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60 Cards in this Set

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Andrew Carnegie
One of the most famous robber barrons. Created Vertical organization.
Babe Ruth
Major League Baseball player for the New York Yankees. He was the first Highly commercialized athlete and led to the athlete of today
Birth of a Nation
Debuted in 1915 and was the story of the south's redeemers and glorified the Klan and there objectives. It lead to the re-rise of the Klan and the teens. It also pioneered new and different film techniques
Bonus Army
WW1 veterans that felt that the bonus they were due to get in 1945 they wanted early so that they could spend more money thus helping the country get out of the depression. MacArthur was sent by Hoover to push back the marchers but he took it a step farther and burned there camp
Booker T. Washington
Black Rights Activist. Said that the blacks needed to work for there equality not just be given it. He also created the Tuskegee Institute to help educate blacks.
Brigham Young
Was the American Leader of the Mormon church after Joseph Smith died. Led them out to Utah to settle. He helped expand the influence of the Church as well as make its own territory that eventually became a state.
Buffalo Bill
American Soldier, Buffalo Hunter And Showman. He made people believe in the stories of the wild west and led to the expansion of traveling shows across oceans.
Bull Moose Party
Also known as the progressive party. Created by a split in the republican party, the split was caused by Theodore Roosevelt pulling out after loosing the republican nomination and still felt he could win
Carrie Chapman Catt
A women's Suffrage Leader. She was NAWSA's president twice. Her second term was at the climax of the movement where they got the 19th amendment ratified.
Charles Coughlin
Canadian born Roman Catholic priest. He was the first person to use radio to reach mas audiences for his Sermons.
Espionage and sedition acts
Laws that allowed government agents to take information that was detrimental to the War effort. The agency that enforced the this ended up being the FBI which allowed the government to more involved in law enforcement.
Eugene Debs
A socialist Party Leader. During his lifetime he garnered five presidential nominations. He lead to a large growth of the socialist party in a limited way.
A new liberated women that tended to wear their hair short and be rebellious towards the old ways of women. They led the movement to realize the womens freedoms and enjoy there lives.
Flint sit down strike
Occured in 1936-37 the autoworkers physically occupied the plant but didnt do anything and didnt let management or others in. This lead to the unionization of the american autoworkers and thus making the car industry what it is today.
Fourteen Points
A speech delivered by Woodrow Wilson to a joint session of congress on January 8th 1918 his goal was to assure everyone the war was being entered for the correct reasons. This led to the united state firmly coming out to the world and stating what type of imperialism they were going to be.
Frances Perkins
was the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet. She was one of the main forces behind the New deal and those programs that are still in effect today.
Harlem renaissance
This is the great movement of blacks to Harlem during the 1920's. During this movement black culture exploded and many new equal rights movements as well as music just to name a few came out of Harlem.
Haymarket Strike
Occured May 4, 1886 and was a rally in support of striking workers, as police began to disperse the crowd someone threw a bomb at police and so the police fired into the crowd. The results of this encounter allowed the government and buisnesses an example of why they shouldnt join a union.
Homestead riot
This was a labor lockout and strike from one of Carnegies steel plants that went on for about a week it ended in a battle between private security force and the strikers. this led to many of Carnegies anti-union feelings because of how much this cost him
Huey Long
Governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 he led to a lot of reforms in his state and regained its wealth from before the redeemers tore it down. He took on his states problems and solved them.
Hull House
most well known settlement hous in the US, co-founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. Located in the Near West Side of Chicago, Illinois. this showed the people of these communities that people actually thought about them and wanted to help them improve there lives.
"I didnt raise my boy to be a soldier"
A song that represented the pacifist movement of entering in WW1. Its prominence on the national political stage made people of many different movements join forces in hoping to radically change the governments mind.
Immigration act of 1924
It limited the immigration of people from that country to 2% of the current population in the US. This led to people feeling as though each new immigrant could be completelyamerican before the new batch came in.
Jane Addams
Founder of Hull house in chicago Illinois. She showed people that the women should take care of not just there own personal home but the area surrounding it as its where your kids play
Jim Crow Laws
State and Local Laws that were enacted between 1876 and 1965 that were suppose to provide seperate but equal facilities. this led to blacks opportunities to become educated and improve their lives to diminish greatly.
Knights of Labor
The first group who attempted to organize laborers into a group for workplace protection. They started a trend that in the end created many other labor unions after this one died.
A group the comes up throughout american history that seems to protect white superiority through violence and intimidation. They helped bring and end to reconstruction and bring into power Jim Crow laws, they seem to make sure that people they dont like dont succeed
League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson's vision to prevent future world wars from occuring where all the nations would meet and help solve conflicts between countries before they escaladed to war. It Failed because americans didnt want to be involved in european affairs they just wanted to stay over in the western hemisphere and let them be.
Margaret Sanger
american birth control activist and founder of Planned Parenthood. She was the first person to let people know that sex for pleasure was ok and that it could be done without the risk of babies occuring
American Journalists that dug up the dirty facts about the big buisnesses of the progressive era. The pieces that these journalists wrote really led to the government making the different industries have to be checked by the government to stay in buisness.
19th amendment
womens Sufferage. this made it so that women theoretically could have a voice and make an impact on government they lived under.
A new deal agency. Advocated the necessity of having happy workers that are well paid. It led the workers to getting better wages and more respect from there employers if something were to happen
Plessy v. Ferguson
The decision by the supreme court that held up segregation. Homer plessy was the plantiff in this case.
employed people to build libraries and other government jobs. it helped employ people and stimulate the economy allowing people to spend more money.
Red Scare
The period of strong anti-communist movement between 1917 and 1920. this led to many people freaking out about the communists and how they could undermine the democracy here in the US.
Robert M. Lafollette
A politician who served as a Wisconsin congressman as well as a governor while eventually running for president in the progressive party in 1924. He was best known for his anti-trust feelings as well as being a leading progressive.
Sacco and Vanzetti
Two Italian born laborers that were anarchists and who were convicted of murder and then executed after many appeals. They seemed to be scapegoats when we look back because during this time there was a feeling that people couldn't trust immigrants so it was an easy way to get those people who weren't "american" scared straight.
Sand Creek Massacre
A occurance in the Indian Wars that happened on Nov. 29th 1864 where colorado militia killed a whole camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho indians while the men were oout hunting so everyone was women and children. This angered the indians and led them to continue to resist the american forces trying to push them out of there lands.
Scopes Trial
A trial that was set up to test the Butler Act in Tennessee which prohibited the teaching of evolution john scopes was the teacher chosen. this trial was one of the first broadcasted trials and it also included two high profile figures of William Jennings Bryan as Prosecution and Clarence Darrow as the defense.
Social Security Act
A new Deal program which basically said that after the age of 65 then people can start getting monthly checks from the government to open up jobs for the younger generations who are just leaving there training and trying to find jobs.
"Strange Fruit"
A song about lynching in the south performed by Billie Holiday. this song made people realize how common these occurrences were that it had become almost like fruit.
The Gilded age
the era after reconstruction era, it was defined by the wealthy become even more ridiculously wealthy as well as the creation of big buisnesses. This led to the laborers of this time period becoming more poor as well as people started moving into cities and off farms thus working in factories.
The grapes of wrath
A book written that follows a family during the dust bowl and there move to california in an attempt to find work and prosperity. It mad people realize how bad it truly was and that it can be prevented
The Great Migration
the movement of blacks out of the south to the north. This allowed many of them to get better jobs in factories as well as escape jim crow south and be treated as equal.
The Maine
The US navy ship that was blown up that led to the spanish-american war. This caused the americans to get invloved with the cuban fight for independence.
Trust busting
Any government related activity that is designed to break up monopolies or trusts. This brought an end to the businesses such as rockefellers and carnegies trusts and made it so that there competition actually had a chance.
W.E.B Dubois
A black civil rights activist. He was a precurser to MLK and he ended up trying every possible method to achieve equal rights.
War industries board
Government agency established during WW1 to coordinate the purchase of war supplies.this led to mass production of war supplies over the nation after everything was standardized for the supplies. a precursor to our bulk orders of food or any other items.
welfare capitalism
when in a capitalistic state requires its businesses to provide welfare to its workers after firing them or them getting injured. this made businesses care about keeping up its machinery and create working conditions that keep the workers safe.
William Jennings Bryan
A democratic party presidential nominee as well as the prosecutor in the scopes trial. He was a man who seemed to be the perfect president but in the end he never realized it and put forth a worthy campaign.
A nickname for members of the international workers of the world. it is another way for the laborers to gain some sort of protection from the companies, though this one had a far more communist view on the direction labor should be going.
Yellow journalism
Journalism that downplays the real headlines for more catchy ones. With its popularity rising many events were blown out of proportion because the newspapers felt they could make a larger profit from certain stories.
Zimmerman Telegram
the german telegram to the mexicans that we intercepted that was asking them to attack the US if they were to enter the war. this was one of the major reasons for entering the war.
Aimee Semple McPherson
one of the first evangelists ministers that did her sermons towards the end of her career over the radio. she created one of the first mega churches.
Alice Paul
Suffragist leader Joined (NAWSA) in 1912. when the 19th amendment was past she was currently one of the major leaders.
American federation of labor
one of the first labor unions in the US. They tried to change the face of labor and make it so that the laborers could challenge the businesses thus creating a better workplace.
Congress of Industrial Organization
A labor union that wished to create sub union by what you worked upon. Proposed by John L. Lewis and it inspired the first sit down strike which required the companies to recognize the unions and thus making it easier for people to stay healthy and stay employed with believable wages.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Payed farmers to not grow as many crops. This led to the government having to buy the surplus crops thus keeping the prices up as well as keeping the agriculture industry a float.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
took young men and paid them 30dollars a month and made them send 25 dollars home. They worked on flood control and other odd jobs out in nature to improve it.
The People's party
The populist party. In 1892 the party was formed and at the convention in st.Louis the platform was created. It was told to be a radical platform