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37 Cards in this Set

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1492. Columbus. Sharing of plants and animals between the Americas and Europe. Diseases were shared that Indians didn’t have immunities for, so a lot of Native Americans died. Corn and potatoes to Europe allowed for an increase in population because they were easy to grow and fed a lot of people.

Columbian Exchange

Person. 1484-1566. Friar in Mexico, said Indians shouldn't be slaves, started African slavery. Called Protector of the Indians.

Bartoleme de las Casas

Spanish conquistador, 1484-1566. In Mexico, defeated the Aztec Empire.

Hernan Cortes

First person to go around the world in 1522. Portuguese. Discovered new land for Portugal.

Ferdinand Magellan.

System where Spanish people come over and get slaves who are Indians. South America during the 1500s.


Second generation Spaniards in the Americas. 1600's. Setup social hierarchy for Spanish being at the top.

Criollos (Creoles)

Economic system where things are controlled by the people, not the government.


War between the French and the Indians and the British and Colonists. 1754-1763. Caused taxes to be raised in America, causing Revolutionary War.

Seven Years' War

German Catholic Priest, nailed Theses to the door of church in 1517. Said Catholic church was corrupt, prompted Protestant Reformation.

Martin Luther

1545-1563 in Europe. Catholic response to Martin Luther's claims of corruption. Created more supervision for priests.

Catholic Reformation

European monarchs during 17-18th centuries who said they had "Divine Right" (God gave them power) so revolutions are bad. Gave kings absolute power.


1642-1651. Fight between Parliament and King Charles, King Charles ended up being beheaded by Parliament, giving Parliament and the people more power.

English Civil War

King of France in 1600s, said "I am the state!" Showed absolutism. Built Versailles to impress political rivals.

Louis XIV (14th).

1500s. Italian astronomer and scientist, contributed greatly to the Scientific Revolution.

Galileo Galilei

Slave trade between Americas and Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. Africans captured other Africans and sold them to Europeans. Breakdown of African society.

Atlantic Slave Trade

Serfs were attached to the land they lived on, the owner of the land owned rights to use the serfs. Abolished in Russia in 1861. Made poor people poorer.


Triangle of trade between Africa, Americas, and Europe. Slaves, sugar, and manufactured goods. Made the world more connected and slave trade more popular.

Triangular Trade

Ruler of Kongo in 1500s. Spoke out against Portuguese use of slave trade, tried to make laws so people couldn't be stolen to be slaves.

Nzinga Mbemba

Located in West Africa, influenced by Portuguese culture. Shows how European culture affected Africa during the slave trade.

Kingdom of Kongo

Turkey, formed in 1299. Islam's most important empire. Cultures came together here. Accepted Christians to their empire, Christianity was threatened by it.

Ottoman Empire

Longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigned from 1520 till his death.


Came to Persia after 1500. Imposed Shia Islam, fought a lot with Ottoman Empire.

Safavid Empire

Arabic term that refers to a person who fights in the military. People think of it as being religious warfare.


Created by Turkic Mongols in India in 1526. Included Hindus in India, made Hindus and Muslims together.

Mughal Empire

1405-1433. Expeditions led by Zheng He, Muslim Chinese explorer. Went to the East African Coast. Encouraged migration of Chinese to Japan.

Zheng He Expeditions

Civil servants appointed by emperor of China to work in the government after taking a really hard test. Made learning important in China.


1368-1644 Dynasty in China where emperor had all the power. Based on Confucianism. Extremely legalistic.

Ming Dynasty

1552-1610. Italian missionary to China, brought Christianity to China. Tried to convert from the top down, talked a lot to important people.

Matteo Ricci

Last Japanese military government between 1603 and 1868. Hated foreigners, killed missionaries, cut Japan off from the rest of the world.

Tokugawa Shogunate

17th Century. Ruler of Russia. Made Russia more like Europe through changing the government

Peter the Great

Last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. During Romanov reign, Russia became major European power.

Romanov Dynasty

Longest ruling female leader of Russia. 1762-1796. Made religious tolerance for Muslims. Made Russia more like Europe.

Catherine the Great

Two products involved in the Columbian Exchange.

Corn, potatoes, horses, pigs.

Important Enlightenment thinker who called on people to "Dare to know!"

Immanuel Kant

English aristocrat who observed smallpox inoculations in the Ottoman Empire in the early 18th century.

Lady Mary Mortley Montag

Name one figure important in the Scientific Revolution

Galileo Galilei

The king who famously exclaimed "L'etat, c'est moi!" (I am the state!)

Louis XIV of France