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47 Cards in this Set

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Considered transitional govt. that transferred the colonies from under the monarchy to new states. Drawn up in 1777 and ratified in 1781.
Articles of the Confederation
drawn up because of the need for revenue from public domain. Also developed the first survey method.
Land Ordinances of 1785
Banned slavery and stated that you could be a territory with a population of 5K males and apply for statehood with a total population of 60K.
Northwest Ordinances of 1787
Wanted a 3 branch govt. with proportional representation, which would mean that the larger states would have more representation.
Virginia Plan
Wanted a one house legislature with equal representation.
New Jersey Plan
The father of the American Constitution.
James Madison
This group was for a strong government.
This group was against a strong government and for the rule of the people. They demanded a "Bill of Rights" be added to the constitution.
Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
Federalist Papers
He becomes the first vice president to George Washington and and the second president.
John Adams
James Madison was the author. he submitted 19 articles; however, only 10 were actually passes becoming the first 10 amendments in the constitution.
Bill of Rights
Was the first secretary of treasury and developed the Bank of the United States. he wanted to wed together the upper class and the government. He passed the excise tax on whiskey and the assumption bill.
Alexander Hamilton
Believed in the expressed powers of the constitution. Had a more positive outlook about human nature. Pro-French, anti-British
Was a combination of privat and public funds, yet mostly private.
The Bank of the United States
Pennsylvania farmers refused to pay the whiskey tax. This was the first rebellion since the constitution and the government chose to uphold the law to set an example
The Whiskey Rebellion
An Indian conflict in the Northwest. The first conflict since the constitution in which the govt had to protect its citizens.
The Battle of Fallen Timbers
The U.S. stays neutral when France and Great Britain go to war so that we could continue foreign trade.
This was a pro-British version of American neutrality. It was a commercial treaty designed to avoid a war with Great Britain.
Jay's Treaty
French ambassador that tried to gain republican support.
Edmond Genet
Treaty with Spain that gave them the right to deposit at New Orleans' port so that we could sell our goods down the Mississippi river and have a trade port in the Gulf.
Pinckney's treaty
Changed the way the president and vice president were chosen.
12th amendment
War with France. Sends officials to France to negotiate and the French try bribery leading to the XYZ affair. This war brought about the dept. of navy and a standing army of 15K.
Suppresses the right to free speech (news reporters were arrested) and Jefferson argues that the states have not relinquished their right to sovereignty.
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Resulted in an electoral tie between Jefferson and Burr. Decision goes to the House of Representatives to receive one vote per state. This was a very ugly and distasteful election. Jefferson was accused of being an atheist and Adams was accused of being a monarchist.
Election of 1800
Put into effect 16 new federal judgeships. Adams made midnight appointments to elect the new officials.
Judiciary Act of 1801
Appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
John Marshall
Charged tribute on the high seas. If the ships refused to pay the pirates would confiscate their goods and vessels and kidnap the people. This was known as exhortation on the high seas.
Barbary Pirates
Established the proactice of judicial review and ruled that a section in the judiciary act was unconstitutional.
Marbury vs. Madison
He was the first federal district judge that was impeached for political and personal reasons.
John Pickering
Bought for $15 million ($0.4 an acre). Included 800K square miles and developed 13 new states.
Louisiana Purchase
Led by Merriwether Lewis and William Clark. Included 32 soldiers and 10 civilians.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
British enter into Chesapeake Bay and burn part of Washington.
Chesapeake Incident
Andrew Jackson makes a name for himself during this battle and becomes a hero.
The Battle of New Orleans
Orders from Great Britain for a paper blockade of the European coast to cut off free trade.
Orders of Council
Ordered by France, which violated America's rights of neutrality
Continental System
Practiced by the British Navy in which American ships were stopped and naturalized citizens and British deserters were seized and forced into the British Navy.
Put in place to stop all foreign trade. The south complied but the North did not.
Embargo Act
Also known as the modified Embargo Bill, in which trade was reopened with everyone except Great Britain and France.
Nonintercourse Act
Opened trade with Great Britain and France with stipulations.
Macon's Bill Number 2
Chief of the Shawnees who sought to unite all the indians of the North and South.
60 Americans were killed and Tecumseh's camp was destroyed.
Battle of Tippecanoe
Young 2nd generation American political leaders who wanted to take Canada from the British.
War Hawks
Die hard federalists proposed 3 constitutional amendments including elimination of the slave population rule (3/5), limiting representative to one per state, and limiting the president to one term.
Hartford Convention
Peace without victory treaty. British agreed to stop impressments, but would not renounce it as their right.
Treaty of Ghent
Federally funded improvements to build canals for transportation and improve their road systems.
Internal Improvements
Opens Lowell factories in Massachusetts for textile manufacturing. Used young girls who lived on the premises.
Francis Cabot Lowell
A term introduced by Henry Clay to refer to the use of high protective tariffs to build canals and roads.
American System