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76 Cards in this Set

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Most rapid freezing agent

Liquid Nitrogen


Knife Temp:

Tissue Temp:

Environment temp:


-uses CO2 gas from CO2 cylinder

Knife Temp: -40 to -60 C

Tissue Temp: 5 to -10 C

Environment temp: 0 to 10

Cryostat ProcedureKnife Temp: Tissue Temp: Environment temp:

Optimum working temp?

Mouting media used?

Temp: maintained at the same temp near -20C

-18 to -20C

Von Apathy's Gum syrup

20-30% BSA



Fixative used in Freeze substitution

Rossman's formula or 1% Acetone

Formalin does not react with either fixation is elevated to ____ for RNA and _____ for DNA

RNA - 45

DNA - 60

Only fixatives that can preserve lipids

Osmium tetroxide and Chromic acid

Concentration of Glutaraldehyde for small tissue fragments? For large tissues?

Recommended for?



Enzyme histochem

Electron Microscopy

Aldehyde fixative that contains 95% ethanol with picric acid and glacial acetic acid

Alcoholic Formalin

AKA Gendre's Fixative

Contains 2% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer


For Electron histochemistry and electron immunocytochemistry

Mixture of glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde that is used for tough specimens that cannot be fixed by glutaraldehyde.


-for electron cytochemistry

Mercuric chloride fixative that does not produce black granular deposits.

Heidenhein's susa

-used for skin tumor biopsy

Solution used in removing black deposits due to mercuric chloride fixatives.

Saturated Iodine solution in 95% alcohol

-used in dezenkerization

Chromate fixative for Rikettsia.

Orth's Fluid

Fixative for acid mucopolysaccharides

Lead fixatives


Solidifies at 17C

Glacial HAc

Fixes and dehydrates at the same time.

Used for brain tisue fixation for rabbies diagnosis

Also fixes Nissl Granules


-most rapid fixative

Most rapid fixative

Functions as a fixative and a weak decalcifying agent

Trichloroacetic acid

Acetone fixative optimum temperature.

-5 to 4C

Used for removing white formalin ppt


Intense eosinophilic staining at the center of the tissue(H&E) due to partial coagulation of partially fixed protein

Crush artifact


Optimum temp?

Optimum time?


18 to 30 C

24 to 48 hours


Decalcifies and Softens

Perenyi's fluid


Recommended for teeth and small pieces of bones.



Dehydrating and Clearing agent (2)


Dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide)

Method for dioxane dehydration in which tissue is treated with pure dioxane solutions, treated in paraffin baths, and embedded in mold and cooled in water.

Graupner's vs Weiseberg's

Graupner's Method

Method in dioxane dehydration in which tissue is wrapped in a gauze bag ang suspended in dioxane containing a little anhydrous calcium oxide.

Graupner's vs Weissberg's

Weissberg's method

Clearing agent used as a substitute for Xylol and banzene.


-tends to acidify in partially filled vessels

Clearing agent that penetrates rapidly which may cause aplastic anemia.


Clearing agent that doesnt make tissues tarnsluscent but removes alcohol.


Hepatotoxic after prolonged inhalation.

Cheaper version of chloroform

Carbon tetrachloride

Requires 2 changes of clearing agent.

Ceadarwood oil

Clearing agent used for double embedding techniques

Methyl salicylate and Methyl benzoate


Manual vs Automated

Manual - 4 changes

Automated - 2 to 3 changes

Method in celloidin impregnation where equal parts of ether and alcohol is used.

Wet celloidin

Method in celloidin impregnation

Gilson's Mixture: equal parts of chloroform and cedarwood oil

Dry celloidin method

-for pricessing whole eye sections

Method in celloidin method in which eqaual parts of ether and alcohol, in lower viscosity is used.

Nitrocellulose method

-has tendency for tissue to crack.

Impregnating agent used for specimens with large hallow cavities, hard and dense tissues, large tissue sections of whole embyo


Impregnating agent used for delicate specimens and frozen sections


Impregnating agent for ultrathin sections

Plastic or Resin

2 adjustable L-shaped strips


Made up of series of interlocking plates resting in a flat metal base

Compound embedding unit

Special stainless steel base mold fitted with a plastic embedding ring

Plastic embedding rings and base mold

Cochineal dye + Aluminum chloride

Best Carmine

-for demonstration of glycogen

Vegetable dye extracted from Lichens by the actions of NH3 and air


Orcein vs Saffron

Extracted from plant crocus sativus.

Incorporated by Mason into CT stain


Orcein vs Saffron

Link between tissue and dye


Not essential and does not participate to the chemical reaction of dye.

Hastens staining.


KOH for Loeffler's Methylene Blue

Phenol for Carbol thionine and Carbol fuschin

Complex between mordant and certain dyes, which then attaches to the substrate.


Lake vs Accentuator vs Mordant vs Base

Tissue elements are stained in sequence, and staining solution is applied for a specific period of time

Progressive staining

-no decolorization or differentiation is required.

Direct vs indirect vs progressive vs regressive

Tissue is first overstained to obliteraye the cellular details, then decolorized, then counterstained

Regressive staining

Direct vs indirect vs progressive vs regressive

Chief solvents for stains



Alcohol - Methanol should be absolute; Ethanol- various concentration(acetone free)

Aniline water

Ripening of Harris' Hematoxylin

Mercuric Chloride

Sodium iodate vs mercuric chloride vs alcohol iodine vs potassiun iodate

Ripening agent of Ehrlich's and Delafield's hematoxylin

Natural or Sodium iodate

sodium iodate vs mercuric chloride vs alcohol iodine vs potassiun iodate

Ripening agent for Gill's and Mayer's hematoxylin

Sodium iodate

Sodium iodate mercuric chloride vs alcohol iodine vs potassiun iodate

Ripening agent for Cole's hematoxylin

Alcohol iodine

sodium iodate vs alcohol iodate vs alcohol chloride vs potassiun iodate

Ripening agent for Crazzi's hemaroxylin

Potassium iodate

Potassium iodate vs mercuric chloride vs alcohol iodine vs sodium iodate

Stains hemoglobin


Benzidine vs Janus green vs Gentian Violet vs Iodine

Stains RNA(red) and DNA(green)

Acridine orange

Benzidine vs Janus green vs Acridine Orange vs Gentian Violet vs Iodine

Stains amyloid, elastic tissue, myelin

Congo Red

Benzidine vs Congo Red vs Gentian Violet vs Iodine

Stains ascaris eggs

Malachite green

Benzidine vs Malachite green vs Gentian Violet vs Janus Green

Stains Mitochondria

Janus Green

Benzidine vs Janus green vs Gentian Violet vs Iodine

Detects Herpetic lessions

Vulvar Scrape

Vulvar Scrape vs Vaginal Scrape

Procedure for patients with hysterectomy

Vaginal scrape

Vulvar Scrape vs Vaginal Scrape

For hormonal evaluation

Lateral vaginal scrape

Vaginal scrape vs Lateral vaginal scrape vs 4 quadrant scrape

For localization of vaginal adenosis

Four quadrant scrape

Vaginal scrape vs Lateral vaginal scrape vs 4 quadrant scrape

Hormone that promotes growth and maturation of superficial cells


-seen in the first half of cycle

Estrogen vs Progesterone

Hormone that acts on intermediate cells


-causes rapid desquamation of superficial cells

-high in pregnancy

Progesterone vs Estrogen

Polygonal squamous cells usually identified by the presence of pale, pink-staining cytoplasm and dark pyknotic nuclei

Mature superficial cell

Parabasal cell, Mature superficial cell, intermediate cell

Medium sized polyhedral or elongated cells with basophilic and vaculated cytoplasm

Intermediate cells

Parabasal cells, Basal Cells, Endometrial Cells, Intermediate Cells

Boat-shaped intermediate cells that has a strong tendency to curl

Navicular cell

Basal cell, Navicular cell, Pregnancy cell, Endometrial Cell

Round, oval, or boat-shaped cell with nucleus at the side due to glycogen accumulation

Pregnancy cells

Basal cell, Navicular cell, Pregnancy cell

Round to oval cell with large vesicular nucleus

Parabasal cell

Basal Cell, Intermediate Cell, Endometrial Cell

Small round to slightly oval cells with relatively large nuclei and strongly basophilic cytoplasm

Basal cells

-seen before puberty and after menopause

Parabasal cell, Basal cell, Pregnancy cell, Endometrial cell

Cells occuring in tightly pack of 3 or more foubd durung 1-10 days after menstruation and sheds in response to ovarian hormones.

Endometrial Cells

Endocervical Cells, Endometrial Cells, Basal Cells

Finely vacuolated cells showing honeycomb appearance when viewed on the end

Endocervical cells

Endocervical Cells, Endometrial Cells, Basal Cells

Abnormal cells seen in diabetic patients characteristic of sish kebab appearance

Candida albicans

Candida, Doderlein bacillus