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34 Cards in this Set

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What is epimysium and what type of tissue is it composed of??

outermost tissue surrounding the outside of a muscle..composed of dense, irregular collagenous connective tissue

Perimesium and what is it composed of??

Less dense collagenous CT that surrounds bundles/fascicles of muscle


Composed of reticular fibers and a basal lamina, and it surrounds each individual muscle cell

Multiunit smooth muscle

contains cells that can act independently of each other because each cell has its own nerve supply

Unitary smooth muscle

Contains cells that all contract together because they contain gap junctions allowing for communication between the cells

What type of cells are in the gray matter of the spinal cord?

Neuroglial cells and Nerve Cell bodies

What type of cells are in the white matter of the spinal cord?

Glial cells

What are the layers of the gray matter in the cerebellum?

Surface of Cerebellum is composed of Pia Mater

1. Molecular Layer

2. Perkinje Cell Layer

3. Granular Layer

What type of cells are located in the molecular layer of the cerebellum?

1. basket cells and stellate cells

What type of cells are located in between the molecular layer and granular layer of the cerebellum?

Perkinje cells

Layers of Cerebrum

1. Molecular Layer

2. External Granular Layer

3. External Pyramidal Layer

4. Internal Granular Layer

5. Internal Pyramidal Layer

6. Multiform Later

What type of cells are in cerebrum?

Granule Cells

What covers cerebrum?

Pia mater

What is located in the cytoplasm of a cell body located in the sympathetic ganglion?


What type of cells are located in the peripheral nerve?

Schwann cells (myelin sheath around axons is composed of schwann cells)

What type of neurologlial cells are specific to the CNS?

Astrocytes, Ependymal Cells, Microglial Cells, Oligodendrites

Function of astrocytes?

Largest of neuroglial cells, provide structural and metabolic support to neurons, to scavenge ions, NT's, formation of blood brain barrier

Oligodendrites Function

electrical insulation and myelin production in CNS

Microglial Cell Function

Phagocytotic ability protect CNS by removing debris, cellular damage, microbes, viruses, and tumor cells

ependymal cells

low columnar to cuboidal epithelial cells that line ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord..they aid in transportation of CSF with their cilia

Main cell of PNS

Schwann cell which can be myelinated or unmyelinated

What type of cells are located in the anterior pituitary?(pars distalis)

chromophobes(light) and chromophils(Dark)

What type of cells are located in the pars nervosa of the pituitary gland?

Herring Bodies and pituicytes

Cells located in thyroid gland?

Parafollicular=calcitonin secretion

Follicular cells=t3 and t4

Parathyroid gland is responsible for secretion of?

PTH=regulates calcium levels in the blood

What type of cells are located in the parathyroid gland?

1. chief cells=secrete PTH

2. Oxyphil cells

Adrenal medulla secretes what?

epinephrine and norepinephrine(catecholamines)

Adrenal medulla has what type of cells?

chromaffin cells

What does adrenal cortex secrete?


PIneal gland has what type of cells?

Brain sand, pinealocytes, and interstitial cells

What type of cells are located in the Zona Fasciculate?

Spongiocytes(more vacuolated)

What type of glands are located in the dermis?

Eccrine glands

What type of glands are located only in the armpits, nipple and anus?

Apocrine sweat glands

What type of glands secrete sebum near hair follicles?

sebaceous glands(holocrine)