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63 Cards in this Set

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What is the Neolithic Revolution?
- the transition from a hunter gather society to agricultural society
What were the effects of the Neolithic Revolution?
- ice age, disease, population growth, beginning of civilization
How did the Sumerians view the afterlife?
- negatively
What types of politics did the Sumerians have?
- kings with city states
Where do the Sumerians worship there gods?
- ziggurat
What is a ziggurat?
- Sumerian temple
What is cuneiform?
- sumerian form of writing
Who was Hammurabi?
- wrote the law code
- eye for an eye concept
- equality between people of the same class
How did the Egyptians view the afterlife?
- pleasant, good
What were politics like in Egypt?
- kings practiced ma'at
What was the women's role in Egypt?
- she could own property but could not vote of hold political office
Who is King Narmer?
- he is known for the unification of Egypt
What is Ma'at?
- doing what is right
Who are the Hyksos? Who are the Sea Peoples?
- foreigners from Canaan, immigrants
- pirates, fearsome, raiders or attackers
Who is Hatshepsut?
- first female Pharaoh who disguises herself as a male
Who is Akahenaten? What did he emphasis?
- heretic king
- emphasis on worshiping one new god
What was the Phoenicians most important contribution?
- alphabet
Who was the main enemy of the Hebrews?
- the Philistines
Who was the first patriarch of the Hebrew people?
- Abraham
What is the Hebrew covenant?
- to worship Yahweh and Yahweh alone.
- Yahweh gives law to Moses
What is significant about Moses?
- he receives the law on Mount Sinai
What is the tabernacle?
- a portable place of worship for the Hebrews
What was King David's major accomplishments?
- defeated philistines, made Jerusalem capital, established government - tax collection systems and democracy
Who built the Hebrew temple?
- King Solomon
Who built the temple and who destroyed it?
- Solomon built it
- Babylonians destroyed it
What was Assyrian's process of empire building like?
- terror, force, deportations, tribute, worship of Assur - god of war
Who defeated the Assyrian Empire?
- Medes and babylonians
What was Persia's process of empire building like?
- toleration
Who was the founder of the Persian Empire?
- Cyrus the Great
What was Darius I accomplishments?
- satrapies and the royal road
What is a satrapies?
- territory, how the Persian Empire divides into administrative territories, or Providences
What type of teaching in zoroastrianism?
- moral dualism - world is divided into 2 opposing forces - good and evil - that are conflicting with each other
What is the importance of the Ionian Revolt?
- it leads to Athens involvement with Persia
What are the 3 Persian Wars?
- Battle of Marathon
- Battle of Thermopylae
- Battle of Salamis
What is the Battle of Marathon?
- when Persians attacks Athenians, wanted to punish for serving in Ionian Revolt
What is the Battle of Thermopylae?
- Spartans get to show emphasis on courage and bravery
Who wins the Battle of Salamis? How?
- Athens win
- how: sea battle, lures Persian ships into narrow space
What is the significance of Persian War for Western civilization today?
- Athens won, so it preserved the cultural that would affect the western civilization
What is the Greeks government structure like?
- city states
Why was citizenship important in Greece?
- you can vote
What was the role of women like in Greek?
- there was a restriction for women. They couldn't vote or hold political office
- however, they could be citizens
What is the Polis?
- Greek word for city
What are hoplites?
- soldiers that had to purchase armor and fight in a phalanx
What is a phalanx?
- military formation
Who were the Helots?
- slaves to the Spartns
Who is Solon of Athens? What does he do?
- an archon
- cancels private debts of citizens, bans seling citizens into slavery, connects political power to wealth instead of birth
What is an Arhcon?
- a judge or magistrate
- unique to Athens
What is a tyrant?
- person who has sole political power, will use power for good sometimes (public work projects), gain goodwill of the people
What is ostracism?
- temporarily exiling citizens out of city prevent to becoming tyrant
What does Pericles establish? How does he restrict citizenship?
- he establishes direct democracy - any male citizen can propose legislation
- both parents have to be citizens, archons
What was the Peloponnesian War/ Delian League?
- it was initially a millitary alliance and tries to build an empire with it instead (main Greek city state - Sparta) (athens = delian league)
How did the Peloponnesian War begin? What is the result?
- Athens bothers, Sparta attacks to prevent building an empire
- sparta wins
What is the importance of the Peloponnesian War? What happens to Athens
- Greece falls apart politically
- thirty tyrants
Who are the thirty tyrants?
- people from Athens who really like Sparta
they destroyed democracy in Athens
- eventually kicked out
Who is Plato?
- philosopher who things that kings who are philosophers should run the government
Who is Aristotle?
- he emphasized observation
- tutored Alexander the Great
What was Alexander the Greats method of empire building?
How does he try to bring the people together? How does he try to achieve this?
- mixed of terror and toleration based on level resistance
- mixing cultures (Hellenism)
- adopts a lot of Persian customs, founding new cities, mixed marriage and military
Who does Alexander the Great leave in charge?
- he doesn't name an heir, and he dies
Why is the Battle of Chaeronea important? What does it do to Greece?
- battle where King Philip conquers Greek city states
- falls under Macedonia control
What is Hellenism?
- attempt to blend different cultures together
What is ruler cults?
- worship of a powerful king or queen
What is the Maccabees revolt?
- where Judas the Maccabees starts a revolt
- contamination of Jewish temple with Greek gods
What is the Socratic Method?
- Socrates method of teaching through conversation, in which he asked probing questions to make his listeners examine their most cherished assumptions.