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92 Cards in this Set

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the four key elements for a helping relationship are : the ____ relations core of empathy respect and genuiness, the ____ influence core of competence, power, and intimacy, the ____ core of attending, inquiry, and reflection, and the ____ core of understanding the self and interpersonal relationships and skills
Freud identified a structure of personality called the ID. ego, and superego. Unconscious motivations or energy is the id which is ruled by the _____ ____. the ego is controlled by the _____ _____ and the superego is internalized with ______
pleasure principle
reality principle
a number of psyhoanalysists moved away from frueds emphasis on the ide as the dominant psychological force and place more emphasis on the ego. these people were known as _______. Some of them include Horney, Fromm, Sullivan
______ belived that security is each persons major motivation and the person become anxious when it is not achieved. Irrational ways to mend disrupted human relationships become ____ needs.
______ believed that the individual must join with others to develop self fullifillment--social character otherwise she or he may become lonely and nonproductive.
_______ believes a social systems approach can lead to understanding of human behavior. Behavior can be understood in terms social interactions not as mechanistic and linear
_____ _____ theory is based on psychoanalytic concepts
object relations
_____ ____ are interpersonal relationships that shape an individuals current interaction with people both in reality and in fantasy.
object relations
what are the four stages of development that have been identified as important int he first 3 years of life?
1 fusion with mother
2. symbosis
3. seperation/individuation
4. constancy of self and object
Rogers was more focused on the persons ________ world reflecting and clarifying their verbal and nonverbal communication.
The process of becoming. moving clients to self actualazation, and the relationship between the client and the counselor were critical concepts of _____ theory
The focus of cleint centered therapy goes from past to present and was on ______ while showing the core conditions of unconditional postive regard, genuineness, and empathic undestanding
_______ therapy is based on existential principles has a here and now focus, and a holistic systems theory viewpoint.
In this theory, the indivuduals experience needs. to the extent that a need is in the forefront and it represents a figure and other needs are ground in the background. as the need is met it comeplets the ______ and a new need takes its place.
The goal of gestalt therapy is to become ____ ____ or complete gestalts
whole beings
the key concepts of personal responsibilty, unfinished business, and awareness of the now are included in what theory?
______ ______ focuses on the belief in the uniquness of each indivudual that is influenced by social factors.
Individual psychology
_____ believed that each person has a sense of inferiority and strives for superiority.
in _____ _____ we choose a lifestyle, a unified plan which gives meaning to our experiences which include habits, family, career, attitudes
indivudual psychology
some of the techniques in this theory are life histories, homework, and paradoxical interntions
individual psychology
______ ______ focuses on three ego stages: parent adult and child
transactional anaylsis
______ is associated with tranactional analysis
Eric berne
a ____ ____ developes in childhood and influences a persons behavior. Many transactions with others can be characterized as ____ with the intent to aviod intamacy in the transactional analysis theory
life script
________ transactions which occur adult to adult lead to good communication
______ transactions which occur adult to child and child to parent lead to barriers in communication
the goal of therapy is to teach the language and ideas of TA to recognize _____ stage functioning and analayze ones transactions
techniques of this theory include: teaching concepts, helping diagnose, interpertation, and use of contracts and confrontation
transactional anaylsis
Rollo May, Victor Frankl, and Irvin Yalom are all associated with ______
______ is the basis of existential therapy
_______ is the study of our direct experiences take at their face value
which theory subcribes to the belief that we have freemdom of choice and are resonsbile for our fate
in existential therapy, we search for ______ and struggle with being alone, unconnected from others.
____ ( the threat of non being)and _____ ( failing to fulfill potiental) are central concepts in existential therapy
anxiety and guilt
the goal of ____ therapy is the understanding of ones being, ones awareness of who one is and who one is becoming
the _____ relationship is the most important in existental therapy
the leading proponet of _____ and ____ counseling includes wolpe, meichanbaum, beck, and bandura.
cognitive and beahvioral
the stimulus-response and stimulus organism-response paradigms are at the basis of what theory?
Cognitive and Beahvioral
the goals of counseling in cogn and beh therapy are to identify _______of behavior and the nature of the reinforcements maintaing the behavior
counseling techniques included in this theory include: operant and classical conditioning, social modeling, problem solving, direct training, reinforcement, and decison making.
cogn and behavioral
_____ is based on hte philosophy that it is not the events we experience that infunece us but rather it is our interpretation of those events taht is important
Rational emotive behavior therapy
Individuals have the potiential for ____ _____ according to Ellis
rational thinking
the belief system, self talk, and crooked thinking are major concepts of what theory
What does ABCDE system mean in REBT?
A external event
B Belief
C Consequent affect
D Disputing of the irrational belief
E Effect
____ techniques in REBT therapy include role playing and imagery.
______ therapy is a comprehensive holistic approach sometimes classifed as eclectic. it has strong behavioral ties.
the multimodal model addresses seven interactive yet discrete modalities summarized by the acronymn
the seven modalities of the multimodal theory are:
Affective responses
Interpersonal relationships
counseling techniques from this theory includes: a variety of theoretical perspectives are used. these include anxiety management training, modeling, postive imagery, relaxation training, assertiveness training, biofeedback, hypnosis, biblotherapy, and thought stopping.
______ is associated with multimodal therapy
_______ ______ is based on choice theory by glasser
reality therapy
____ believed that individuals determine their own fate and are in charge of their lives. Our _____ controls our behavior ans we behave to fill our needs
according to reality therapy, there are 5 genetically based needs we all have:
love and belonging
power or achievement
freedom or independence
_____ theory means that we act to control the world around us and the real world is important to the extent it helps us satisfy our needs.
taking resposbility is a major concept of _____ theory
characteristics of _____ therapy include: emphasize choice and responsibility, rejecting transference, keeping the therapy in the present, avoid focusing on symptoms, challenge traditional views of mental illness
basic perspectives of ______ therapy include gender as central to the theraputic alliance, awareness and understanding of the role of sociocultural influences, and the need to empower women and adderss societal changes.
the basic principals of femine psycology include the personal is _____, personal and social identities are _____, definitions of distress and mental illness are reformulated, an integrated analysis of opression is used, the counseling relationship is _____, and the perspectives of women are valused.
________ therapy does not address history or past esperience of a problem
solution focused/brief
one foucs of soultion focused is to maintain a ______ ______ believing that the client can construct solutions. stress is placed on what is working for the client.
postive orientation
some principal theraputic techniques and procedures of this theory include : execpetion questions, mircle question, scaling question
soultion focused
_____ counseling occurs when a client see as counselor on and off as problems arise over several years time.
Narrative therapy's philosophical basis is _____ _____
social constructionism
______ therapy believes that clients lives are stories in progress and tese stories can be told and expolored froma variety of persepectives
______ counseling goes beyond eclectic counseling and implies the creation of a model by synthesizing existing theories and practices
_____ developed 5 point scales to measure empathy genuiness concretness and respect.
_____ believed in the collective unconscious.
the operant for the collective unconscious is the ______
a _____ is a response pattern occuring universally in the human experience and is characterized by an emotional charge to the existential isues of idenity, meaning and purpose
examples of ______ are anima and animus(male and female traits)
goals of ____ thearpy include transformation of the self including gaining knowledge of self, recognition and intergration of self.
therapy is viewed as a ____ process in jungian therapy
_____ introduced the concepts of introversion and extroversion
Two important concepts to _____ are birth order and family constellation
with adlers theory the counselor is ____ with the client, its a collabrative effort. Adler
_______ acknowledged that individuals with their personalities exist within systems.
______ identified automatic thoughts in clients. in depressed people this internal communication is negatively focused.
_______ developed a theory of reciprocal inhibition
the theory of _____ _____ states that a person can not be both anxious and relaxed at the same time.
reciprocal inhibition
______ ____ is a behavioral intervention of counterconditioning. the goal is to reduce anxiety by associating negative stimuli with positive events
systematic desensitation
_____ spoke of cognitive behavior modification a shift from selfdefeating thoughts to coping ones.
Meichanbaum introduced the concept of _____ _____ which is practicing positive or reinforcing ideas
stress inoculation
with this method _____ ______ clients are urged to intend that what they fear or wish to change.
paradoxical intention
_______ therapy induces anxiety around the problem by presenting vivid images or cues (flooding). the anxiety is expected to deminish with repeated exposure and in the absense of any threat.
______ ______ is designed to inhibit recurring thought by consciously stopping it when it occurs.
thought stopping
the _____ window was named after joe Luft and Harry Inham. the client brings material in this window to counseling session some is known and other info is not
in the jahari window the smaller the _____ quadriant the poorer the communication
the goal of counseling using the johari window is to _______ the lower right (not known to others/self)quadraint and _____ the upper left.(known to self and others)
_____ identifed the purchase model of counsultation which involves buying the consultant expert knowledge or services
Sheins _____ model of counseltation stresses diagnosis and problem identification
schein's ____ model of consultation involves the consultee with the consultant in the diagnostic process and identification of interventions.
_____ is associated with the mental health consultation model where two professionals can be centered on the client, consultee and client, the program, or the consultee and administration.
_______ programming is a commuinications theory using the 5 sensory channels.