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32 Cards in this Set

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By what means did the earliest inhabitants of North America arrive, according to most scholars?
Bering land bridge
Which archaeological sites in North America predate the Clovis, New Mexico site?
Mt. Verde Chili, Metocraft PA, Cactus Hill VA, Topper SC
Why did Chaco Canyon stop serving as the center of Anasazi culture?
Prolonged drought, forced people to move
What was a major unforeseen consequence of Portugal’s early exploration of the West African coast?
Slavery, development of African slave trade with Europe
What was accomplished by the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)?
Bahamas landfall + Euro exploration Spain and Portugal major powers split land between the two
Did Ponce de Leon make Spain’s first claims to mainland North America?
What principal method did the Spanish use to convert the native population of Florida to Christianity?
Schools: reading, catholic-chrisitan doctrine
What several elements necessary to compete with other nations for colonial outposts did England possess by the time of Queen Elizabeth’s death in 1603?
Enclosure movement: nobility enclose themselves to their property, population growth, large growing navy
Describe the several aspects of the headright system as it related to the English colonization of Virginia.
Free transport to VA, 50 acres of land to each laborer, 7 years of indentured servitude, English civil rights (traditional)
Did European world expansion during the sixteenth century lead to legal conflicts and the growth of international maritime law?
How did Native Americans respond to European invasion during the 1600s?
Adopt white ways, go to war them, or have peace with them
What name did the French give to their claim of all the land drained by the Mississippi River and its tributaries?
Although the Pueblo revolt was ultimately crushed by the Spanish, in what way did it also succeed?
Ended system of fort slaver
What did the Comanche use the Spanish horses they acquired after the Pueblo Revolt to do?
Moved into plains of Texas and became buffalo hunters
What happened to many of the surviving Indians after their defeat in Metacom’s War (1675-76)?
Shipped to West Indies (basically a death sentence)
What happened as a result of Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)?
Traditional voting rights of House of Burgesses restored , increased dependency on African labor, stronger tension between natives and colonists
How were the Spanish able to secure a temporary peace with the Comanche during the 1740s?
They granted the Comanche access to the rescate, slave ransoming, at Taos in exchange for peace. This gave the Comanche a secure place to trade their hides, meat, and captives.
Describe the dynamics of the redemption contract and the redemption system.
Agents recruited migrants, paid for passage, migrant could sign a pact with employer of their choosing, the employer would pay off the loan, and in return the migrant worked for employer for number of years with room and board.
What strategies did South Carolina use to increase the white population of the colony?
Exempted newcomers from taxes for years, plentiful food, no servant obligations, freedom of religion, gave 65 acres to head of household and guaranteed more if they brought friends.
In which region could one find the greatest concentration of colonial wealth by the mid-eighteenth century?
By 1700, did European sailors consider their inability to determine longitude as the single most important barrier to the expansion of overseas trade?
Which nations did Spain fear would attempt a challenge to their claim and possession of California?

It was passed for raising further revenue to pay for defending the British colonies in America. It required stamps to appear on a variety of articles in America after November 1, 1765. The list included legal contracts, land deeds, liquor licenses, indentures, newspapers, almanacs, and academic degrees, playing cards, and dice. Lawyers and printers had to purchase stamps from designated agents, who then had to sell them to customers and clients. There was little debate in Parliament against it. Patrick Henry started the revolt against the Stamp Acts harshness saying that they should only be taxed by themselves. Virginia went as far as to say they were not bound to obedience to the tax and anyone saying otherwise was an enemy. Eventually it became full blown protest even forcing the stamp distributor to resign. These protestors called themselves the Sons of Liberty, who promoted street violence. They did this because they were being taxed with no representation in British Parliament and did not like the harsh hard taxes.
Britain and Russia
Why did the British government establish the Proclamation Line of 1763?
Avoid further war with Indians
Were social, economic, and geographic divisions among British American colonists gradually replaced by the perception that a government conspiracy was intent on depriving them of their liberties?
What was the most effective form of protest exercised by British American colonists during the 1770s?
Did colonial critics object to revenues from the Townshend Duties of 1767 being used to support colonial governments because their colonial assemblies would lose the power of the purse?
Discuss the passage and impact of the Stamp Act of 1765 on the American colonies. How did the colonists react to the legislation? Explain why.
It was passed for raising further revenue to pay for defending the British colonies in America. It required stamps to appear on a variety of articles in America after November 1, 1765. The list included legal contracts, land deeds, liquor licenses, indentures, newspapers, almanacs, and academic degrees, playing cards, and dice. Lawyers and printers had to purchase stamps from designated agents, who then had to sell them to customers and clients. There was little debate in Parliament against it. Patrick Henry started the revolt against the Stamp Acts harshness saying that they should only be taxed by themselves. Virginia went as far as to say they were not bound to obedience to the tax and anyone saying otherwise was an enemy. Eventually it became full blown protest even forcing the stamp distributor to resign. These protestors called themselves the Sons of Liberty, who promoted street violence. They did this because they were being taxed with no representation in British Parliament and did not like the harsh hard taxes.
Why did the English ultimately reject the use of Indian slaves?
Familiar with territory, deer skin trade ruined, war fears
Summarize the provisions of Virginia’s Negro Act of 1705.
White servants could sue for mistreatment, slaves could not, slaves could be killed or dismembered with no charge and property payment would be given for deaths
Who encouraged the slaves that participated in the 1739 Stono Rebellion to revolt?
Spain and Britian
Did the British Caribbean receive the largest number of African slaves during the eighteenth century?
Explain the causes, development, & impact of Metacom’s War on New England colonists and the Wampanoag people.
Metacom died, his wife and child sold to slavery and the rest of the Indians became second-class inhabitants. Indian man who was great in the white ways was assassinated and the indians believed to have killed him were executed, which started the war