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173 Cards in this Set

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a _____ refers to health, illness, and the meanings they hold for people shaped by gender, age, ability, and social, cultural, family, historical, and geographical contexts, and how these contexts influence how nurses view, relate, and work with patients and families
relational approach
_____ is aimed at making similarities and differences more transparent to us to that we can be as responsive as possible to people's varying needs
a relational approach
a universal phenomenon that shapes the health and wellbeing of every person
an individual's _____ develops in distinctive and specific ways depending on where they live, family background, SES, languages, spirituality, ancestry and history and an individual and as a member of a group
cultural orientation
equating culture with ideas about ethnicity or race overlooks most _____ relevant to health
sociocultural aspects
assuming _____ and making assumptions leads to unsafe health assessment practices
the process of conceptualizing culture in fairly narrow terms, or assuming that people act in particular ways because of their culture
according to this perspective, culture is a relational aspect of individuals that shifts and changes over time, depending on an individual's history, social context, past experiences, gender, professional identity, etc.
critical cultural perspective
attributing illness to individual behaviors or factors, and the view that the individual is responsible for getting well, values 'adherence' to medical recommendations such as diagnostics, medicine, and surgery
Western dominant healthcare culture
a complex concept that often implies geographical and national affiliation
_____ is an ambiguous concepts because it can encompass multiple different aspects such as origin, ancestry, identity, language, and religion
a socially constructed category used to classify humans according to common ancestry and reliant on differentiation by physical characteristics with to basis in biological reality and no meaning independent of it's social definitions
a process by which ethno-racial groups are categorized, stigmatized, inferiorized, and marginalized as the "others", may be intended and deliberate or unconscious and unintended
the denial of equitable treatment and opportunities to individuals or groups
a racializing term, by which people are classified according to skin color or other physical characteristics
visible minority
focusing on an individual's particular understandings, explanations, values, and practices related to health and illness will help you to obtain information relevant to health and avoid masking assumptions, this allows you to provide _____
culturally safe care
awareness and accommodation of people's beliefs, values, customs, and practices, and examination of how they intersect with broader social determinants and power relations that shape health and healthcare
cultural sensitivity
the application of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or personal attributes required by nurses to maximize respectful relationships with diverse populations
cultural competence

knowing these five things will promote _____

- you own ethno-cultural and social background

- culture of nursing and related professions

- culture of healthcare

- significance of social, economic, and cultural contexts

- ability to critically examine own assumptions about all of these areas

cultural safety and cultural competence
a process and an outcome whose goal is to promote greater equity by focusing on the root causes power imbalances and inequitable social relationships in healthcare
cultural safety
first language learned at home in childhood and still understood at the time data is collected
mother tongue

Canada's population as a whole is _____
life expectancy is longer for _____
projection of assumed cultural characteristics, differences, or identities onto members of particular groups, not based on actual differences, but on stereotypes
colonialism, the Indian Act, the process of registering for status, reserves, and residential schools, social conditions, systemic racism, discrimination, are all examples of _____
factors affecting the health of aboriginal peoples in canada
language, social isolation, access barriers, few interpreter services, lack if system information, waiting periods, discrimination, racism, low levels of social support are all factors that may affect this canadian population
differences, variations, and disparities in the health status if individuals and groups, tat are unnecessary and avoidable, and considered unfair and unjust
health inequities
the primary cause of poor health among canadians
the situation in which individuals are unable to carry out or participate in the activities expected in a particular nation
relative poverty
umbrella term that encompasses numerous individual therapies and health care approaches including traditional chinese medicine, relfexology, homeopathy, massage, chiropractic services, relaxation therapy, traditional aboriginal medicine, and other healing and health practices
complementary and alternative health care
a variety of products such as herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements, vitamins, and minerals
natural health products

this concept is more central to the human experience than religion, and may refer more generally to the search for meaning
building trust, engaging through listening, conveying respect of people's lives and choices, are all keys to _____
culturally safe health assessment
the individual's own perception of the health state
subjective data
signs perceived by the examiner through the physical examination
objective data
concentrated watching of the individual as a whole and then each body system
this part of the assessment is always performed first
applying your sense of touch to assess texture, temperature, moisture, organ location and size, swelling, vibration, pulsation, rigidity, spasticity, crepitation, lumps, masses, tenderness, or pain
this part of the hand is best for tactile discrimination, to assess skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps
these parts of the hand are best used for detecting position, shape, and consistency of organs or masses using a grasping action
fingers and thumb
these parts of the hands are best used for determining temperature because the skin is thinner
dorsa/backs of hands
these parts of the hand are best used to detect vibration
base of fingers or ulnar surface of hands
palpation using the pads of your fingertips to detect surface characteristics and to accustom the pt to being touched
light palpation
tapping the pt's skin with short, sharp strikes to assess underlying structures, the strokes yield a palpable vibration and characteristic sound that depicts the location, size, and density of the underlying structure
this method of assessment is useful for mapping location and size of organs, signalling density, detecting abnormal masses if fairly superficial, eliciting pain on inflammation, eliciting deep tendon reflex
in this type of percussion, the striking hand contacts the body wall directly producing a sound
direct percussion
in this type of percussion, the striking hand contacts the stationary hand which is fixed on the person's skin, yielding a sound and subtle vibration
indirect percussion

this type of percussion is used most often
indirect percussion
you need a _____ to percuss pts who are obese and for those with very muscular body walls
stringer percussion strike
loudness or softness of a sound
the number of vibrations or cycles per second (cps), more rapid make this higher
subjective difference in a sound's distinctive overtones
length of time the note lingers

a structure with more _____ produces a note that is louder, deeper, and longer because it vibrates freely

a structure that produces a softer, higher, shorter sound does not vibrate as easily because it is _____
denser/more solid
listening to sounds produced by parts of the body
this tool illuminates the internal eye structures using a system of mirrors and lenses enabling you to look at the fundus through the pupil
this ophthalmic aperture is used for dilated pupils
large/full spot
this ophthalmic aperture is used for undilated pupils
this ophthalmic aperture is used to examine the optic disc for hemorrhage (black) and melanin deposits (grey)
red-free filter
this ophthalmic aperture is used to determine fixation pattern and assess size and location of lesions on the fundus
this ophthalmic aperture is used to examine the anterior portion of the eye and to assess elevation or depression of lesions on the fundus
you should designate _____ and _____ areas for your equipment
clean and used
infection acquired during hospitalization
nosocomial infection
the most important step to reduce risk of microorganism transmission
hand washing
these should be used with all patients regardless of their risk for or presumed infection status, and mean that gloves should be worn if there will be potential contact with blood, any body fluids, non-intact skin, and mucus membranes
routine precautions
these precautions should be used when working with pts with documented or suspected transmissible infections, and are to be used in addition to routine practices
transmission-based precautions
contact (direct, indirect, droplet), airborne, vehicle, vectorborne
modes of transmission of infection
_____ can be reduced for the pt if the examiner is confident and self-assured, considerate, and unhurried
find a _____ of physical assessment that works for you, limits repositioning of the pt, and will become natural so as not to miss any steps, write it out and refer to it as you proceed
routine sequence
an infant should be placed ____ on a padded exam table for assessment
as much of the examination as possible should be conducted with the infant sitting in the parent's lap once ____
the baby can sit without support
listen to the heart, lungs, and abdomen of an infant when he/she is _____
save these more invasive steps until last when assessing babies
eyes, ears, nose, throat
elicit this reflex at the very end of the assessment as it may cause the baby to cry
_____ should be sitting up on the parent's lap for all of the examination, sit knee to knee with the parent for parts of the exam where the pt must be supine
when initially interacting with _____ and parents, focus more on the parent at first to allow the child to gradually get used to you
eye contact, smiling, talking, or accepting toys or equipment from you signals that the toddler is
ready to bein the examination
when assessing _____ use clear, firm instructions, and only offer a choice when there really is one to be made, offer limited options, and praise for cooperation
this age group is often cooperative, helpful, and easy to involve, and can be in the parents lap or on the examination table with the parent present
with this age group, use short and simple explanations, explain steps exactly, offer choice when possible, allow them to help, and use games to engage the child, compliment cooperation
this age group is usually cooperative and interested, and language is more sophisticated, however, understanding may not match speech, so be careful not to treat them like little adults
this age group should sit on the examination table, and older children in this age group may be able to decide whether parents should be present, demonstrate equipment and explain how the body works
this age group is increasingly self-conscious and introspective, they can sit on the exam table with or without parents present
in this age group, the body is rapidly changing, and the child needs feedback that the body is healthy and developing normally, emphasize wide variety among the age group and focus on positive attitudes regarding health and wellness
these pts can sit on the examination table, and are adjusting to changes in physical strength and health, allow rests and use a sequence with as little repositioning as possible
older adults
do not mistake diminished vision or hearing for _____
in an ill patient, immediate assessment of body areas appropriate to the problem will allow you to collect a _____, then complete the assessment after the initial distress has subsided
study of the whole person, covering the general health state, and any obvious physical characteristics
general survey
a general survey begins _____
as soon as you encounter the pt
four areas of a general survey:

- physical appearance

- body structure

- mobility

- behavior

age, sex, level of consciousness, skin color, and facial features are part of this section of the general survey
physical appearance
stature, nutrition, symmetry, posture, position, build, and contour are parts of this section of the general survey
body structure
gait and range of motion are parts of this section of the general survey
facial expressions, mood, affect, speech, dress, and personal hygiene are parts of this section of the general survey
the three sections of health assessment:

- general survey

- measurment

- vital signs

weight, height, BMI, and waist-to-hip ratio are part of this section of the health assessment
weight (kg) / height (m) =
waist circumference / hip circumference =
waist-to-hip ratio
temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure are all part of this section of the health assessment
vital signs
temperature is regulated by the _____
this form of temperature measurement is accurate and convenient
this site of temperature measurement has a rich blood supply from carotid arteries that quickly responds to changes in the inner core temperature
oral sublingual
if the pt has taken hot or iced liquids, wait _____ before taking temperature
20 min
if pt has just smoked, wait _____ to take temperature
2 min

if pt has been chewing gum, wait _____ minutes after the pt stops
5 min
caused by pyrogens secreted by toxic bacteria during infections or as a result of tissue breakdown
usually caused by accidental, prolonged exposure to cold, or can be purposefully induced to lower oxygen requirements during some surgery and during hemorrhage
this site for taking temperature is best for infants and young children
this method of taking temperature should only be used when other methods are impractical, such as in comatose or confused patients, or those who cannot close the mouth

a rectal thermometer should be inserted no more than _____ into the adult rectum, directed toward the umbilicus
this site of temperature taking senses infrared emissions from the eardrum, which has the same vascular supply as the hypothalamus
tympanic membrane thermometer
note these three characteristics of the pulse:

- rate

- rhythm

- force

normal stroke volume in adults
70 mL
to measure the pulse
count the number of beats in 30 seconds, multiply by 2
always count the pulse for _____ if the rhythm is irregular
one full minute
when assessing pulses bilaterally, add this characteristic to the list
normal pulse rate
60-110 bpm
the pulse rate is ____ in infancy and childhood
more rapid
pulse rate under 60 bpm
_____ occurs normally in well trained athletes because the heart muscle is larger and more efficient, increasing stroke volume
pulse rate faster than 100 bpm
_____ is normal with anxiety and increased exercise
stroke volume x rate =
cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped into the aorta with each beat
stroke volume
this condition is common in children and young adults and occurs when the heart rate varies with the respiratory cycle, speeding up at the peak of inspiration, and slowing to normal with expiration
sinus arrhythmia

in this condition, inspiration momentarily causes a decreased stroke volume from the left side of the heart, causing the rate to increase to compensate
sinus arrhythmia
this characteristic of pulse is recorded on a three point scale
a value of 0 on the force scale for pulse rate =

a value of +1 on the force scale for pulse rate =
weak, thready

a value of +2 on the force scale for pulse rate =

a value of 3+ on the force scale for pulse rate =
full, bounding
normal newborn respirations (jarvis)
normal adult respirations (jarvis)
normal pulse to respirations ratio

force of blood pushing against the side of the blood vessel wall

blood pressure
maximum pressure felt on the artery during ventricular contraction
systolic blood pressure
ventricular contraction
the elastic recoil, or resting, pressure that the blood exerts constantly between each contraction
diastolic blood pressure
the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures
pulse pressure
the pressure forcing blood into the tissues, averaged over the cardiac cycle
mean arterial pressure

normal adult blood pressure
daily cycle of blood pressure in which the BP is highest in later afternoon/early evening, then declines to an early morning low
diurnal rhythm
the opposition to blood flow through the arteries
peripheral vascular resistance
when blood viscosity is thicker, blood pressure _____
the width of the rubber bladder should equal _____ of the circumference of the arm
the length of the bladder should equal _____ of the circumference of the arm
using a cuff that is too narrow yields _____ BP results, because it takes extra pressure to compress the artery
falsely high BP

the period when korotkoff's sounds disappear during auscultation of blood pressure
auscultatory gap
a difference in BP of both arms of _____may indicate arterial obstruction on the side with the lower reading
more than 10-15 mmHg

a drop in systolic blood pressure of more than 20 mmHg or pulse increase of 20 bpm or more occurring with a quick change to standing position
orthostatic hypotension
physical appearance, body structure, mobility, response to stimuli, level of alertness, and parental bonding are key components of this section of the assessment of infants and children
general survey
this section of assessment for infants and children includes weight, length, head circumference

this section of health assessment for infants and children includes temperature, pulse, respirations, BP
vital signs
_____ increases in older adults, making the distinction between normal aging values and abnormal values difficult
blood pressure
aging causes decreases in _____ and _____ in relation to respirations, causing increased respiratory rate in older adults
vital capacity and inspiratory reserve volume
deficiency in growth hormone, causing retardation of growth, delayed puberty, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, causing pt to appear much younger than chronological age and have infantile features and chubbiness
hypopituitary dwarfism
excessive secretion of growth hormone by anterior pituitary, results in overgrowth of entire body causing increased height and weight and delayed sexual development

excessive secretion of growth hormone in adulthood, causes overgrowth of bone in face, hands, feet, no change in height, internal organs may enlarge
acromegaly / hyperpituitarism
congenital skeletal malformation caused by genetic disorder in converting cartilage to bone, large head with frontal bossing, midplace hypoplasia, short stature and limbs, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, abdominal protrusion
achrondroplastic dwarfism
serious psychological disorder, severe and life threatening weight loss, amenorrhea, fanatic concern about weight, aversion to food, distorted body image, starvation diets, frenetic exercise, perfectionism
anorexia nervosa
inherited connective tissue disorder, tall thin stature, arachnodactyly, hyperextensible joints, arm span greater than height, pubis to sole exceeding crown to pubis, early morbidity and mortality due to cardio complications
marfan's syndrome
excessive adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete excess cortisol, weight gain, edema, with central trunk and cervical obesity, round face, muscle wasting, weakness and thinness of arms and legs , reduced height, thinness and fragility of skin, purple abdominal striae, bruising, acne
endogenous obesity/cushing's syndrome
faster pulse, dizziness, diaphoresis, confusion, blurred vision, cool/clammy skin, are symptoms of this issue with blood pressure
the degree of balance between nutrient intake and nutrient requirements
nutritional status
_____ initiates data collection and provides framework for nutrition monitoring and evaluation
nutritional assessment

the purpose of this assessment is to identify individual requirements, provide information for designing a nutrition plan, and establish baseline data
nutritional assessment

potential information gaps in this common method of obtaining dietary information are:

- inability to recall

- time frame may by atypical of usual intake

- alteration of the truth for many reasons

- snacks and condiments unaccounted for

24 hour recall/24 hour food diary

this is designed to convey information about the nutrition content of food in a standardized format which allows for comparison of foods

nutrition labelling in canada
percent daily value
the %DV on a nutrition label represents the needs of a healthy individual who consumes _____ calories daily
this value is used to express food content of nutrients
percent daily value (%DV)