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199 Cards in this Set

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Give a few examples of ideological differences between USA and USSR.

USA:Private Businesses, Multiple Political Parties, Gov elected by people, Free economy, Great differences in wealth.

USSR:Businesses owned by state, Profits go to state, One-party state, Economy controlled by Gov, Low average standard of living, Wealth equally shared.

Think Freedom and Control

Why did ideologys cause distrust?

Each side had totally different views on how to run a county, and both feared the other ideology being bought into their country. It threatened their way of life.


When was the Yalta Conferance held?

Feb 1945

What were 4 key agreements made at Yalta?

//Liberated East Europe countrys allowed to hold free elections.

//UN formed to ensure future cooperation.

//USSR was allowed to have 'spheres of influence' (misinterpretation, especially in poland)

//Germany to be split into 4 zones, and Berlin (in Soviet zone) aswell.

Mainly agreements made at Yalta. But both sides didnt want the other ideology to gain advantage.

What leaders were at the Yalta Conference? What did this mean?

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.

Churchill was strongly anti-com, but wanted to be close to US. Roosevelt was committed to working with Stalin, who recognised need for cooperation with west. Relationships were good.

What were the interests of each person?

When was the Potsdam Conference held?

July 1945

What were the key agreements at the Potsdam Conference?

//Division of Germany confirmed.

//Nazi Party banned, leaders put on trial.

//Poland to lose some territory to the USSR.

Similar to Yalta

How did the atom bomb impact the Potsdam Conference?

-Stalin hadn't been officially informed about the bombs existence.

-Surrender of Japan, no need to continue alliance.

-Truman probably dropped the war to stop USSR gaining more land in Japan.

-USA had clear advantage.

The bomb ended the war remember. What were the situations before it was dropped. (There are 4 points)

Why had the alliance broke down at Potsdam?

//Stalins desire to make Germany pay reparations opposed by West.

//West wanted independence for East Europe, Stalin wanted them under Soviet influence.

//Red Army had stayed in East Europe instead of leaving.

3 points. What did each side want? What had Stalin done after the war?

What was the Iron Curtain?

Churchill- Descrining invisible line splitting europe in 2.

What did churchill say in the iron curtain speeck. When was it made?

Ussr attempting to spread influence across Europe and increase power.

Invisible line split europe in 2

Made 1946

What was Soviet expansion?

- red army stayed in land taken from nazis after war

- Communism popular after horrors of nazi occupation

- Soviets rigged elections and executed opponents.

3 points

Which countries did the USSR occupy after ww2

Poland, Bularia, Romania, Hungary, Czechslovakia

Please Believe Russia have communism

What was the long telegram?

Us embassy in Moscow report back about developments. 8000 words

What did the Long Telegram state?

-Soviets wanted to spread influence as widely as possible.

- USSR saw USA as its enemy.

- Any attempt at cooperation would fail

3 points

Who and when was the long telegram sent?

Kennan- respected.


Why did the Long telegram increase distrust?

Confirmed Truman's own fears. Large influence in future approach to the USSR.

How did the West respond to Soviet expansion

The long telegram

Iron Curtain Speech

When was the Truman doctrine made?


What did truman say as part of the truman doctrine?

-communisn posed serious threat to world.

-USA would support any country threatened by communism.

-Focus on containment.

3 points

How are the Marshall plan and truman doctrine different?



What were the 3 aims if the Marshall plan?

-aid economic recovery in Europe to stop them turning to communism

-support containment of communism

- create market for US goods to build up US economy.

What did the marshall plan Actually do?

-divide 13 bill among accepting countries.

- Aid offered to East and West.

- Aid supplied in money or resource.

What were the results of Marshall plan?

- economies rebuilt, a.o.l rose.

-us economy benefitted.

-denonstrates commitment.

-com less powerful in west europe.

-division more firm- Stalim forbid east accepting the aid.

How did Stalin react to US policies on Com?

Created Cominform and Comecon

Created 2 groups

What was Cominform?

-ensure unity in East Europe

-Members meet regularly to ensure all following the same policies.

-stalin had more control

-could replace unloyal leaders.

How did Stalin see the Truman Doctorine?

Threat to communism

How did stalin see Marshall Plan?

-Dollar Imperialism. Us gained power over countries accepting aid. Feared they would use that power for world domination

Fight for power

What was Comecon

Countries agree to work together and share resources.

-union of equal partners.

-in reality, all desicions made in Moscow.

What was the relationship between stalin and Yugoslavia?

Tito saw it as independent country.

Unwilling to follow stalin's instructions.

Accepted marshall aid.


What caused Berlin Blockade?

Wests piece of Berlin was embarrassment to Stalin.

West wanted germany rebuilt. Stalin saw it as a threat.

Allies unified their sections. New currency.

unified their sections. New currency.

their sections. New currency.

their sections. New currency.

their sections. New currency.

their sections. New currency.

What was the Blockade?

-1948- miniblockade (military supply routes, traffic restrictions, bridges closed.)

- June- full blockade ( no food, fuel or medicine could reach west berlin, electricity cut)

How did the West respond to the Blockade?


What was the Airlift?

Around 4000 tonnes of supplies delivered by planes each day.

12000 tonnes of coal delivered in Easter parade.

Relationships during the blockade?

-neither side wanted to give in.

-tensions high. war real possibility.

-Stalin not prepared for another war. Couldn't shoot planes down.

Results of blockade and airlift?

-sides pushed to brink of war. Worst relationships ever been.

- West Germany became independent democratic country.

- nato and Warsaw pact formed.

- Belinda remained key location in c.w.

When did the communist revolution in China take place?


Who lead the PRC and what was it?

Mao. Coms won civil war in China and sent nationalists to Taiwan. Coms became known as PRC. Peoples republic of China.

Give the name

What treaty was signed between China and the USSR in 1949

The treaty of friendship


What did the treaty of friendship state?

300 mill in aid sent to china.

8000 Chinese students could study in USSR.

2000 soviet experts sent to help development (advice benefitted ussr more)

China gave 2 major ports to USSR

Try to give 4

How was china different from eastern europe in 1949?

China was communist but would never follow the Soviets. It would always be an independent country.

How did the west see the communist takeover in China?

-faliure of Truman Doctorine.

-Victory for Stalin ( influence over most highly populated country)

-Threat to rest of Asia

Apply to containment

How did the west react to the new government?

-Refused to acknowledge as official government. Saw Taiwan nationalists as rightful government.

What did the West do in response to Maos victory?

Increased funding to Japan and other countries in Asia.

Try to stop threat of com in Asia.

Why were tensions rising in Korea in 1950?

Korea split in 2 at Potsdam. Both leaders wanted to unite Korea under their leadership.

South called for US aid to overthrow North.

North sent raiding parties across border

Who lead in the North and South of Korea in 1950?

Kim- North- Soviet trained politician.

Rhee- South- Commited Anti-Com.

Remember it was Split in 2

What did North Korea do in 1950? And what did Stalin do about it?

North Korean troops invaded South. North asked Stalin for help and Stalin provided them with weapons and equipment.

Think about what the North and Stalin both wanted.

What did the UN vote for in response to the invasion of South Korea in 1950?

USA asked UN to call ceasefire.

UN voted for immediate withdrawal of north korean troops.

North refused so UN sent troops to support Rhee.

Who was Gerneral MacArthur and what happened to him?

Led US forces in Korean war.

Dismissed after calling for the use of a nucleur weapon.

What were the results of the Korean war over the Cold war?

-Shower USA would go to war to contain com.

-Shower power USA had with UN.

-First Proxy war of Cold War. (Indirect fight between USA and Societs.

-Showed USA didnt want direct conflict with USSR or to use nukes (MacArthur)

-USSR equally keen to avoid conflict

5 points.

What was Indochina?

French colony. Didnt want French to rule them after ww2

Who lead the Viet Minh?


It's in the name

What did Minh establish in Vietnam?

Declared independence from french. Established Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

What was Eisenhower concerned about after Minh established independant Vietnam?

Vietnam could fall to com

What's the whole topic about

What did did Minh declare independence?


What happened to Vietnam in 1954?

Split into 2. French in the South. Viet Minh in the north.

What were the most popular rebels called in Vietnam 1945?

The Viet Minh

What was the theory that described how if one country fell to com, countries surrounding it would aswell?

The domino Theory

Where did the domino theory play it's part in the cold war?

The vietnam war. US government thought if South Vietnam became com became communist the ideology would spread to the rest of Asia.

What do dominos do?

What policy did Eisenhower establish to avoid conflict and growing stock of nukes?

The New Look Policy

What did the New Look Polict do?

Sent money and Equiptment to South Vietnam to help secure country.

Who lead South Vietnam. What type of leader was he?

Diem. He was corrupt and brutal but since he was anti-com, still had US support.


What was Vietcong?

National Front for liberation of South Vietnam. Aimed to overthrow Diem.

When was Vietcong established?


What did the USA do about Diem after Vietcong established?

Secretly backed his assassination in 1963. Hoped new leader would improve situation.

After Kennedy was assassinated, how did the situation in Vietnam change?

Full US military involvement in Vietnam.

When and Why was NATO formed?

1949 - Response to Berlin Blockade

Think about what else happened at the time.

When and Why was the Warsaw Pact formed?

1955 - Reaponse to West Germany joining NATO.

What was the purpous of NATO?

Collective defense and military strategy. If one member came under attack it would be seen as an attack on the others.

Why would the USA want NATO?

It meant they could have troops stationed in Europe. This would help if soviets attacked.

What was the purpous of the Warsaw Pact?

Balance out the power of NATO and protect security of East Europe.

Think about why it was formed.

Was the Warsaw Pact a collective organisation?

Officially yes, but in reality all armed forces controlled by USSR and all decisions made in Moscow.

When did the first manmade satellite, and who sent it?

1957, the USSR

What was the name of the first manmade satellite to orbit the earth.


How was Sputnkk seen by the US?

A failure. The USA had also been working on a satellite. This soviet victory was also seen as a triumph for com.

The USA was also trying to do the same thing

What were the 2 reasons the space race developed?

-Propaganda - both wanted to show superiority and lead world into modern age.

-Weapon development - US concerned nukes could be launched using the same system.

How were the space ease and Soviet missiles linked?

US feared they could launch nukes with rocket system.

Soviets created ICBMs. Missiles that could be carried thousands of miles using rockets.

Who did the USSR send to be the first human in space?

Yuri Gagarin

When was the first human sent to space and who by?

1961 by the Soviets

Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

What 2 'races' occured between superpowers during the C.W.

The Space Race

The Arms Race

What date was the Hungarian Uprising?


Where was Hungary after ww2?

In the soviet sphere of influence

Not location

From 1949, who lead hungary?


How did Rakoski lead?


-didnt tolerate any opposition

-secret police helped him keep firm grip on country.

How did hungarians feel under the lead of Rakoski?

Resented his brutality and didnt like Moscow's right control over the country

Who was Stalins successor, when did they take over?

Khrushchev. Took over in 1956

How was Krushchev different from Stalin?

-he criticized stalins brutality.

-wanted a more open and peaceful gov.

so-called for 'peaceful coexistence with West

-new approach known as 'De-stalinisation'

What did hungarians think about the change in soviet leadership?

Particularly students, saw as opportunity to bring change and gain greater independence.

What demands did Hungarian students make in the 1956 uprising?

-greater freedom and civil rights

-Removal of Rakoski, Return of Nagy.

-Withdrawal of Soviet troops

3 points

Who was Nagy?

Exiled communist from hungary. Supported reform. Returned as leader 1956

How did krushchev respond to the growing violence in hungary 1956?

Keen to avoid violence, ordered withdrawal of soviet troops.

What greater reform happened after the soviets left?

Nagy agreed to withdraw from the warsaw pact and announced hungary was an independant, neutral country.

What desicion if Nagy pushed Krushchev into taking action?

His desicion to withdraw from Warsaw pact and become a neutral, independant country.

Why did Nagy decision to Withdraw from Warsaw Pact worry Krushchev?

He worried other members would be inspired to follow their example. He needed the pact as defense against the Wests NATO.

How did the soviets respond after Hungary withdraw from Warsaw Pact?

Soviet tanks entered country and crushed the uprising.

Nagy was trialed and executed and replaced with Kadar who was brutal and totally loyal to Moscow.

How did the West respond to the Hungarian Uprising?

Eisenhower made clear that Hungary was within Soviet sphere of influence and interference risked direct conflict.

What did the UN call for in Hungary 1956 and how did the USSR respond?

UN voted for the USSR to withdraw but USSR vetoed it.

What did the Hungarian Uprising show about USSR and USA?

Krushchev was willing to do anything to keep countries under Moscow's control.

USA wouldn't interfere with countries behind the Iron Curtain.

What was ment by 'thaw in terms if the C.W.?

Easing of tensions between the superpowers.

How high did the U2 spy planes fly?

23000 metres

Who flew the U2 spy plane shot down by the USSR?

Gary Powers

When was a U2 spy plane shot down?


What did Eisenhowet claim to spy plane was?

A plane studying the weather that got lost

Not a spy plane

Why didnt the USSR accept that the U2 plane was a weather plane?

They had evidence. A camera, the pilot was still alive as he hasn't taken the suicide pill they also found on him.

What was the name of the meeting Eisenhiwer and Krischev were supposed to meet at to push the thaw further?

The Paris Peace Summit

What did Krushchev do at the Paris Peace Summit?

Walked 9ut of the Summit after Eisenhower refused to apologise and before any discussion could take place.

What did Eisenhower promise Krushchev after the U2 crisis?

He promised to suspend spy flights. This meant he would set them up again eventually.

What happened after the Paris Peace Summit between the 2 leaders?

Nothing. Krushchev cancelled Eisenhowers trip to the USSR later that year and refused to meet him again.

What was the intentions of the paris peace summit?

Build on Krushchev peaceful coexistence. And Eisenhower hoped to end his presidency both improved relationships between the 2.

How did the U2 crisis affect the 'thaw'

The thaw came to an abrupt halt and relationships got worse between the 2.

How did east berlin feel about the West?

They could see the west had luxuries and freedom that they didnt. Many defected to the west to live a better life.

What problem did west germany have to take action on in 1961

Too many easy berliners were defecting. They were losing too many valuable workers.

How did East Germany stop East berliners defecting?

Troops lined the border to stop anyone from crossing.

They put barbed wire fences up and eventually replaced it with a concrete wall.

What were the reasons soviets claimed they out the berlin wall up, and what was probably the real reason?

Claimed it was to stop western spies entering soviet territory, but probably to stop the educated people who were leaving. They also couldn't see what life was like across the border anymore.

When did Kennedy take over as president?


How did people view kennedy?

Many saw him as a break from the past, but critics saw him as too inexperienced.

What happened when a US diplomat attempted to cross the Berlin wall

There was a standoff at the border with tanks at eachside

What was the checkpoint name at the berlin wall the tanks had a standoff at?

Checkpoint Charlie

How was the standoff at the berlin wall averted?

Kennedy and Krushchev agreed to withdraw. Reversing their tanks 5 metres at a time.

What were Kennedys views on the Berlin Wall.

He was angered by it, but thought as long as west Berlin remained free, it was not worth foung to war over.

What did Kennedy do in 1963

Visited the wall, looking over into the East, he gave a speech.

In Berlin

What did Kennedy show in his speech on the Berlin wall?

Made clear that USA remained committed to fighting communism.

Who led Cuba before 1959?


What was Batistas lead like?

His government was corrupt and Brutal.

Who called for Recolution in Cuba against Batistas gov?


What year did Castro take over as leader of Cuba?


What was the relationship between Castro and the USA when he first took over?

Castro visited the USA and said he was willing to work with them but Eisenhower refused to meet him

What did Castro do after he took power in Cuba?

Reorganised the way the country ran and took businesses into state ownership. Some of these were American.

Where is Cuba in term of America

Cuba is just south of America

Geographical Location

How did Castro respond to the USAs refusal to work with him?

Turned to the USSR to help him build economy.

What did the USA do when Cuba turned to USSR for its economy, how did Cuba further react to this?

Placed an embargo (total ban of trade) on the country. Cuba became totally reliant on the USSR.

What is an embargo?

Total ban of trade

What did the USA choose to do in 1961 involving Cuba?

Planned to help Casteos opponents retake Cuba. When Kennedy took office he gave the plan his approval.

What was the Plan to help Catros opponents retake Cuba?

Exiles trained by the CIA would take control with assistance from the US airforce.

What assumption did the Plan to retake Cuba mostly rely upon?

That the invasion would inspire other Cubans to join in.

What was the main problem in the plan to retake Cuba?

Before the plan was out into action, it became clear Cubans would not join the invasion and supported Castro.

The plan was illegal under international law.

Why was the plan to retake Cuba put into action?

5 mill had been spent on preparations. It was decided the plan was worth the risk.

Where did the Cuban exiles land in the invasion?

The Bay of Pigs

What change to the plan to retake Cuba did Kennedy make at the last moment?

Withdrew support of US airforce.

Exiles were left exposed and nobody came to their aid.

What were the consequences of the Bay of Pigs plan?

-Obvious the US had broken International Law.

-USA humilitated.

-Kennedy looked weak and incompetent.

-Castro pushed further into alliance with USSR.

How did the USSR take advantage of their alliance with Cuba?

Sith Cuba being so close to the US, it was the ideal place to have missile.

When did the first missile arrive in Cuba?


What did Kennesy do about the missiles in Cuba?

Ordered a blockade of Cuba. The US navy would fire on any ship attempting to reach the island.

What term could describe the situation during the Cuban missile crisis?


They were on the brink of war

Krushchev sent a letter to Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, what did it say?

That he would remove the missiles from Cuba.

What was in Khrishchevs second letter to Kennedy during the Cuban Missile crisis

Another promise to remove the missiles, but also the demand that Kennedy remove his from Turkey and Italy.

How the the Cuban Missile Crisis benefit Krushchev?

-Publically claimed he removed the missiles to encourage world peace

-Showed he would support smaller countries against US

-Cuba remained close ally of USSR.

-US missiles removed from Italy and Turkey.

4 points

What were the consequences of the Cuban missile crisi from Krushchev

Concerns over how he handled the crisis was one of the issues that led to his removal from power

What were the benefits of the cuban missile crisis for Kennedy?

-showed he could stand up to Khrushchev and silenced many of his critics

-Removal of missiles from Cuba, no direct nucleur threat to the US.

What was a consequence of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Kennedy?

They no longer had missiles on Turkey and Italy.

What was introduced after the Cuban Missile Crisis to avoid a similar crisis?

A special phone hotline between the White House and the Kremlin.

What was the Partial Test Ban Treaty? Why did it come about?

Banned the testing of nucleur weapons except underground. Most likely becuase of the cuban missile crisis

What treaty banned nucleur testing except underground? When was it introduced?

Partial Test Ban Treaty. 1963

How did the Cuban Missile Crisis affect the arms race?

Both sides maintained a large collection of weapons, but recognized the arms race wouldn't continue as it had.

What was life like in Czechslovakia before 1960s?

- controlled by moscow

- Press/media controlled. Opposition banned.

- No opportunities to see life outside the country.

Its behind the Iron Curtain

What was happening to Czechslovakia in the 1960s?

- Economic Problems mounting

- Leader corrupt and unpopular.

- Calls for reforms growing. Sik in particular wanted ordinary people to have more power

- Moscow rejected calls for change

What did Moscow do to calm the situation in Czechslovakia 1968?

Replaced leader with Dubcek.

What did Dubcek do, did the Soviets approve?

Began Introducing new reforms. Moscow wasn't happy but allowed them, encouraging Dubcek to go further.

What were the changes in Czechslovakia known as?

The Prague Spring

When did Brezhnev take power?


Who succeeded Khrushchev?


When was the Prague Spring?


What did the Warsaw Pact leaders decide to about reform in Czechoslovakia?

Carry out military actions along border.

Sent clear message to dubcek

Later also sent Warsaw letter warning Dubcek to back down

How did Dubcek respond to the warnings of the Warsaw Pact? What did this result in?

He refused to back down on his reforms.

Warsaw Pact leaders decided to use force to solve the problem.

How did the soviets try to take back control of Czechoslovakia?

Soviet forces entered the country and took co trol of Prague.

How did Czechoslovakia respond to the invasion of the soviets in 1968?

There was some civilian Resistance, but dubcek ordered army not to resist.

Prague spring over and new give installed by moscow

How did other com countries respond to invasion of czechslovakia in 1968?

-outraged by USSR actions

-Act of Imperialism

-Protests in Yugoslavia and China

-Red Army damaged reputation if soviet leadership.

-For many, faith in com destroyed

5 points

How did the USA respond to the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968?

-US wanted to avoid increased tensions, and more concerned over Vietnam but still cancelled a meeting between Brezhnev and Johnson.

Hiw did the west respond to the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia?

Condemned the invasion and made an attempt to pass a resolution or statement, but USSRs veto made this impossible.

What was the Brezhnev doctorine?

Gave speech Making it clear that if any other Warsaw Pact country did the same thing as Czechoslovakia, it would face the same consequence

How did the Brezhnev Doctorine impact the west?

At first, USA ended talks to improve relations with USSR, but changed this to save the progress that had been made.

How did the Brezhnev Doctorine impact China?

China was suspicious and worried that the ISSR might interfere in China.

By late 1960s both sides were keen to avoid high levels of tensions, but there were still 2 major issues. What were they?

Vietnam and Human Rights

Why was Vietnam still a major issue in the late 1960s?

US involvement grown significantly and the USSR saw US actions as an attempt to force cap on an area embracing com.

War only ended 1973. With vietnam being com.

Hiw was human rights still a major surve of tension in late 1960s?

Lack of free speech and other human rights within USSR concerned US. The issue did not disappear but leaders chose not to push the issue.

What was Detente?

The period from late 1960s to early 1970s that saw improved relationships between superpowers.

What name refers to the period of easing tensions between late 1960s and early 1970s?


What are the 4 main reasons for Detente?

-China-Soviet split

-Nucleur Issue

-Lessons of Conflict

-Economic Issue

How did the China-Soviet split cause detente?

Relationships between china and soviets deteriorated. US started to build relationship with the worlds second com superpower.

China was still com

How did the Nucleur issue cause detente?

Cuban Missile Crisis showed neither side willing to use nuclear weapons.

Concerns less stable countrys could develop nucleur weapons.

How did lessons of conflict cause detente?

War in Vietnam showed nukes didnt help. Neither side wanted war and talking made sense.

Hiw did the economic issue help detente?

Both countries spent billions fighting C.W. Continuing Arms race would've bankrupted USSR

What was he name of the talks between superpowers that began in 1969?


What was SALT?

Serious talks between superpowers beginning 1969.

What are 2 treaties signed at SALTs

-Banning new ballistic missiles

-Reducing number of anti-ballistic missile defense systems.

Who were the main figures in easing cold war tensions?

Nixon and brezhnev

What happened as a result of the use of atomic bombs in Japan, in terms of nucleur development?

Stalin felt threatened and poured money and research into developing his own. Kicked off the arms race.

When was the atomic bomb on Japan detonated?


When did Soviets detonate their own first atomic bomb?


What happened to defense budgets during the arms race?

Rose on both sides as more and more weapons developed

What was meant by Mutually Assured destruction (MAD)?

Knowledge that if one side launched a weapon, the other would retaliate and both sides would be destroyed.

What could be one of the main reasons a nucleur bomb was never launched during the cold war?


What was brinkmanship?

Each side pushing eachother to the 'brink'of using weapons against the other, knowing they would eventually back down.

What was the CND?

Campaign calling for Britain to ban nukes.

Why didnt people want nukes?

People questioned whether they were morally right

Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

What did Krushchev want from Eisenhower regarding the U2 crisis? Did he get it?

An apology, but Eisengower refused to apologise even after admitting it was a spy plane

What reforms did Dubcek introduce?

-removal of state control on industry.

-allow public meetings and freedom of speech.

-end press censorship

-rights to visit non-com countries

-allow trade unions