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125 Cards in this Set

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Common form of childhood leukemia
acute lymphocytic
Test that assesses platalet function
bleeding time
test measures how quickly your blood clots
prothrombin time
test that measures extrinic pathway
prothrombin time
most coagulation factors come from the
used to monitor patients taking certain medications as well as to help diagnose clotting disorders
PT test
compares a patient's rate of clot formation to that of a sample of normal pooled plasma
Thrombin time
a blood test which measures the time it takes for a clot to form in the plasma from a blood sample in anticoagulant
Thrombin time
a performance indicator measuring the efficacy of both the "intrinsic" (now referred to as the contact activation pathway) and the common coagulation pathways. Apart from detecting abnormalities in blood clotting
Name Clotting factors 1-7
Tissue Thromboplastin
no factor 6
characterized by hemolysis of spheroidal RBCs and anemia
MCV is usually normal
MCHC increased
MCH decreased
Hereditary Spherocytosis
measure of average red blood cell volume that is a standard in complete blood count
Mean Corpuscular volume
MCV in microcytic anemia
iron deficiency due to several factors
below range 60-70 femtoliters
MCV in macrocytic anemia
presence of reticulocytes in hemolytic anemia
also asscoated with pernicious anemia
can be increased in alcoholism
above range greater then 100
MCV in normocytic anemia
normal range
90 +/- 10
Hct x 10 divided by rbc count
reference 90 +/- 10
Hemoglobin x 10 dfivided by RBC count
Mean Corpuscular hemoglobin
reference range 29 +/- 2
average mass of hemoglobin per red blood cell in a sample of blood
diminished in hypochromic anemias
MCH value
estimation of the average size of RBC
used to determine the content of hemoglobin in RBC's
no nnucleated RBC's that still contain RNA for at least 1 day
range of normal reticulocyte count
.5 - 2
compensatory bone marrow response to hemolysis results in the deliever of young cells into circulation
anemia caused by alpasia of bone marrow or its destruction by chemical agents or physical factors
an aquired disorder characterized by premature erythrocyte destruction owing to abnormalities in the individual's own immune system
Autoimmune hemolytic
anemia resulting from a greater demand on stored iron that can be met
type of megaloblastic anemiacaused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 that is directly linked to absence of intrinsic factor
pernicious anemia
Hemoglobulin x 100 divided by Hct
refernce range 34 +/- 2
MCV 100-160
MCH elevated
MCHC Normal
Megaloblastic anemia
MCV is serverely increased
RBC is erroneouly low due to clumping of red blood cells
MCHC and MCH is elevated
cold agglutinins
WBC x 100 divided by ((NRBC + 100) then divided by 100)
Corrected WBC count
Granulocyte hyposegmentation
Pelger-Huet anomaly
Granulocytes that demonstrate larger, blue staining cytoplasminic inclusions that resemble Dohle bodies that are much larger and giant platelets
May- Hegglin anomaly
presence of giant lysosomal granules in cells such as granuloctyes, monocytes, lymphocytes melanocytes, tissue macrophages and platelets
Chediak-Higashi syndorme
Gaucher's cells in bone marrow aspirate
Increaed seum acid phosphatase
Gaucher's disease
Band/Polymorphicnuclear Neutrophils
hyposegmented neutrophil
Pelger-Huet anomaly
inclusions found in the hereditay leukoctye and platelet diorders
May Hegglin anomaly
Gigantic fused lysosomal deposits seen in the cytplasm of leukocytes
Chediak-Hagashi syndrome
lysosmal disorder caused by a deficiency in the enzyme B-glucocerebrosidase
Gaucher's disease
Coagulation factors affected by coumarin drugs
Coumarin affects which pathway
extrinsic PT
Heparin effects the
intrinsic pathway or aPTT
Alder-Reilly inclusion
membrane defect of lysosomes
Dohle bodies and giant platelets
May Heggin
Two-lobed neutrophil
Pelger Huet
Plasma cells in the bone marrow with an increase in IgG is suggestive of
multiple myeloma with rouleaux formation due to increased immunoglobulin present
Characteristic of Multiple myeloma
rouleux formation
Characteristic of Hemoglobin C seen in a peripheral blood smear are
target cells
Hemotology standards include
certifies cyanmethemoglobin solution
Which test is used to monitor red cell production
reticulocyte count
Thalassemisa are characterized by
decrease rate of globlin synthesis
T cells
B cells
Phagocytosis is a function of
cells involved with hemeostaisis
thrombocytes (platelets)
cells used for the transport of O2 and CO2 are
Cells that produce antibodies
Polycythemia vera
overproduction of platelets and RBC
In polycythemia vera, platelet counts are
50-90% of myeloblast in a perpheral blood is typical of
acute granuloctyic leukemia
abnormal amount of immature RBC being produced in leukemia
leukemia characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of WBC's
chronic granulocytic leukemia
proliferation of an abnormal type of bone marrow stem cell results in fibrosis
myelofibrosis with myeloid mataplasia
Auer rods are most likely present in
acute granuloctyic leukemia
myeloblast usually have what inclusions
auer rods
Neutrophils are
myeloid cells
All stages of neutrophls are most likely seen to be seen in the perpheral blood of
chronic granulocytic leukemia
Stimulate RNA synthesis of erythroid cells
tube collected with whole blood for preparation of blood films for manual differential leukoctye counts
When platelets concentrate at the edges and feathered end of a blood smear it is usually due to
poorly made wedge smear
irregular clumping of platelets is usually due to
inadequate mixing of specimen
to cluster together
EDTA tube can cause
Platelet stellitosis
Elevation of the granulocyte percentage above 75% is termed
relative neutrophilic leukocytosis
Elevation of the lymphocyte percentage above 47% is termed
relative lymphocytosis
Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation is characterized by
pseudo-Pelger-Heut anomaly is associated with
aplastic anemia
Chamber counting method of platelet enumeration
allows direct visulaization of the particles being counted
Specifc secondary granules of the neutrophilic granulocyte
appear first at the myelocyte stage
Anemia with chronic infection is characterized by
decreased serum iron levels
characterisitc of polycythemia vera
decreased or absent bone marrow iron stores
Factors commonly involved in producing anemia in patients with chronic renal disease include
ineffective erythropoiesis
May-Heglin anomaly
increased lymphocytes greater then neutrophils found in CBC
relative lymphocytosis
A hemophiliac male and a normal female can produce a
female carrier
The ristocetin cofactor test is the primary assay used to diagnose von Willebrand disease is suspected
Decreased platelet aggregation to ristocetin can be tested for
Factor 8 von willebrand's disease
majority of the iron in an adult is found as a contituent of
hemoglobin levels 4-8 g/dL
Thalassemia Major
Anemia with chronic infection is characterized by
decreased serum iron levels
characterisitc of polycythemia vera
decreased or absent bone marrow iron stores
Factors commonly involved in producing anemia in patients with chronic renal disease include
ineffective erythropoiesis
May-Heglin anomaly
increased lymphocytes greater then neutrophils found in CBC
relative lymphocytosis
A hemophiliac male and a normal female can produce a
female carrier
The ristocetin cofactor test is the primary assay used to diagnose von Willebrand disease is suspected
Decreased platelet aggregation to ristocetin can be tested for
Factor 8 von willebrand's disease
majority of the iron in an adult is found as a contituent of
hemoglobin levels 4-8 g/dL
Thalassemia Major
Hemoglobin levels 9-11g/dL
MCH below 70
MCH below 22
Thalassemia Minor
decreased size of rbc
If anisocytosis occurs then what will be increased
Anisocytosis is a major indicator of
Thalassemia major
unknown cause
What characteristic fratures of iron metabolism in patients with anemia of a chronic disorder?
serum iron decreased
transferrin saturation decreased
TIBC normal or decreased
Hemoglobin D is associated with
What test involves Predominently hemoglobin F?
What test involves Hereditary Spherocytoisis?
osmotic fragility
What test involves Hemogloblin S?
Dithonite Solubility test
What test involves Hemoglobin H?
Heat stabilty test
What test involves paroxysmal noctural hemogloinuria?
sucrose hemolysis test
What test involves Hemoglobin C?
target cells
interfares with coagulation factors 9-12
causes clumping of WBC
Which tube is used for cell counts, BUN, and fibinogen?
Which tube is useful in preserving blood, platelet function and morphology?
Na citrate
Flow cytometry
Flourescent antibody tagging and light scatter
Coagulation factors 7-10
Stable factor
Antihemophiliac factor
Christmas factor
Stuart Factor
"halo" next to the nucleus
plasma cell
Hypersegmentated neutrophils are associated with
megaloblastic anemias
Charateristic of "rose" looking picture that resembles
rosette formation
normal hemocrit
males 44-54
females 37-47
RBC count
4.2-5.4 x 10^12/L
WBC count
4.8- 10.8 x 10 ^9/L