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50 Cards in this Set

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Adventitious Breath Sounds
Abnormal breath sound heard over the lungs.
Listening for sounds within the body.
Bronchial Sounds
those heard over the trachea; high in pitch and intensity, with expiration being longer than inspiration.
Bronchovesicular Sounds
normal breath sounds heard over the upper anterior chest and intercostal area.
unusual sounds, usually abnormal, heard in auscultation.
Comprehensive Assessment
health history and complete physical examination, ussually conducted when a patient first enters a healthcare setting, provides a baseline for comparing later assessment.
bluish coloring of the skin and mucous membranes
collection of blood in subcutaneous tissues that causes a purplish discoloration
accumulation of fluid in extracellular spaces
Emergency Assessment
rapid focused assessment conducted to determine potentially fatal situations.
redness of the skin
focused assessment
assessment conducted to assess a specific problem; focuses on pertinent history and body regions.
purposeful and systematic observation
yellow appearance of the skin
ongoing partial assessment
assessment that is conducted at regular intervals during care of the patient; concentrates on identified health problems to monitor positive or negative changes and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions
paleness of the skin
method of examining by feeling a part with the fingers or hand
act of striking one object against another for the purpose of producing a sound; used to assess the location, shape, size, and density of body tissues
small, purplish hemorrhagic spots on the skin that do not blanch with applied pressure
anterior surface of the chest wall overlying the heart and its related structures
Tension of the skin determined by its hydration
vesicular breath sounds
normal sounds of espirations heard on auscultation over peripheral lung areas.
Four types of Assessments
Comprehensive, ongoing partial, focused and emergency.
Six components of a Health History
Biographical Data, Reason for Seeking Health Care, History of Present Health Concern, Medical History, Family History and Lifestyle
Four Primary Assessment Techniques
Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation.
What is the sequence of techniques for abdomen assessment?
Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion and then Palpation.
Four characteristics of sound are assessed by ausculation. They are
Pitch, Loudness, Quality and Duration.
The General Survey Consists of:
Appearance and Behavior, Vital Signs, and Height and Weight.
What are the Characteristics of Masses Determined by Palpation?
Shape, Size, Consistency, Surface, Mobility, Tenderness and Pulsatile.
What are the Tones of Percussion?
Flat-Soft, Dull-Medium, Resonance-Loud, Hyperresonance-Very Loud, Tympany-Loud
What are the possible changes in skin color?
Erythemia, Cyanosis, Jaundice, and Pallor
Where is Turgor usually assessed?
On the sternum or under the clavicle.
What is the pitting Edema scale?
0-none, +1-trace, 2mm, +2-moderate, 4mm, +3-deep, 6mm, +4-very deep, 8mm,
What is the normal angle between the nail and its base in the finger?
160 degrees
Pupils, Equal, Round, Reactive, Light, and Accomodation
Direct Auscultation
unaided ear, such as respiratory wheezes or the creaking joint
Indirect Auscultation
aided, stethoscope which amplifies sounds inside the body, ie, bowel, heart and lung sounds.
Barrel Chest
An increased anteroposterior diameter as in COPD and emphysema.
Crackling, the quality of a fine bubbling sound, Bubble Wrap
What are the four quadrants of the abdomen?
right upper, right lower, left upper and left lower.
Why is percussion and palpation done after auscultation of the abdomen?
percussion and palpation stimulate bowel sounds.
The movement of the intestine. Waves of contraction and relaxation of the intestine by which the contents are propelled onward.
What is the frequency of normal bowel sounds?
These clicks and gurgles usually occur every 5 to 20 seconds.
What part of the stethoscope is used to auscultate bowell sounds?
What part of the stethoscope is used to auscultate the aorta, renal arteries, and iliac arteries for bruits?
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?
A standardized assessment tool that assesses the level of consciousness.
What three levels of awareness are important to evaluate orientation?
Time, Place, Person
Expressive Aphasia
The individual understands written and spoken words but cannot write or speak to communicate effectively.
Receptive Aphasia
The individual cannot understand written or spoken words.
What are 4 purposes of documention?
Identify actual and potential health problems, make nursing diagnoses, plan appropriate care, and evaluate the patient's responses to treatment.