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37 Cards in this Set

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What is seroprevalence of HSV?
70% for 1; 25-30% for 2
How is HSV-1 tmitted?
What are 4 characteristics of HSV-1?
DNA virus, replicates in nucleus, enveloped, latent in ganglia
What are the 3 phases of HSV-1 pathogenesis?
est - replication at peripheral site, inf resolved; maintenance - virus goes to sensory ganglia, acute inf; reactivation
What are primary manifestations of HSV-1 inf?
child - gingivostomatitis, fever, lesions; adult - severe pharyngitis; or can be asymptomatic
What are 2ary manifestations of HSV-1?
cold sore recurring w/ stress, UV light, inf, menses, dec immunity
What are manifestations of HSV-1 in immune competent?
genital herpes, encephalitis, keratitis
What are manifestations of HSV-1 in immune suppressed?
pneumonia, severe mucocutaneous lesions
What is tx of HSV-1?
What are 2 PW of pathogenesis of HSV-2?
inf -> asymptomatic shedding -> latent in ganglia; or genital lesions -> latent in ganglia -> genital lesions or asym shedding
What are clinical manifestations of genital HSV?
urethral/vaginal d/c, fever, meningitis, genital lesions/pain, immune suppressed - mucocutaneous lesions
What is tx of genital HSV?
What is epidemiology of varicella-zoster?
97% adults sero+
What is pathogenesis of VZV?
enters resp tract and replicates, varicella shed from resp, replication in LN, viremia, virus infects skin, latency in ganglia - immune compromised get decline in VZV T cells -> varicella
What is clinical manifestation of varicella?
erythematous maculopapular rash
What is clinical manifestation of zoster (shingles)?
rash along dermatome, post herpetic neuralgia
How is VZV diagnosed?
simultaneous presence of maculopapular lesion, vesicular lesions, scabs
How is varicella tx?
symptomatic, severe cases use acyclovir
How is zoster tx?
acyclovir for rash, low dose tricyclic antibiotics for pain
How is shingles prevented?
Zostavax is people 60+
What is epidemiology and tmsission of EBV?
85% seroprevalence among adults, tmitted by saliva
What is pathogenesis of EBV?
DNA virus, enters oropharynx, replicates in epi cell nucleus, infects B cells - latent in memory B cells, shed in saliva 3-18 mos after inf
What herpes virus is implicated in certain cx?
What are clinical manifestations of EBV?
in children to young adult - infectious mono - wks or longer, fever, exudative pharyngitis, profound fatigue, hepatosplenomegaly, cervical lymphadenopathy, oral hairy leukoplakia
How is EBV diagnosed?
heterophi Ab test - EBV stimulates heterophil Ab that agglutinate sheep bld; CBC and diff (lymphocytosis 10% atypical lymphs)
What are non-EBV causes of mono symptoms?
CMV, toxoplasmosis, HIV
What cx are assoc w/ EBV?
Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Hodgkins' lymphoma, T cell malignancy
What is epi of CMV?
70% seroprevalence among adults
What are routes of tmission of CMV?
during neonatal period - in utero, breast milk; puberty onward - bld, saliva, urine, sexual contact
Where does CMV become latent?
What are congenital manifestations of CMV?
10% are symptomatic at birth - low BW, perichiae, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly, deafness, jaundice; late onset symptoms of deafness
What are clinical manifestations of CMV in immune suppressed?
pneumonia, retinitis, GI dx,encephalitis
What are symptoms of CMV in immune competent?
asymptomatic shedding, tplacental tmission, mono-like
How is CMV diagnosed?
virus isolation from tissue/body fluid, CMV Ag detection, PCR
How is CMV tx?
What is symptom of HSV 6 & 7?
exanthem subetim (roseola infantum), very common inf
What HSV is assoc w/ Kaposi's sarcoma?