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12 Cards in this Set

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What are three unique cells of the liver?
ito cells
kupffer cells
what are hepatocytes
liver cells that perform most major functions of liver, they have microvilli on sinusoidal side to increase absorption, secrete bile from one surface into the canaliculi, secrete lymph from another into space of disse
what are ito cells?
ito cells store fat and vitamin A
they sit between hepatocytes in space of disse

Also called stellate cells
what are kuppfer cells?
they are liver monocytes/macrophages that remove debris (old blood cells) they form part of the lining of the sinusoid
Describe blood flow in liver
blood from hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery flows from portal areas towards the central vein through the sinusoids.

The central veins coalesce to allow blood to leave trhough the hepatic vein
describe the flow of bile in liver
bile is secreted by hepatocytes into canliculi between cells (no into the sinusoids), collects in the portal area bile ducts which coalesce to allow bile to leave the liver through the hepatic bile duct
describe the flow of lymph in the liver
lymph is secreted by hepatocytes into the space of disse between the endothelial cells anc hepatocytes. it flows towards the portal area lymph vessels which coalesce
hepatic sinusioids have which type of enodthelial
discontinuous fenestrated ???
what are the functions of bile?
excretion of cholestreol phospholipids, bile salts conjugated bilirubin and electrolytes
contribuest to fat absorption in the intestinal lumen
transport IgA to the intestinal mucosa
excrestion of metabolic products of drugs and toxins processed by hepatocytes
production of bile acids that inhibit growth of bacterial i the small intestine
does transport of bile from hepatocyte to canaliculus require energy?
yes it is an is an ATP dependent process!
what are the functions of the gallbladder?
concentrates bile up to 10x and stores bile between meals
stores up to 50 ml
release bile due by muscular contraction in response to cholecystokinin and neurol stimulation
regulation of hydrostatic pressure in the billiary tract
Describe the histology of the gall bladder:
pear shaped musclular sac
covered by visceral peritoneum
lacks submucosa dn muscalaris mucosa
numerous mucosal folds
connected to viscerl surface of the liver by loose connective tissue

surface compose of simple columnar epithelium