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19 Cards in this Set

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Health Psychology

Study of Health Behaviours

Theory of Planned Behaviour

Ajzen 1991

Attitude (good or bad) + Subjective Norm (others thing good/bad) + Perceived Behavioural Control = Behaviour

Strengths of TPB

-- accounts for social influence

-- widely used in designing interventions for behavioural change

-- applicable to many health behaviours

Limitations of TPB

-- significant amount of variation unexplained across behaviours

-- components differ in predictive value

-- more successful in predicting voluntary behaviour

-- less successful in younger people

-- ignorance of other predictors e.g. past behaviour

Falko et al

Time to retire the TPB

Social Cognition Models Critique

-- TTM & TPB -- unexplained variance

-- Some behaviour biological & cannot be explained by SCMs

-- Identifies cognitive targets but doesnt explain how to change behaviour

-- do we form intention before action?

-- Crossley 2001 - SCMs too simple to explain ALL HBs

Stage Models

SCM -- must progress through stage to get to next one

Continuum Models

SCM -- no stages, seen more as a scale

Ogden 2003 -- TPB

-- Constructs not falsifiable

-- Create and change rather than describe cognitions & behaviour

Ajzen & Fishbein 2004 -- TPB

-- disagree with Ogden 2003;

-- challenges consistent with SCMs

-- Valid measure of constructs

Key health cognitions associated with performing HBs

-- represent beliefs, attitudes & knowledge towards HBs

-- intrinsic & variable between individuals

-- modifiable -- can change behaviour & targets of intervention

-- give rise to social behaviours

Health Belief Model

Rosenstock 1966

Perceived susceptability & severity + costs + benefits = BEHAVIOUR (health motivation, cues to action)

Strengths of HBM

-- widely used

-- successful intervention based on model

-- small effect size

Limitations of HBM

-- other cognitive models found strong predictors of behaviour e.g. intentions which are ignored by HBM

TransTheoretical Model

Prochaska & DiClemente 1983

over time period (6 months)

1. Precontemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation

4. Action

5. Maintainance

* Relapse

Strengths of TTM

-- dominant

-- allows categorisation

-- allows relapse

-- importance of maintainance

Limitations of TTM

-- little support for distinct stages with different cognitive processes (Rosen 2000)

-- difficult to define stages & measure

-- time period arbitrary

-- stages more of a categorisation of continuum

West 2005 -- TTM

work on TTM should be abandoned

Theory of Reasoned Action

Fishbein & Ajzen 1975

TPB extension of this SCM