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92 Cards in this Set

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heparin affects which coag test and which pathway?
increase PTT, intrinsic pathway
what test for warfarin and what pathway does it effect?
increase PT, extrinsic pathway
name the vitamin-K dependent factors
how is the bleeding time affected with hemophilia A/B versus vWF deficiency?
normal with hemophilia, increased with vWF deficiency
what should you give to mild hemophilia A patients prior to surgery?
most common bleeding disorder
von Willebrands Disease
what does petechiae indicate?
low platelets
bleeding into body cavaties or joints indicates what
clotting factor deficiency
most common inhereited cause of hypercoaguability
factor V leiden mutation
what is the treatment for mild to moderate hypercalcemia with breast cancer?
what preservatives is blood stored with that chelates with calcium?
what do the citrates in stored blood chelate with in the blood?
calcium and magnesium
what is the workup for suspected fibrocystic breast disease?
aspirate the cyst for cytology, then monitor for 4 weeks
smoking history + hypercalcemia + hilar mass in lungs = ??
squamous cell carcinoma of the lungs
what is HIT syndrome?
heparin-antibodies activate platelets leading to DIC
what is the typical rash with rubella?
rash that starts on the face then moves to the trunk and extremities
what is the treatment for primary syphilis? and if they are allergic what can you go to?
penicillin G is first line, if allergic then go to doxycycline ro tetracycline
what is the testing methods for HIV screening?
screen with ELISA, then confirm with Western blot
what causes neurocysticercosis?
pork worm (Taenia solium)
what is the rash erythema migrans associted with and how do you treat it?
Lyme disease, treat with doxycycline
what causes travellers diarrhea?
E coli
what do you see on CSF analysis with viral mengitis?
pleocytosis with lymphocytic predominance
what viruses cause viral mengitis?
usually echovirus or coxsackie
what do you see on CSF analysis with bacterial meningitis?
increased cell count, neutrophil predominance, increased protein, decreased glucose
male adolescent + epistaxis + localized mass + bony erosion = ??
what is the most important prognositc factor for breast cancer?
TMN staging
what do you see with CLL?
smudge cells, fragile leukocytes that break down on smear
what is the worst prognostic factor with CLL?
multiple myeloma results in overproduction of what cells?
plasma cells
vomiting + oliguria + solmnolence + hypercalcemia = ?? treatment??
hypercalcemia crisis, treat with IV-NS
what is Turcot's syndrome?
association between brain tumors and FAP/HNPCC; usually medulloblastomas or glioblastomas
elevated PT/INR + hepatic failure = ??
likely vitamin K deficiency
treatment for acute cord compression
IV steroids
what syndrome are giant platelets associated with?
Bernard-Soulier syndrome
what is MEN type I?
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome + parathyroid adenoma
decreased serum iron + decreased % iron saturation + increased TIBC = ??
iron deficiency anemia
what is monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) shows what on marrow testing?
M-component (IgA, IgG,IgM) < 3000 and <10% plasma cells in marrow
what is the treatment for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)?
reassurance and regular follow up
Mediterranean descent + microcytic anemia without response to iron treatments you should think of what?
must rule out beta-Thalassemia
bone marrow failure + areas of hypopigmentation + congenital anomalies = what genetic disorder and how is it transmitted?
Fanconi's anemia, autosomal recessive
what is the initial treatment for a DVT?
IV heparin
anti-phospholipid syndrome can cause what test to be false-positive? how do you treat it during pregnancy?
can cause false-positive for syphilis testing; during pregnancy treat with heparin and ASA
two main causes of macrovascular hemolysis
artificial heart valves or severely calicified aortic valves
first step in treating SIADH
water restriction
what is the definitive way to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia?
bone marrow iron stain
what is the only cancer that has decreased in incidence over the past several decades?
stomach cancer
what does a Howell-Jolly body look like?
RBCs with a single, round, blue inclusion on Wright stain
what infection is hemolytic uremic syndrome often preceeded by?
E coli gastroenteritis
how do you coags look with HUS?
normal PT, PTT
what do you see on coags wtih TTP?
normal PT/PTT, increased bleeding time
what do you see on coags with DIC?
increased PT/PTT, increased bleeding time
sickle-cell disease affects which hemoglobin chain?
what is a thalssemia?
a decrease in quantity of the alpha or beta-chains
porphyria results from what?
defect in heme synthesis
most common cause of transfusion reactions
ABO incompatibility due to clerical error
elderly + anemia + renal failure + hypercalemia = ???
multiple myeloma
iron-deficiency anemia + fatty stools = what is the likely cause?
what is G6PD and what triggers hemolysis?
x-linked disease that leads to hemolysis secondary to oxidative stress; most commonly induced by drugs or fava beans
what is the most deadly cancer in men? women?
lung cancer is the most deadly cancer in both men and women
what do you see with iron-deficiency anemia for the following: TIBC, serum iron, serum ferritin, RDW, RI, MCV, % saturation, electrophoresis
increased TIBC
decreased serum iron
decreased ferritin
increased RDW
decreased RI
decreased MCV
decreased % sat
negative electrophoresis
what do you see with anemia of chronic disease for the following: TIBC, serum iron, serum ferritin, RDW, RI, MCV, % saturation, electrophoresis
decreased MCV
decreased serum inron
decreased TIBC
decreased % sat
increased ferritin
normal RDW
normal electrophoresis
what do you see with Thalssemia anemia for the following: TIBC, serum iron, serum ferritin, RDW, RI, MCV, % saturation, electrophoresis
decreased MCV
normal serum iron, TIBC, % sat, ferritin, RDW
abnormal electrophoesis only with beta-thalssemia
how does a vitamin C deficiency initially present?
often presents with gums that bleed easily; must suspect it in someone that is on a hot dog/soda or tea/toast diet
what is a Rouleax formation and what is it a sign of?
indicates a stacking of red blood cells in lab testing

a sign of Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia or multiple myeloma
name that classes of hypovolemic shock and at what point you usually need to consider transfusion
Class I = 10-15% loss, <800mL, no change in pressure/pulse

Class II = 15-35% loss, 800-1500mL loss, pulse >100, drop in BP, delayed capillary refill

Class III = 30-40% loss, 1500-2000mL loss, pulse >120, likely needs transfusion at this point

Class IV = >40% loss, >2000mL loss, pulse >140
how does hereditary hemochromatosis present? how does it affect the transferrin saturation?
presents as diabetes, skin hyperpigmentation, cirrhosis of liver; elevated transferrin saturation
what is ceruloplasmin used to diagnose?
Wilsons disease
name the leukemia type by age
ALL = children
AML = 20-40
CML = 40-60
CLL = 65+
best method for widespread screening for ovarian cancer
pelvic exam
what are the current prostate screening guidelines?
DRE and PSA for all men yearly starting at age 50
how does pernicious anemia present?
chronic gastritis and low vitamin B12
what imaging should you get and what must you rule out in a patient with hemochromatosis and liver cirrhosis?
abdominal CT to rule out hepatocellular carcinoma
what do you see for platelet count, PT, PTT for hemophilia A patients?
normal platelet count, normal PT, increased PTT
confirmation for suspected sickle cell
hemoglobin electrophoresis
how does scurvy affect the PT, PTT, bleeding time, platelet count?
all normal
how does hemophilia A affect the PT, PTT, bleeding time, platelet count?
normal PT, increased PTT, normal bleeding time, normal platelet count
how does VWF affect the PT, PTT, bleeding time, platelet count?
normal PT, increased PTT, increased bleeding time, normal platelet count
how does DIC affect the PT, PTT, bleeding time, platelet count?
increased PT, increased PTT, increased bleeding time, decreased platelets
how does ITP affect the PT, PTT, bleeding time, platelet count?
normal PT, normal PTT, increased bleeding time, decreased platelets
most common disease transmitted with blood transfusions
Hepatitis B
name the primary tumors that commonly metastasize to the brain
lung, breast, skin, kidney, GI
name the primary tumors that commonly metastasize to the liver
colon, stomach, pancreas, breast, lung
name the primary tumors that commonly metastasize to the bone
prostate, thyroid, testicular, breast, lung, kidney
what electrolyte abnormality do you see with multiple myeloma?
what ECG change does hypercalcemia cause?
shortened QT
what do tear-drop cells on blood smear indicate?
myelofibrosis, leukoerythroblastic anemia, thalassemia major, severe iron deficiency
what do spherocyte cells on blood smear indicate?
autoimmune hemolysis, hereditary spherocytosis
what do helmet cells, schistocytes cells on blood smear indicate?
DIC, traumatic hemolysis
what do target cells on blood smear indicate?
HbC, asplenia, liver disease, thalassemia minor
what do Burr cells on blood smear indicate?
most common cause of febrile, non-hemolytic transfusion reactions
recipient antibodies against donor leukocytes
non-tender midline mass in upper neck that moves with tongue
thyroglossal duct cyst