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70 Cards in this Set

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Mesopotamia, one of earliest writings, symbols

Athenian Democracy

Athens, middle class demanded say in gov., Athenian assembly

Punic Wars

Between carthage & Rome, most famous wars in Roman history, 3 total wars (2nd most challenging), Rome wins them all, signifance instill confidence to Rome to expand more.

Pax Romana

Long period of relative peace and minimal expansion of military force by roman empire, established by Augustus Caesar.


The dominate, Great Prosecution vs. Christians, established tetrarchy, name means: master, god, & son of Jupiter

Julius Ceasar

Dictatorship for life, ruled like king, but did not call himself king, 1st triumvirate, assassinated by senators, beware ideas of march


Siddharta Gautama, sought answer to suffering, enlightenment= nivavana, Buddha= Enlightened one, sacred text= Tripitaha, accepted 4 noble truths, then followed 8 fold path

Qin Shihuangdi

Qin dynasty in china, first universal emperor, named china after root word Qin


Muhammad follower and family, split of Umayyad's to Shi'ites and Sunnis


eastern church closed to innovation/questioning; Constantine's persecution of icons so intense that pope spoke out against practice, threat to western church practices, caused separation east & west churches.


both name mutual agreement/obligation in feudal system, may involve military support/protection, lord=noble who held land, vassal= granted possession of land by lord

Synod of Whitby

church council on anglo-saxon England, roman rite wins, sends bishops

Venerable bede

ecclesiastical history on English people, person, first church history in Europe, invented because AD dating.

Alfred the Great

great writer unifier of anglo saxon, king of wessex


Viking controlled eastern England, land of the Danes


central Asian nomads, invade German border, settled modern Hungary, made regular raids, stoned by defensive walls, henry the fowler, Otto I ended Magyar raids


Scandinavia orgin, motivation for movement: 1. population 2. pressure 3. primogenture


one of motivation for movement of Vikings (reason for raiding Europe), first inherits entire state; excludes females & youngest son (son because keep property in the family & undivided)


Byzantium guard, swedes in eastern Europe, name given to Vikings by greens and east slaves

William the Conqueror

Battle of Hastings vs. Harold G (killed), conquered England, creates Norman England, brings in arm nobles priests, basis for future English kingdom gets throne to England as result,


feudal society, principle of rural economy that originated in villa system in rome, lots of farming, money based market economy

Hanseatsic League

North Europe, towns est. house for trade, excluded outside competition, protection & security for cities

Cluny Abbey

a Benedictine monastery that was founded by Duke Williams I of Aquitaine

Cadaver Synod of 897

a name that was given to the trial of catholic pope formossus

Investiture controvesy

the most significant conflict between church and state in medieval Europe


In African religion, method of obtaining answers to questions, oracles & mediums

Ethiopian Christianity

sub sahran African countries, divided into several groups, oldest: Ethiopian Orthodox Tweahedo church, protestants- 2nd larges, oriental orthodox-largest, 60% of pop. Christianity.


city in north Europe, naval & trading power

Emperor Hongwu

mind founder, ming-brilliant


mind gov, class of guys cclose to emperor, enforcers

Emperor Yongle

youngle encyclopedia, ming dynasty 3rd emperor, created Beijing


capital of ming dynasty in china, created by emperor yongle

The forbidden city

place for emperor & gov. officals to live, fenced in by moat

Yongle encyclopedia

history, philosopy, & literature, 50 million words, ming china

Zheng He

traveled all over, admiral, huge fleets, massive man power

Treasure ships

carried ambassadors, soldiers, scholars to foreign lands, carried tribute back to china

Printing press

old chine technology, rag paper, block printing, invented by Johannes Gutenburg

Johannes Gutenberg

invented moveable type printing press, help spread info quick & accurate, increase scientific knowledge, ended church controlled info


concern for this world


humanity (not God) center of attenion


individual achievements over community


genral curiosity & questioning for authority

Niccolo machiaveili

itailian humanist, philoshopher, historian, renaissance, wrote the prince

The Prince

political teatsive


great khan


1235 capital completed


the postal system

Khubilai khan

also known by the temple name Shizu, and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in china.

Great famine

1315-1317, wet spring: difficulties, rotten seed, small harvest, depleted reserves, malnutrition, weakened pop., widespread suffering, slow recovery arrivals & people very weak

Great plague

slow spread ofdisease because low pop., density, plague of Justinian, carriers: Asian black rats and fleas, cities hit hardest, not as bad in countryside, visited Europe repeatedly

Yersinia pesti

bacterial strain of plague by fleas & rats


radicals in catholic church, practices of extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping with various things


papacy of 8 straight popes that were French, problems: finance-embraced simony/indulgences, loss of prestige- not much of one, identity crisis- no interest in returning home to Rome

Papacy/ "Babylonian Captivity"

criticism of having 8 straight French papers, Petrarch, Jews captives in Babylon

The great schism

roman line vs. avinaon line, serious problems, anxiety=real people, solution conciliarism (church council)

Hundred years' war

between England & france, over control of French throne, result of dynastic disagreement during William the conquerer, lasted 100 years


during great schism, church council that solved problem w/ popes

Joan of arc

folk heroine of France, morman catholic saint, led France army to several victims in hundred years war


country in west africa


language in Mozambique channel in Africa; European influence

East African Slavery

most were indentured servants, very common in Africa, ancient

Kinship groups

group of people related by blood or marriage, depending on each other

Cocordat of worms

an agreement that brought to an end the first phase of the power struggle between the papacy and the holy roman emperors

Seljuk turks

was the new muslim power in east; 1058 captured Baghdad, then continued expansion

Battle of Manzikert

fight between the Byzantium and Seljuk turks

Pope Urban II

launched the first crusade

First Crusade

(1096-1099) started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expendition by Roman Catholic Church to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim Conquest of the Levant (632-661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099

Chingis Khan

1206 universal leader; military-based society, admin, efficiency


Inheritances (4)


was the third son of Genghis Khan and second Great Khan of the Mongol Empire by succeeding his father