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93 Cards in this Set

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True or False:
Regulation of the health care industry exists principally in the form of self-regulation:
True or False:
In recent decades, government and insurers have exerted control over much of health care's money supply:
True or False:
Corporate mergers and the formation of health care systems have invariably resulted in widespread reductions in health care costs:
True or False:
The pace of technological change in health care has slowed considerably over the recent decade:
True or False:
Managed care organizations have brought pressure to bear on hospitals and physicians to reduce the length of hospital stays:
A formal agreement between separately owned and controlled facilities to officially coordinate and share certain activities is most appropriately referred to as:
A) a merger
B) an affiliation
C) a health care system
D) a shared-service arrangement
B) an affiliation
Which of the following is NOT TRUE concerning regulation of the health care industry?
A) health care is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the nation
B) current regulatory initiatives are likely to increase the amount of regulation to which health care is subjected
C) the most prevalent form of regulation is self-regulation
D) the majority of regulatory requirements on health care are concerned with cost or quality
C) the most prevalent form of regulation in health care is self-regulation
The apparent principle driving force behind the growth of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) has been:
A) The desire of payers to stem excessive cost increases or reduce costs overall
B) the growing tendency of providers to band together in corporate arrangements
C) the dramatic increase in competition among health care providers
D) a desired reduction in the total number of hospital beds available
A) The desire of payers to stem excessive cost increases or reduce costs overall
A group of registered nurses open an independent health clinic in a local shopping mall. This clinic offers walk-in, non-emergency care, The clinic staff refers complicated cases to the local hospital. The opening of this clinic in the same geographic area as the hospital is an example of:
A) bureaucratic imperialism
B) informal cooptation
C) formal cooptation
D) appeasement
A) bureaucratic imperialism
The administration of an acute care hospital invites the owner of local comprehensive rehabilitation facility to serve as a voting member on the hospital's area-wide planning commission. This is an example of:
A) bureaucratic imperialism
B) informal cooptation
C) formal cooptation
D) appeasement
C) formal cooptation
An acute care hospital has declared a three year moratorium on building due to uncertainty about economic and demographic shifts in its local area. This is an example of:
A) hibernation
B) bureaucratic imperialism
C) adaptation
D) informal cooptation
A) hibernation
The owners of an independent rehabilitation center have made the decision to add new specialty service for sports-related injuries to its existing range of services. This is an example of:
A) goal succession
B) goal expansion
C) goal multiplication
D) combination of goal succession and multiplication
B) goal expansion
True or False:
Resistance to change is an unnatural state within the individual:
True or False:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) was passed principally to ensure that workers could change jobs without being denied health insurance based on per-existing conditions:
True or False:
Involvement, often the strongest force in overcoming employee resistance to change, is sometimes not an available option:
True or False:
Conformance with the requirements of HIPPA has cost many organizations considerably more than the goverment's estimates:
True or False:
There is presently a reasonable chance that HIPPA, because of its unpopularity among health care providers, will be repealed:
True or False:
Providing employees with direct orders is probably the most effective means of ensuring acceptance of change:
True or False:
The implementation of the electronic health record is an example of proactive change:
True or False:
Implementation of changes within an organization, in response to the electronic health record initiatives, is the primary responsibility of the American Health Information Association:
True or False:
Stakeholders in the implementation processes associated with the electronic health record include the National Library of Medicine:
The Patient Self Determination Act of 1990:
A) addresses end-of-life decisions and related care
B) provides for the use of living wills, health care proxies, and advance directives
C) was made necessary in part by technological advances in life-support systems.
D) all of the above
D) all of the above
Of the following, the most likely reason for entrenched employee resistance to change is:
A) the uneasiness created among employees when they anticipate having to change the way they do their work
B) employees lack of knowledge of what is coming; that is, fear of the unknown
C) dislike of the manager or distrust of management overall
D) A & B
D) A & B
In addition to encouraging acceptance of a necessary change affecting their jobs, involvement of employees in changing methods and practices is valuable because:
A) it invariably gives them control over the change
B) it automatically prevents more resistance
C) it can empower employees with a sense of ownership of the change
D) employees are then more accepting of management direction because they have been included
E) all of the above
E) all of the above
All of the following are characteristics of the change process associated with adjustments to Y2K except:
A) managers were dealing with a predicted change
B) the need for change was known for several years ahead of deadline
C) the change involved a combination of predictable and unpredictable aspects
D) the change involved little or no opportunity for making other system-wide improvements
D) the change involved little or no opportunity for making other system-wide improvments
The changes involved in the Patient Self Determination Act resulted in renewed interest in, and activity by, the following committee of the patient care team:
A) disaster response committee
B) peer review committee
C) ethics review committee
D) utilization review committee
C) ethics review committee
The changes associated with the Patient Self Determination Act include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) rapid standardization through update of existing documentation processes
B) crisis approach to unanticipated change in requirements for documentation
C) patient and family outreach and education program offerings
D) rapid standardization through update of existing admissions processes
B) Crisis approach to unanticipated change in requirements for documentation
True or False:
Directing and controlling together compromise the first-line manager's role; other function, specifically planning, lie completely with top management
True or False:
The human relations approach to management preceded the advent of scientific management:
True or False:
It can be necessary for managers to modify their management or leadership style if it is inconsistent with the organization's authority structure or culture:
True or False:
Only the Human Resources department need to be concerned with the implementation details of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA):
True or False:
Individuals or groups outside the organization who work cooperatively with the organization in a joint effort are considered to be associates of the organization:
The function of the manger which involves design of a pattern of roles and relationships is:
A) planning
B) organizing
C) decision making
D) directing
B) organizing
In the systems approach to management practices, the requirements of a state licensure board for health care practitioners are classified as:
A) inputs
B) throughputs
C) outputs
D) structural cycle
A) inputs
In the classification of organizations by Authority Structure, the authority pattern associated with members of aprofessional associations such as AHIMA is:
A) coercive
B) utilitarian
C) normative
D) utilitarian -coervice
C) normative
In the classification of organizations by Genotype, an acute care hospital with extensive research facilities is classified as:
A) productive or economic
B) maintenance of society
C) adaptive
D) managerial
C) adaptive
In the Clientele Network model, the HIPPA regulations are classified as:
A) primary client characteristics
B) advisor input
C) controller input
D) adversary input
C) controller input
In the Clientele Network model, the community-based physician's relationship to the acute care hospital is that of:
A) client
B) advisor
C) controller
A) client
In the Clientele Network model, the AHIMA Coding and Reimbursement Compliance and Record Auditing guidelines are an example of:
A) controller
B) adversary
C) advisor
D) associate
C) advisor
Planning constraints are similar to which aspects of the Clientele Network:
A) advisors
B) associates
C) controllers
D) adversaries
C) controllers
Which characteristic of effective plans gives the employee team immediate motivational feedback:
A) idealistic plans
B) modest plans
C) vague plans
D) precise plans
D) precise plans
Typical philosophical premises in health care planning include all of the following except:
A) the American Hospital Association's guidelines of patient rights
B) codes of ethics of professional associations
C) requirements for reimbursement practices
D) values of society concerning privacy and equal access
C) requirements for reimbursement practices
The usual sequence in developing plans is:
A) mission, procedure, objectives, rules
B) objectives, mission, procedure, rules
C) objectives, policies, mission, rules
D) mission, objectives, policies, procedures
D) mission, objectives, policies, procedures
Functional objectives typically include all of the following except:
A) priorities
B) motivational statements
C) accuracy standards
D) specific service to be provided
B) motivational statements
Policies are intended to be:
A) overall guides and therefore the language used in policy statements is broad
B) precise regulations governing behavior
C) expressions of the organization's long-range objectives
D) none of the above
A) overall guides and therefore the language used in policy statements is broad.
The process of determining long-term objectives for the organization, along with the strategies to accomplish these objectives is termed:
A) strategic planning
B) premising
C) risk assessment
D) motivational planning
A) strategic planning
The following wording is associated with which type of plan: "To process discharge summaries within eight hours of receipt of dictated report":
A) mission statement
B) objective
C) functional objective
D) rule
B) objective
The following wording is associated with which type of plan: "All occupational therapy personnel will be licensed and registered. Recent graduate or therapists from foreign countries may treat patients but they must be supervised by a licensed and certified occupational therapist who countersigns their patient care plans and progress notes."
A) mission statement
B) objective
C) functional objective
D) policy
C) functional objective
In the decision making process, critical, non-programmed, root decisions are made by:
A) top level management
B) department heads
C) technical staff
D) employee representatives and department heads
A) top level management
True or False:
In the decision making process, top level management usually defer to department heads heads when the decisions relate to specific areas of technical expertise:
Certain electronic health record products must meet the USDHHS requirements for healthcare information technology. This is an example of:
A) the evaluation of alternatives in decision making
B) the agenda building stage in decision making
C) the strategic or limiting factor in decision making
D) root decision making
C) the strategic or limiting factor in decision making
True or False:
The health information manager chooses off-site commercial storage for hard copy records and eliminates the space and staffing associated with in-house storage. This is an example of root decision making:
True or False:
Incremental decisions do not usually involve in-depth evaluation of goals, policies or underlying philosophy:
True or False:
Telecommuting may not be appropriate for an employee who copes only marginally with the absence of traditional supervision:
True or False:
It is necessary to use temporary help services as sparingly as possible because they always represent excess cost:
True or False:
Contract management of a service may involve the provision of management only or the entire service including all involved employees:
True or False:
Temporary agency employees may be retained on the job for up to one year without difficulty
Which of the following is NOT true for temporary departmentation?
A) it usually reflects an organizational pattern that will exist for more than a few months
B) the temporary department exists for a predetermined period to meet specific need
C) the life of a temporary department must not extend longer than six months
D) in some instances the lifetime of a temporary department may be limited by available funding
C) the life of a temporary department must not extend longer than six months
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines defining an independent contractor state that:
A) The contractor must perform all work away from the contracting organization's facility
B) The using organization decides whether a particular service provider is an employee or an independent contractor
C) The independent contractor must be paid as a supplier rather than as an employee
D) The using organization may provide the materials and equipment used by the independent contractor
B) The using organization decides whether a particular service provider is an employee or independent contractor
The practice of having an employee report to two different managers is referred to as:
A) unity of command
B) the scalar principle
C) split reporting
D) span of management
C) split reporting
All of the following situations generally involve a wide span of management except:
A) work group is well trained and highly motivated
B) work group is decentralized
C) the authority structure is coercive
D) the work is highly repetitive and predictable
B) work group is decentralized
The authority associated with staff employees is termed:
A) normative authority
B) scalar authority
C) line authority
D) functional authority
D) functional authority
An occupational therapy group develops a pattern of departmentation for home care services based on catchment area requirements. This is an example of departmentation by:
A) Function
B) Product
C) Territory
D) Process
C) Territory
The "most use" criterion in organizational patterns is associated with:
A) orphan activities
B) deadly parallel arrangements
C) departmentation by product
D) matrix organization
A) orphan activities
An acute care hospital has received a major grant for a five year research project in neighborhood health care services. The continuance of the research project after the five years is uncertain. The most likely pattern of organization for the research project is:
A) "most use" criterion
B) temporary departmentation
C) matrix organization
D) deadly parallel arrangements
B) temporary departmentation
As part of a quality control program, the work is inspected in the first phase of the work process. This characteristic of adequate controls is termed:
A) timeliness
B) economy
C) comprehensiveness
D) understandability
C) comprehensiveness
The Six Sigma approach to total quality management is characterized by:
A) economic variations
B) statistical analysis of variations
C) monetary cost of variations
D) intangible factors
B) statistical analysis of variations
The use of a professional association's initiative in quality control programs is an example of:
A) Six Sigma approach
B) the DMAIC process
C) internal benchmarks
D) external benchmarks
D) external benchmarks
The usual term for visual control chart for plotting scheduling and progress is:
A) Six Sigma chart
B) Gantt Chart
C) Pareto Chart
D) Fayol Chart
B) Gantt Chart
In order to depict the chronological flow of work, a manager would usually develop a:
A) Fayol Chart
B) Pareto Chart
C) Flow Chart
D) Benchmark Chart
C) Flow Chart
In order to identify trends in workflow, a manger would usually develop a:
A) run chart
B) flow chart
C) pareto chart
D) fayol chart
A) run chart
In order to identify cause and effect relationships in workflow, a manager would usually develop a:
A) run chart
B) Ishikawa diagram
C) Gantt chart
D) Pareto chart
B) Ishikawa Diagram
Ex credit:
What is another name for the Ishikawa Diagram?
Fishbone Diagram
In order to determine priorities by comparing factors and to facilitate sorting the few critical elements from the less urgent in workflow analysis, a manager would usually develop a:
A) run chart
B) ishikawa diagram
C) gantt chart
D) pareto chart
D) pareto chart
In order to show the relationship between two variable factors in workflow analysis,a manager would usually develop a:
A) histogram
B) fayol chart
C) run chart
D) flow chart
A) histogram
The principle of re-qualification in total quality management applies to:
A) budget variance analysis for overtime payment
B) equipment readiness and availability
C) employee performance
D) eligibility determinations for employee benefits
C) employee performance
True or False:
In milestone budgeting, the budget periods are divided into equal cycles throughout the project (e.g. three month periods).
True or False:
The best type of maintenance and repair plan for a department having a mix of new and older equipment is the fee-for-service plan.
The budget category which cannot be cut or reduced is:
A) travel and inservice education
B) computer software licensing agreements
C) renovations
D) equipment maintenance and repair
B) computer software licensing agreements
Given the following standards, calculate the number of full time equivalents (FTE’s) needed: one FTE = 40hours/week
Work standard: 30 minutes per chart processing
Volume per day: 40 charts needing processing
The number of FTE’s needed is:
a. 1.0
b. 1.5
c. 2.0
d. 2.5
D) 2.5
The standard classification of expenditures and other budget transactions is called:
a. the Uniform Code of Accounts
b. the milestone budget
c. administrative cost centers
d. responsibility centers
A) the uniform code of accounts
The planning approach usually associated with budgeting is:
a. overaim
b. underaim
c. vagueness
d. maximizing
A) overaim
Which of the following wage and salary considerations is an impersonal cost:
a. merit increases
b. number of years in job
c. labor union contract wage rates
d. anniversary of hire raise
C) Labor union contract wage
Direct expenses include all of the following except:
a. equipment depreciation
b. wages and salaries
c. educational travel and seminars
d. equipment purchases
A) equipment depreciation
True or False:
In reviewing budget variances for the current budget year, a manager would give special attention to a line item that is over budget for the review period as well as overbudget for the year.
True or False:
A strategic plan usually lays out the desired outcomes for a long period of time, e.g., several years.
True or False:
The initial strategic plan is usually completed after the organization has moved out of the youth stage of the life cycle and well into the middle age phase of the life cycle
A SWOT analysis is associated with
a. budgeting for long range plans
b. due diligence reports
c. project proposals
d. strategic plan
D) strategic plan
True or False:
Licensure and accrediting agencies are given access to the annual reports if they request these documents.
True or False:
When a full time employee plans to open his own private practice on weekends, while continuing as a week day employee with his regular employer, he is free to do so without consulting the full time employer.
Articles of incorporation and the related bylaws for an independent business would typically include all of the following except:
a. legal name of the corporation
b. annual budget projection for the current year
c. provision for distribution of assets when the business is dissolved
d. frequency of required meetings of the executive board
B) annual budget projection for the current year
True or False:
A due diligence report is carried out on an annual basis.
True or False:
A due diligence report, once it has been approved by the governing board, is generally distributed to all employees.