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61 Cards in this Set

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Why did the US government decide to move Indians to reservations?
-European powers were expanding
-Americans stressed how they were different from Europeans
-imperialism and colonialism
-decimation of the bison herds
-chicanery and conquest
Why did the Plains Indians sign the Treaty of Fort Laramie?
-ceded a wide amount of Indian land to allow passage of wagon trains headed west.
-In return government promised that the rest of the Indian land would remain inviolated
-they hope to preserve their culture
What was the outcome for Indians as a result of being settled on reservations?
-poverty and starvation
-were dependent on government handouts and the assistance of Indian agents who, "did nothing but fill their pockets"
-Indians were ruled by outside bureaucrats
-their culture was assaulted, religion out lawed, children sent away to school, all in the name of progress and civilization
What caused the decimation of buffalo herds on the Great Plains?
-environmental and human factors
-fires, droughts, blizzards
-Indian buffalo robe traders(slaughtering), whites, and their cattle
-industrial expansion
-transcontinental rail system out the range into two herds
How had the population of Native Americans changed by the end out the 1880's?
-250,000 left from the 15 million original
what was the outcome of the 1887 Dawes Act?
-reduced Indian land from 138 million acres to 48 million
-dealt a crippling blow to traditional tribal culture
Why did the US army slaughter unarmed Sioux at Wounded Knee in1890?
-Sitting bull was killed
-his people fled the scene and were apprehended by police
-Indians laid down their weapons
-soldiers took weapons from a Deaf Indian, but the gun went off, then soldiers opened fire
What was the Comstock Lode?
-named from Henry Comstock
-richest vein of silver in Nevada
-first major discovery of silver in the US
What was the easiest way to accrue wealth in the silver mining industry
-sell claims of land
-form minion companies and sell shares of stocks
What was the most prevalent ethnic group working in the western mines?
-Irish immigrants
What effect did labor unions have in the western mining union?
-held considerable bargaining power
After 1875, what characterized the lives on women in Virginia City Nevada?
-women made ip 30% of the population
-75% were house keepers
-some had multiple jobs
What was the purpose of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
-Whites were excluding Chinese immigrants and setting order for further immigrants
-the Chinese were thought to have brought the min. wage down
What were the provisions of the 1862 Homestead Act?
-promised 160 acres free to any citizen or prospective citizen, male or female, who settled on the land for 5 years
How did the landscape of the trans-mississippi west change during the latter part of the 19th century?
-transcontinental railroads opened up
-large commercial farms
-corporate consolidation in mining, ranching, and agriculture
How did the Federal and State government encourage railroad construction?
-land grants
How did barbed ware change the cattle industry?
-halted free range cattle leaving many cattle dead and many people displaced of jobs
What caused growth in the agricultural sector of the economy during the latter part of the 19th century?
-fever for fertile land ( Indian Territory opened)
How was the presence of African American cowboys in the west represented in the popular fiction of the time?
-they ignored the presence of blacks and portrayed them as white men
Which big business dominated American life in the second half of the 19th century?
What was the purpose of Vertical integration of business?
-cutting costs by cutting out the middle man
-there was never a price, profit, or royalty paid to an outsider
How did journalist Ida Tarbal characterize industrials John Rockefeller?
-Heartless monopoly
-he used methods to take over the oil industry
-she had a very harsh view of him
What was revolutionary about Alexander Graham Bell's telephone?
-Americans could communicate locally and across the country
-connected both parties immediately and privately
-boom in business, contributing to speed and efficiency
Why did J.P. Morgan issue watered stock
-to keep investors happy and guarantee profits from sale of stock
-issued more shares than the asset of the company warranted
What does the term oligopoly mean?
-several companies control production
-small manufactures followed the lead of US steel in setting prices and dividing the market so each company held a comfortable share
-did not eliminate competition, it blunt it
Why was the theory of Laissez-faire gaining acceptance in the late 19th century?
-french for "let it alone"
-govt. shouldn't meddle in economic affairs except to protect private property
-they wanted to protect businesses from taxation, labor organization, and anti-trust legislation
How as big business aided by the Supreme court's interrelation of the 14th amendment?
-intended to protect free slaves, the state laws violating their rights to protect corporations
-corporations= "persons"
-no state can "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, w/o due process of law"
-legislation deprived corporations of "due process"
What explains high voter turnout in the Gilded age
-Patronage provided an economic incentive for voter participation
-ethnicity, religion, sectional loyalty, race, and gender
What did the advocated of a "New South" in the years after Reconstruction hope to achieve?
-cheap labor and abundant natural resources
-compete with Northern industries
-they wanted money and peer like the north
-What reform movements allowed women to have indirect political influences during the late 19th century?
-National woman's suffrage association
-general aeration of women's club
-temperance movement (to end drunkenness)
Why did those seeking a govt. job worry about passing a qualifying examination?
-made it impossible to remove job holders from contributing in political campaigns, drying up major sources of the party bosses revenue
What job protection for federal workers was put into place by the 1883 Pendleton Act?
-civil service
-set qualifications for US govt. jobs and sought to remove such jobs from political influence
How did president Garfield's assassination aid the cause of civil service reform?
-the people realized that Republicans created a political climate that produced Guiteau and lead to the second assassination in decades
-he wanted to end the spoils system
What scandal surrounded Grover Cleveland in the president election of 1884?
-he fathered an illegitimate child in an affair with a local widow
What issues overshadowed presidents in the late 19th century?
-high tariff
-raise the price of imported goods and stimulate American industry
What groups were the most enthusiastic supporters of tariffs?
-billion dollar congress
How did the debate over tariffs divide the nation? Who tended to support protective tariffs?
-southerners and midwesterners didn't like
-industrialists opposed lowering it
-it made the poor poorer and the rich richer
Why did tariffs pose a threat to the nations prosperity by the 1880's
-it created a surplus that was not used to produce goods and services
What was the purpose and effect of the Interstate Commerce Commission?
-1st federal law regulating the rail roads
-the willingness to use federal measures to intervene in big business on behalf of the public interest
What were arguments for and against bimetallism during the Gilded Age?
-bimetallism=the minting of silver and gold coins
-Rep. congress favored gold, voted to stop buying and minting silver , which was an act silver supporters denounced as the crime of '73
On what basis did the green back labor party want the govt. to issue paper currency
-not tied to the gold supply
-be based on wealth, land, labor, and capital, not reserves of gold
What was the symbolic importance of the Brooklyn Bridge? (completed 1883)
-Industrial might of the US
-labor of the nation's immigrants
-ingenuity and genius of its engineers and inventors
-the rise of iron and steel
-ascendancy of urban America
What caused urban population to increase rapidly in the late 19th century?
-NY, Chicago, and Phili the most
-patterns of global migration
What enables US industrialists to hire cheap labor from around the world in the 1870's?
-railroad expansion, low steamboat fares gave people mobility
What characterized the life of newly arrived immigrants in the US?
-general city dwellers and too poor to move on
-some stayed but some worked for a season and then returned home
Why did southern blacks migrate to northern cities in the 1890's?
-economic opportunity
-escape from institutionalized segregation and persecution
Why did congress enact a literacy test for immigrants in 1896?
-Congress knew the majority could neither read nor write
-they viewed the immigrants as undesirable and thought they brought down wages
What did Jacob Riis hope to accomplish by publishing "How the other half lives"?
-open the nation's eyes to conditions in the cities slums
How did technological advances and mechanization limit the controls of skilled workers on shop floors?
-breaking down skilled work into smaller tasks that could b performed by unskilled factory operatives
Did skilled craftsman have an advantage over unskilled workers when it came to ensuring financial security?
-some work was seasonal
-2 major economic depressions happened
-there was no un-employment insurance or retirement
How did business factors create the new class of white male salaried managers during the Gilded Age?
expansion and consolidation
-offices and sotres
-corporate development separated management from ownership
What group of workers were most impacted by the new business office that included typewriters and adding machines?
-literate, middle class, white women
How did the Great Railroad strike of 1877 begin?
-industrial workers were losing ground in the workplace
-the depression left many w/o work
-man replaced by machine
What were the goals of Samuel Gompers and his American Federation of Labor?
-"pure and simple" unionism
-coordinated the activities of craft unions throughout the US
-organize skilled workers and use strikes to gain immediate objectives (higher pay and better working conditions)
What reform were advocated by the Knight of Labor?
-8 hour workday
-end to child labor
-equal pay for equal work
-graduated income tax
Who organized and who attened the Haymarket gathering in Chicago in 1886?
-Spies and Parson
What culture ideology guided the lives of middle-class American women throughout much of the 19th century?
-cult of domesticity
-women's role in the home
What shifts took place in working class courtship rituals in urban American during the Gilded Age?
-young working women no longer met prospective husbands, only through family
-these women couldn't afford much so they were "treated" by men in exchange for sexual favors
-soon respectability and promiscuity became an issue
What were two elements about public education in American cities that made that institution remarkable?
-free secondary school education for all who wined to attend
-free public library system
What was the function of a "city boss" from the 1870's to 1900?
-building of the city and provided needed social services for new residents
-muscle of the city
What even happened at the "white city" in Chicago?
-Worlds columbian Exposition
-the grandest world's fair in the nations history