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108 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac Muscles Cells

Intercalated Discs

1. interconnect cardiac muscle cells

2. secured by Desmosomes

a. linked by gap junctions

3. Convey force of Contraction

a. propagate action potentials

Characteristics of Cardiac Muscle Cells

1. Small size

2. Single, central nucleus

3. Branching interconnections between cells

4. Intercalated discs

Structure of Cardiac Tissue

Striated with light and dark bandings

a. A bands-dark

b. I bands -light

Characteristics of Cardiocytes

1. Extensive system of short,wide T tubules which are filled with extracellular rich fluid.

2. Rely on Extracellular Ca2 for contraction

3. Individual Muscle Cells

a. no triads b. Has SR- no terminal cisternae

c. aerobic - high in myoglobin, mitochondria

d. limited capacity for regeneration

Intercalated Discs

1. Specialized contact points between cardiocytes.

Functions of Intercalated Discs

1. Join cell membrane of adjacent cardiocytes using gap junctions and desmosomes

2. Maintain Structure

3. Enhance molecular and electrical connections

4. conduct action potentials

Coordination of Cardiocytes

1. From Functional Syncytia

a. fused mass of cells

2. Are mechanically, chemically, electronically connected

3. All pull together for max efficiency

4. 2 Syncytia

a. atrial syncytium

b. ventricular syncytium

5. Separated by Fibrous Skeleton

Energy Source for Cardiocytes

1. At rest ---Fatty Acids(60%)

2. (35%) glucose

3. Small amounts of lactic acid burned aerobically

4. ATP used to sustain power stroking

5. Cardiocites use creatine kinase to produce ATP

6. During exercise cardiocytes use more lactic acid then converted to Pyruvic acid by enzyme

Lactate Dehydrogenase.

The Heart Beat

single contraction of heart

1. Atria first -------> Then Ventricles

Types of Cardiac Muscle cells

1. Conducting system

a. controls and coordinates heartbeat

2. Contractile cells

a. produces contractions

Conducting System

Cardiac Cycle-------->Action Potential at SA Node

1. Produces action potentials in cardiac muscle cells (contractile cells)

2. System of specialized cardiac muscle cells

a. initiates and distributes electrical impulses that stimulate contraction

Automaticity (Conducting System)

Cardiac muscle tissue contracts automatically (no outside stimuli needed)

Structure of the Conducting System

1. Sinoatrial Node(SA)

2. Atrioventricular Node (AV)

3. Conducting Cells

Conducting Cells

Interconnect SA and AV nodes

1. Distribute stimulus through gap junctions in intercalated discs in myocardium.

2. In the Atrium

a. internodal pathways

3. In the ventricles

a. AV bundle and bundle branches

Pacemaker (Autorhythmic) Cells

Pacemaker Potential #1

a. unstable resting membrane potentials due to slow unstable opening of slow NA+ channels

b. Continuously depolarize, never flat line

Depolarization #2

1. At threshold CA2 channels open

2. Explosive Ca2 influx produces the rising phase of action potential.

Repolarization in Pacemaker cells
Results from inactivation of Ca2 channels and opening of Voltage Gated K+ channels
Heart Rate

SA - 80-100 action potentials per minute

Parasympathetic stimulation slows heart rate

AV - 40-60 Action potentials per minute

Subendocardial conducting network of Purkinje Fibers and AV bundle generates 20-40 AP/min

Sinoatrial Node ( Impulse Conduction through heart)

In Posterior wall of right atrium

1. Contains pacemaker cells

2. Primary pacemaker of the heart

3. Connected to AV Node by Internodal pathways

4. Begins Atrial activation (Step 1)

5. Responsible for Normal Sinus Rhythm 75beats per minutes

Atrioventricular Node (AV) (Impulse Conduction through the heart)

In floor of right atrium

1. Is the secondary pacemaker of the heart

2. Receives impulse from SA node (Step 2)

3. Delays impulse because of the cell allows time for the Atria to contract first.

5. Atrial contraction begins

The AV Bundle (of HIS)

In the Septum

1. Forms an electrical bridge from the otherwise separated atrium and ventricles

2. Carries impulse to left and right bundle branches

a. which conduct to the Purkinje fibers (step 4)

3. And to the moderator band

a. conducts to papillary muscles

Subendocardial conducting network


Purkinje Fibers

1. Distribute impulse through ventricles(Step 5)

2. Atrial connection is completed

3. Ventricular contraction begins

4. Also have ability to contract 20-40 action potentials per minute


abnormally slow heart rate


abnormally fast heart rate

Junctional Rhythm

Defective SA Node: AV node takes over , sets slower heart rate (40-60 beats/min)
Ectopic Pacemaker (outside)

Abnormal cells

Generate a high rate of action potentials

Bypass conducting cells

Disrupts ventricular contractions

CNS Input to SA Node
Receives stimulation from the Cardiac Center in the Medulla via the cardiac plexus.

Cardiac Center

1. Cardio Acceleratory Center (CAC)

Sympathetic- uses NE to stimulate Beta 1 receptors to increase rate and strength of contraction

Cardiac Center

2. Cardioinhibitory Center (CIC)

Parasympathetic - uses ACh to stimulate muscarinic M2 receptors to decrease hear rate.

Heart is under Parasympathetic domination

Electrocardiogram (ECG)or (EKG)

A recording of electrical events in the heart.

Obtained by electrodes at specific body locations

Abnormal patterns diagnose damage

Features of ECG

1. Series of waves or deflection repeated 72/minute.

2. Each set of deflections correspond to 1 heartbeat or cardiac cycle.

3. Requires .8 sec to complete

P wave of ECG

SA node firing to atrial depolarization

.8 sec duration

ORS complex of ECG

AV node firing to ventricular depolarization

.8 sec duration

atrial repolarization also occurs (really small)

T Wave of ECG

Ventricles repolarize

Time is less important than its shape and or location.

Time Intervals

S-T segment - Entire Ventricular myocardium depolarized.

QT interval- beginning of ventricular depolarization through ventricular repolarization

PR Interval - From start of Atrial Depolarization(SA Node firing) to start of QRS complex

Normal is approx .16

Cardiac Arrhythmias

Abnormal patterns of cardiac electrical activity

1. Can be diagnosed by observing ECG

Abnormal Time Intervals

1. P-R wave greater than .18 = First Degree Heart Block --- Slow Transit through AV Node

2. If more than 1 P wave is seen before AV node firing = Second Degree Heart Block -very slow

3. P-R interval very long - no relationship between P wave and QRS complex= Third Degree Heart Block or Complete Heart Block = Need for real Pacemaker

Contractile Cells

Perkinje fibers distribute the stimulus to the contractile cells, which make up most of the muscle cells in the heart.

All connected by gap junction

Action Potentials in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle

Resting Potential

Ventricle Cell negative 90 mv ( RMP)

Atrial Cell negative 80 mv

1st Step of Cardiac Action Potential

1. Rapid Depolarization(Stimulus)

a. Voltage regulated sodium channels (fast channels) open

b. As NA channels close, Voltage regulated Calcium channels (slow channels) open

c. balance Sodium ions pumped out

d. Hold membrane at 0mV plateau

2nd Step of Cardiac Action Potential

2. Repolarization:

a. Plateau continues

b. slow calcium channels close

c. slow potassium channels open

d. rapid repolarization restores resting potential

Refractory Periods

Absolute Refractory Period:

1. long

2. cardiac muscles cannot respond

Relative Refractory Period:

1. Short

2. Response depends on degree of stimulus

Timing of Refractory Periods

Length of Cardiac Action Potential in Ventricular Cell: 250-300 mseconds

30 times longer than skeletal muscle fiber

long refractory period prevents summation and tetany

Contraction of Cardiac Muscle

Produced by increase in calcium ion concentration around myofibrils.
2 Steps of Calcium Ion Concentration

1. 20% of calcium ions required for a contraction

a. Enter Cell membrane during plateau phase

2. Arrival of Extracellular Ca2

b. from calcium reserves in Sarcoplasm Reticulum

Intracellular and Extracellular Calcium

1. Slow calcium channels close - intracellular Ca2 absorbed by SR or pumped out of cell.

Cardiac Cycle

Period between start of 1 heart beat and the beginning of the next.

Both contraction and relaxation

2 Phases of Cardiac Cycle

Within any one chamber.

1. Systole (Contraction)

2. Diastole (Relaxation)

Blood Pressure

1. Rises during Systole

2. Falls during Diastole

Blood flows from high to low pressure

a. controls by timing of contractions

b. directed by one way valves

4 Phases of the Cardiac Cycle

1. Atrial Systole

2. Atrial Diastole

3. Ventricular Systole

4. Ventricular Diastole

Cardiac Cycle and Heart Rate

75bpms, 800msecs

When heart rate increases, all phases of cardiac cycle shorten. Especially diastole.

STEP 1 in Cardiac Cycle

1. Atrial Systole begins.

a. right and left AV valves are open

STEP 2 in Cardiac Cycle

2. Atria eject blood into ventricles:

a.Filling Ventricles

STEP 3 in Cardiac Cycle

3. Atrial Systole Ends:

a. AV valves close

b. ventricles contain maximum volume

c. end-diastolic volume (EDV)

Step 4 in Cardiac Cycle

4. Ventricular Systole

a. isovolemic ventricular contraction

b. pressure in ventricles rise

c. AV valves stay shut

Step 5 in Cardiac Cycle

5. Ventricular ejection

a. Semilunar valves open

b. blood flows into pulmonary and aortic trunks

c. Stroke Volume (SV) = 60% of end diastolic volume

Step 6 in Cardiac Cycle

6. Ventricular pressure falls:

a. semilunar valves close

b. ventricles contain end-systolic volume (ESV), about 40% of end-diastolic volume

Step 7 in Cardiac Cycle

7. Ventricular Diastole

a. ventricular pressure is higher than atrial pressure

b. all heart valves are closed

c. ventricles relax (isovolumetric relaxation)

Step 8 in Cardiac Cycle

8. Atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure

a. passive atrial filling

b. AV valves open

c. passive ventricular filling

More than 80% of ventricular filling is passive

Cardiac cycle ends.

Heart Failure

Lack of adequate blood flow to peripheral tissues and organs due to ventricular damage.

1.Usually starts with left ventricle

2. Left Ventricle fails.

a. causing blood to back up in the pulmonary circuit.

b. right ventricle eventually fails b/c of increased workload

Heart Sounds

S1 -closure of AV valves - "lubb"

S2 - closure of semilunar valves "Dupp" (quick snap)

S3, S4 - soft sounds, blood flow into ventricles and atrial constriction

Heart Murmur

1. Extra heart sounds

2. benign - innocent

a. Turbulence of blood flow during extreme physical activity in cardiac reserve

3. pathologic- disease process

a. Aortic Stenosis (narrowing) of aortic valve

b. can be congenital, Rheumatic fever, calcium deposits

c. generates a hissing sound


The movement and force generated by cardiac contractions

End Diastolic Volume (EDV)

Volume in heart at end of relaxation (completely filled heart)

End-Systolic Volume (ESV)

Volume left in heart at end of contraction ( only residual volume left in the heart)
Stroke Volume - Volume of blood ejected from heart in one single heart beat


EXAMPLE 100(EDV) - 40(ESV) = 60SV

Ejection Fraction

The % of EDV represented by SV.

From example in previous card it would be 60%

Cardiac Output

The volume pumped by each ventricle in 1 minute.

Example continued. 100bpm x 60SV = 6,000ml/per minute

Control of Cardiac Output

Adjusting to Conditions

Cardiac Output

a. adjusted by changes in heart rate or stroke volume.

b. heart rate - autonomic nervous system or


c. stroke volume - adjusted by changing EDV or ESV

Autonomic Innervation

1. Cardiac Plexuses - innervate heart

2. Vagus nerves - parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus

3. Cardiac Centers of Medulla Oblongata

Cardioacceleratory Center

Controls sympathetic neurons

Uses NE to stimulate B1 receptors to increase rate.

Cardiac Inhibitory Center

Control Parasympathetic output

a. uses ACh to stimulate muscarinic to decrease heart rate.

Healthy heart is under Parasympathetic


Cardiac Centers monitor :

1. baroreceptors(blood pressure)

2. Chemoreceptors (arterial oxygen and CO2


Autonomic Tone

Dual innervation maintain resting tone by releasing Ach and NE

a. fine adjustments meet needs of other systems

Vasomotor Center in Medulla

Controls Blood Pressure

Exclusively Sympathetic

Uses NE to stimulate Alpha 1 receptors on smooth muscle of arteries/arterioles to contract.

Responsible for regulating vasoconstriction and blood pressure

Decrease in NE = Vasodialation = less contraction and more relaxation

Autonomic Pacemaker Regulation

1.Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

a. greatest at SA Node

2.Rate of Spontaneous Depolarization

a. RMP

b. Rate of Depolarization

3. Ach - (para)

a. slows heart - hyperpolarization of nodal cells

b. increases time for spontaneous depolarization to occur

4. NE (symp)

a. speeds heart, decreases time for spontaneous depolarization

Hormonal Effects on Heart Rate

Sympathetic stimulation increases HR

a. Epinephrine

b. norepinephrine

c. thyroid hormone

2 Factors Affecting EDV (Filling up of Heart)

1. Filling time

a. duration of ventricular diastole

2. Venous Return

a. rate of blood flow during ventricular diastole

Preload in EDV

Degree of Ventricular Stretching during ventricular diastole

a. Directly proportional to EDV

b. affects ability of muscle cells to produce tension

EDV, Preload, Stroke Volume

1. At Rest

a. EDV low, Myocardial stretches less, stroke volume is low

2. With Exercise

a. EDV increases, myocardial stretches more,

stroke volume increases

Frank-Starling Principle

As EDV increases, Volume Increases

1. greater stretch, greater the recoil

2. Length Tension Relationship

a. forcefulness of muscle contraction depends on length of sarcomeres

b. Increased Stretch increases amount of tension produces in the sarcomeres

Law true for healthy heart

Frank- Starling Principe - Not obeyed in these conditions

1.Cardiac Tamponade - fluid buildup in pericardial cavity

2. History of repeated Myocardial Infractions (scar tissue buildup)

3. Valvular insuffiency

4. Cardiomyopathy - inflamed & working poorly

5. CHF - failure of a heart as a pump

Physical Limits of Ventricular Expansion

Keeps from getting overstretched

1. Myocardial CT

2. Fibrous Skeleton

3. Pericardial Sac

End Systolic Volume (ESV)

The amount of blood that remains in the

ventricle at the end of ventricular systole is ESV

3 Factors that Affect ESV

1. Preload

a. ventricular stretching during diastole

2. Contractility

a. force produced during contraction at a

given preload

3. Afterload

a. Tension the ventricle produces to open the semilunar valve and eject blood.


Affected by:

1. Autonomic Activity

2. Hormones

Inotropic effects on the heart

Factors that increase contractility = positive

Factors that decrease contractility = negative

Autonomic Activity

Sympathetic stimulation

1. NE released by postganglionic fibers

2. Epinephrine & NE released by adrenal


3. Stimulates b1 receptors causing ventricles to contract with more force

4. Increases ejection fraction and decreases ESV

5. Positive Inotropic action

Autonomic Activity


1. Ach released by Vagus nerves

2. Stimulates muscarinic, M1 receptors

3. Reduces force of Cardiac contractions to a small extent

4. Small negative inotropic action compared to sympathetic stimulation

Hormones and Contractility

Many Hormones can Affect Heart Contraction

1. Thyroxin and Glucagon - increase contractility

2. Beta blockers -stimulate of block beta


3. Digitalis - given to heart failure patients for its positive inotropic effects

4. Calcium channel blockers - affect calcium ions

Afterload of ESV

It is increased by any factor that:

1. Increases resistance to arterial blood flow

2. Or restricts arterial blood flow

After afterload increases, stroke volume decreases

Heart Rate Control Factors

1.Autonomic nervous system

a. sympathetic and parasympathetic

2. Circulating Hormones

3. Venous Return and Stretch Receptors

Stroke Volume Control Factors

EDV - Filling time and Rate of Venous Return

ESV - Preload, Contractility, Afterload

Cardiac Reserve

Difference between resting and max cardio output.

It can be pumped if needed.

Average = 300-400% or 20-25L/m

Athletes 500-600% or 30-35L/min

Necessary for fight or flight responses

Heart and Cardiovascular Regulation

Ensures adequate circulation to body tissues
Cardiovascular Centers

Control Heart and peripheral blood vessels

Cardiovascular system

1.Responds to changing activity patterns

2. Circulatory Emergencies

Autonomic Reflexes

Homeostatic and work on negative feedback principles.

Cartoid Reflex

Aortic Reflex

Right Heart (Bainbridge) Reflex

Cartoid Reflex

Increased blood pressure in the carotid artery causes increased firing of baroreceptors with increased afferent stimuli to :

1. Vasomotor center - Decrease NE to Increase vasodilation.

2. Cardiac Center CAC- decrease Sympathetic Stimulation to slow heart and decrease strength of contraction

3. Cardiac Center CIC- Increase parasympathetic stimulation ( Increase Ach) to slow heart

4. Brain Natriurectic Peptide - activates dumping of Na into urine

Results in Decrease in Blood volume and BP

Aortic Reflex

Engaged when BP in Aorta increases. baroreceptors fire

1. Same steps of Cartoid Reflex

Right Heart or Atrial Reflex

Adjust heart rate in response to venous return.

1. Increased blood pressure in vena cava and right atrium cause increased firing of baroreceptors.

2. CAC - increase sympathetic stimulation( (NE) to increase heart rate and increase strength of contraction.

3. CIC - Decrease parasympathetic to increase stimulation of heart.

4. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide - dumps NA

5. Decrease in Blood Volume, and BP

6. Slowing heart would increase atrial pressure and create a dangerous feedback


Too much K in blood

Heart becomes depolarized and repolarization is inhibited.

Contractions become weak and irregular

Heart can stop I diastole


Not enough blood in K

Cells become hyperpolarized(less responsive)

Hyperpolarization at nodes slow heart rate


Too much calcium

Cells become extremely excitable

Powerful prolonged contractions, Tetany


Low calcium

Contraction becomes weak and can cease completely

Abnormal body Temperature

Low body temp slows hr

High body temp speeds up hr