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55 Cards in this Set

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Battle Of Adrianople
(378 AD)
-Huns attack Visogoths, Visogoths petitioned Romans to settle as allies in the roman empire
-Poman officals tricked and cheated Visogoths
-Vigogoths rampaged
-East Rom. Emp. lost army and ruler in the battle
Septimus Severus
(r. 193-211)
-Campaigns against Partians and Germans
-Won Battle for the throne in 192
-created Donative= cash payment to soldiers if their general wins
Roman Stoicism
-Living a just life
-Constancy to duty
-Courage in adversity
-service to humanity
Marcus Aurelius
(r. 161-180)
-#5 of 5 good emporoers
-troubled by invasion of Parthians and Germans
-Wrote "Mediatations"
- stoic idealism and love of humanity
-Replaced lost pop. with germans who were recruited to fight
(r. 117-138)
-#3 of 5 good emporers
-stabalize boundaries of the empire
-put up walls in Germany and Britain
-Founded new cities
-restored old cities
-constructed public works:Pantheon
-#2 of 5 good emporers
-Wrote "Germania"
-Germans are like us, we used to be how they are now, we should go back to those ways...family oriented
Pax Romana
Roman Peace
-started under augustus and reached its peack under the 5 good emporers
-Rediscovery or culture
Herold Godwinson
-Claimed English kingdom in 1066 after
-defeated by william the conquorer at the battle of hastings
Magna Carta
-"The Great Charter"
-signed by john lackland
-guarantee certain feudal rights
-kings powers were limited, not absolute
Hanseatic League
Commercial League of mostly german cities ranging from english channel to baltic sea
Wars of the roses
-Civil war between yorkists & lancaster over succesion to english throne
Henry VII Tudor
(r. 1485-1509)
-Victory of bloody 30 yr. battle
-popular and effective monarch
-national unity and secrurity
Hundred Years War
-England vs. France
-warfare over english holdings and feudal claims in france
-Sulton of Egypt and Syria
-Inspired 3rd Crusade in 1189
-Saladin vs. Richard the lion hearted
-agreed to 3 yr. truce and free access to jarusalem for christian pilgrimage
7 major crusades and numerous small expeditions warred against the muslims
Seljuk Turks
-took over jarusalem preventing christian pilgrimage to see the holyland
-Abbisid Muslims
-"The Prophet"
-Born in arabia, orphaned
- created religion of islam
-converts= muslims
-the god= allah
-koran= book revelations
Charles Martel
-mayor of the palace in 714
-"The Hammer"
-Battle of tours vs. muslims
-victory-- saving chrisitanity
-heavy cavalry is effective
-invented stirrup and saddle
- increased knights
Tetonic Knights
-aimed to protect pilrgims
-didnt marry
-swore to poverty
-connections in europe
-main presence in holy land
-perpetual war against muslims
Fedinand and Isabella
-Of Castile
-Of Aragon
-United 2 powerful christian stand
-control most of Iberian peninsula
-dominant power in europe
Lombard League
-Cities in Northern Italy joined togeher to resist Fredrick I (barabarosa)
Marcus Tullius Cicero
-one of the greatest masters of latin prose and an outstanding intellectual force in Roman History
-wrote philosophy political theory, rhetoric
-passed onto the romans and later ages of greek thought
Caliphate of Cordova
-ruled Iberian Peninsula from 929-1031
-Umayyad Dynasty
-combined Norman institution with AngloSaxxons
-desended from william the conquorer
-came to rule the angevine kingdom
-English Representative Assembly
-Fromed in 1295 by Edward I
Fredrick II
-King of the 2 Sicilies
-oragnized and led 6th crusade
-excommunicated 2 times for the same thing
-Holy Roman Empire
-to distribute adminstrative functions of powers of a central authority among several local authorities
-redistribution of an urban population and industry to suburban local authorities
-poitical unit
-state inhabited by a group of ppl sharing a common nationality
Fortified Place
-place protected against attack
-miliatary works
-Lating Kingdom of Jarusalem
-County of Tripolis
-Principality of
-promise to lord he would remain loyal
-primary duty is milarty serivce
-could assit in rendering justice
-rights to demand $$ (aids)
-grant made to vassal in exchange for military serivice
-income of land= income to vassal
*or Suzerain
-ruler that exercises political control over a dependent state
feudal hierarchy:
Duke- Dukedom
Knight-Kightly fief
Serfs or Coloni } 90% of pop.
System of ethical ideals
-gentlemanly conduct
-gallantry towanrd women
(traces back to illiad and odessy)
-Coat of arms that identified you on a battlefield
-type of gov't where political power in exercised locally by private individuals rathers than agents of a centralized state (800-1000)
supervise or "Kings Envoy"
Missi Dominici
or MarkGraft
Karl Der Grosse
Charles The Great
-king of Franks and Holy Roman Empire
-Empire in 300 divisions under a count/graft
-capitol= New Rome
-not sophisticated gov't
-he choose all the officials
-Rise in middle/merchant class
"$ class"
Hosptitaller Knights
-cared for sick knights
-13th cent.
Templar Knights
-semi monastic
-helped develop holy lands
-headquarters were an old temple site of jarusalem
-military orders
Alfred the Great
-King of Anglo Saxxon, Wessex
-defeated against Danish Vikings
King Arthur
-leader during invading Anglosaxons
-Knights of round table
-associated code of chivalry
Robert Guiscard
-Norman Adventurer
-Conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily
-Count and Duke
Franks and Christianity
-strongest of germanic tribes
-Alamani= tribe of the allmen, were arian christians
"jesus is a warrior god"
Clovis I
(r. 481-511)
-merovingian Dynasty
-united franks
-only orthadox christian ruler in the west
-occupied paris and gaul
Germans and the Roman Empire
-faced eachother across the rhine-Danube River
-rome traded into germany
-germans entered rome as slaves
-germans settled on vacated land and served in roman army
-kept in check by arms, walls, diplomacy and gifts
Constatine the Great
-favors christianity
-collected taxes
-decrees= tied ppl to their land and occupation
-rome is longer the capitol...its moved to Byzantium and renamed Constantinople
Flavian Dynasty
Vespian (2 sons)
1. Titus
2. Domitian
-autocratic rulers
-right of conquest and inhiertiance
-"Most Sacred Lord"
-reestabolish boundaries
-reconstruct empire
-issued new coins based on gold ans silver
-price and wage freeze
-gave away the west rome
-kept east b.c it needed the most work
-retired in 305
Economic Problems Of later Roman Empire
-loans at a 5% interest rate
-drain of $ to east to purchase luxury silks and spices
-monetary inflation
2. Tacitus
5. marcus aurelius