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19 Cards in this Set

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Nucleoli in the nucleus = blast cell which should never be present in circulation.

Plasma Cells

Would rarely see plasma cells in circulation otherwise. Sorta look like lymphocytes but nucleus is eccentric (to one side of cytoplasm) and there is a lot of cytoplasma. not as common as lymphocytic tumours

Mast Cell Leukemia

Metestrus - see WBC not RBC. Non-cornified

Estrus - all cornified, very faded nucleus, do not see RBC or WBC in background

Proestrus - RBCs high initially, increasing numbers of cornified cells reaching nearly 100% by the end

Anaplasma phagocytophilium

-affects dogs cats, horses and people

-Deer tick transmitted

Gram negative bacteria that parasitizes neutrophils

-Snap 4DX detects antibodies

-PCR confirm presence

-Clinical signs: fever, leathery, inappetence, vomiting, diarrhea and lameness

-Tx: doxycycline

Basophilic Stippling

-RNA remnants that stain blue on Wright’s stain. Common in young ruminants with a regenerative anemia.

Toxic Change

-Doehle bodies

-Cytoplasmic granulation

-Cytoplasmic basophilia

-Nuclear immaturity

Mycoplasma hemofelis

-arthropod transmitted

-Clinically: depressed, febrile, pale, anorexic +/- jaundiced

-makes the RBC less deformable so the RBCs are removed by macrophages in the spleen

-Tx: doxycycline, immune suppression with prednisone, blood transfusion if critical

Iron deficiency

-non-regenerative anemia

-microcytic, hypochro


-are associated with a common splenic tumor called hemangiosarcoma

-RBCs stagnate in cavernous spaces within the tumor, resulting in shifts of lipids in the RBC membrane and the blood

Leukemoid reaction

-seen in severe infections e.g. pyometra

-very elevated WBCs that are mainly neutrophils

Toxic Change

-neutrophils mature abnormally due to intense neutrophil production and shortened maturation time

-Usually in response to inflammation

Ghost RBCs and free hemoglobin

-seen with intravascular hemolysis

Reticulocytes In cats, count only aggregate, not punctate reticulocytes

aggregate change into punctate, normal cats can have up to 10% b/c they stay around for about 10 days

Polychromatophils and Howell-Jolly Bodies

-Howell-Jolly bodies nuclear remnant, cells being produce quickly, more prone to mistakes and some of nucleus gets left behind

-Blue in reticulocytes is ribosomal components

Eccentrocytes - RBC membrane is oxidized. Visible as an eccentric crescent shaped clearing in a RBC


-one stage before polychromatophil - nuclear material is so dense it is called pyknotic