric grid (Edison General Electric)

John D. Rockefeller

oil business, oil refining specifically, Standard Oil of Ohio, 1879 he controls 90-95% in the industry

Andrew Carnegie

invest in American Express, steel business (gets bought out), becomes philanthropist

Bessemer Process

1850 method of making cheap steel

Haymarket Square Episode

comes up during strike against Chicago reaper company. bomb thrown, 7 anarchy leaders guilty. 1 Knights of Labor member

American Federation of Labor

1886, formed to keep out knights of labor people that showed up. 500,000 members by 1890s. 1892, Steel Strike against one of Carnegie's companies

J.P. Morgan

Wall Street investment banker. Would put his people in board of trustees in the companies he is involved in

United States Steel Corporation

1901, J.P. Morgan buys out Carnegie Steel, and creates the most successful steel industry, U.S. Steel

Jay Gould

created the Speculative Bubble

Knights of Labor

started in Philadelphia. Industrial Union, anyone can join that has worked for wages (except: lawyers, doctors, bankers, and people that sold liquor)

National Labor Union

1866, 77 delegates get together and discuss political and social reform. (8 hour days, equal rights for women)

Horatio Alger

Rags to Riches,

Hull House

started by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Star, 1889

new immigration

not accepted that well

Thomas Nast

most famous political cartoonist, credited with creating the republican elephant and Santa Claus

Dumbbell Tenement

built in NYC, after the Tenement House Act was passed in 1879

Henry George

"Single-Tax" American writer, politician, and political economist

Louis Sullivan

"form fits function"

WEB Dubois

starts black history, "higher aims in life"

Booker T. Washington

supported Atlanta Compromise, and helped set up NAACP

Johns Hopkins University

founded in 1876; Baltimore, Maryland

Plains Tribes

between Mississippi and Rocky Mountains, buffalo is a main need

Col. Chivington

served in Battle of Sand Creek

George Armstrong Custer

killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn

Sitting Bull

Hunkpapa, Sioux Indian, War leader


captured in 1886, they bring him to a prison in Florida, prominent Indian leader,

Dawes Severalty Act

severing up and dividing the reservations into farms, these Indians are not used to little family units, 86 million acres are lost

Comstock Lode

largest find in mining industry, Virginia City, gold and silver

Mining Frontier

found all over, a pattern is set in 1849: they find gold in California, causes gold rush

Homestead Act of 1862

signed by Abe Lincoln, anyone who had not taken up arms against the U.S., 21 or older or head of house, could file for federal home grant

Populist Party

the "people's party"

Jacob Coxey

leads the populist to D.C.

William McKinley

wins 1896 election, wants unlimited circulation and gold supply, last president of the Gilded Age

William Jenning Bryant

cross of gold speech, also on the Populist ballot 1896, unlimited circulation of silver

William Randolph Hearst

American newspaper publisher who built the nations largest newspaper chain

Joseph Pulitzer

introduced techniques of "new journalism", became leader in Democratic party and became congressman of NY


the United Kingdom, Germany, and the U.S. all claimed parts of the Kingdom of _______, and established trade post


islands were annexed by the U.S. in 1900, and as a U.S. territory saw population expansion and the establishment of a plantation system for growing sugar cane and pineapples. became the 50th state on august 21, 1959

Alfred Thayer Mahan

U.S. navy admiral, geostrategist, and historian, countries with greater naval power will rule

General Weyler

Spanish general, and governor general of Philippines and Cuba

The USS Maine

commissioned in 1895, first U.S. Navy ship to be named after the state Maine

The "Splendid Little War"

Spanish American War, lasted from April until August 1898, U.S. becomes world power, Cuba insurrection causes this war

The Philippines

they thought they would be granted their freedom after the Spanish- U.S. War. They were excluded and the U.S. made it clear its intentions to stay in the Philippines "indefinitely". Taft became governor. they got their freedom July 4, 1946

Emilio Aguinaldo

first American liberators, this causes a 2 year guerrilla war, U.S. takes 7,000 causalities

Teller Amendment

joint resolution of U.S. Congress, April 20,1898, in reply to President McKinley's war message. placed a condition on U.S. military's presence in Cuba

Open Door Policy

1899, John Hay's, proposed to keep China openly trading on an equal basis

Treaty of Portsman

formally ended the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War, Theo Roosevelt negotiated, won Pulitzer Peace Prize because of it

Panama Canal

had to clear up Clayton-Buler Treaty, the Hay Puncefot Treaty clears the way, November 1903 there is a revolt in Panama, we immediately recognize as Free State. Takes 10 years, open for traffic August 1914.