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45 Cards in this Set

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the tricuspid valve, composed of three cusps, is located

between the right atrium and the right ventricle

the biscuspid (mitral valve) is located

between the left atrium and left ventricle

function of the chordae tendinae

anchor av valves flaps to papillary muscles

A tough, inextensible, loose fitting, fibroserous sac that attaches to the great vessels and surrounds the heart


the outer surface of the heart


thickest layer of the heart


forms the innermost layer of the heart and is continuous with the endothelial lining of blood vessels


what regulates the events associated with the filling and emptying of the cardiac chambers

the generation and conduction of the electrical impulses by specialized sections of the myocardium

t or f

the atria contract simultaneously

the pacemaker of the heart is

the SA node

Pathways of electrical conduction

SA node, AV node, AV bundle (Bundle of His), Purkinje Fibers

During Diastole

the AV valves are open and ventricles relaxed

higher pressure in the atria than ventricles

During Systole

the AV valves are shut

Closure if the AV valves produces

the first heart sound (S1), which is the beginning of Systole

the second heart sound (S2) is produced when

the Semilunar valves close; this signals the end of the systole

during isometric contraction

all four valves are closed and the ventricles contract

S1 is heard best at the

apex of the heart; even though it can be heard over the entire precordium

S2 is heard best at the

base of the heart

an accentuated S1 is louder than S2 and occurs when

the mitral valve is wide open and closes quickly

Accentuated S1 occurs when

1. hyperkinetic states in which blood velocity increases such as fever, anemia , hyperthyroidism

2. mitral stenosis

Diminished S1 is softer than S2 and occurs when

mitral valve is not fully open at the time of the ventricular contraction an valve closing

Diminished S1 occurs in

1. delayed conduction from the atria to the ventricles as in 1st degree heart block

2. mitral insufficiency in which extreme calcification of the valve limits mobility

3. delayed or diminished ventricular contraction; noncompliant ventricle, severe pulmonary or systemic hypertension

Split S1 occurs when

the left and right ventricles contract at different times

Examples of Split S1

1. conduction delaying the cardiac impulse to one of the ventricles, as in bundle branch block

2. Ventricular ectopy in which the impulse starts in one ventricle, contracting it first, and then spreading to the second ventricle

Varying S1 occurs when

the mitral valve is in different position when contraction occurs

Examples of Varying S1

1. rhythms in which the atria and ventricles are beating independently of each other

2. totally irregular rhythm such as atrial fibrillation

Accentuated S2 means that S2 is louder than S1 and occurs in conditions which

the aortic or pulmonic valve has a higher closing pressure

Examples of Accentuated S2

• increased pressure in the aorta from exercise, excitement, or systemic hypertension (a booming s2 is heard with systemic hypertension)

• increased pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, which may occur with mitral stenosis or congestive heart failure

• calcification of the semilunar valve, in which the valve is still mobile, as in pulmonic or aortic stenosis

Diminished S2 means that S2 is softer than S1 and occurs in conditions which

the aortic o pulmmonic valves have decreased mobility

Examples of Diminished S2

• decreased systemic blood pressure, which weakens the valves, as in shock

• Aortic or pulmonic stenosis, in which the valves are thickened and calci- fied, with decreased mobility

normal split S2 can be heard over the second or third intercostal space and is usually heard best during

inspiration; and disappears during expiration

Splitting that does not disappear during expiration is suggestive of

heart disease

Wide spit S2 is an increase in the usual spitting that persistts throughout the entire respiratory cycle and widens on expiration. it occurs when there is

delayed electrical activation of the right ventricle

An example of wide split S2

right bundle branch block which delays pulmonic branch closing

Fixed split S2 is wide splitting that does not vary wit respiration. it occurs when

there is delayed closure of one of the valves

Example of Fixed Split S2

atrial septal defect and right ventricular failure which delays pulmonic valve closing

Reversed split S2 appears on expiration and disappears on inspiration (paradoxical split). Occurs when

closure of the aortic valve is abnormally delayed, causing A2 to follow P2 in expiration.]

Ex. Left bundle branch block

S2 and S3 result from

ventricular vibrations secondary to rapid ventricular filling

S3 (ventricular gallop)

can be heard early in diastole

S4 (atrial gallop)

can be heard late in diastole

Conditions that contribute to turbulent blood flow include

1. increased blood velocity

2. structural valve defects

3. valve malfunction

4. abnormal chamber openings (septic defects)

the amount of blood pumped by the ventricles during a given period of time

Cardiac output

(5 to 6 L/min)

Formula for CO


The amount of blood pumped from the heart with each contraction

Stroke volume

(70 ml on left ventricle)

Stroke Volume is influenced by

• The degree of stretch of the heart muscle up to a critical length before contraction (preload); the greater the preload, the greater the stroke volume. This holds true unless the heart muscle is stretched so much that it cannot contract effectively.

• The pressure against which the heart muscle has to eject blood during contraction (afterload); increased afterload results in decreased stroke volume.

•Synergy of contraction (i.e. the uniform, synchronized contraction of the myocardium); conditions that cause an asynchronous contraction decrease stroke volume.

• Compliance, or distensibility, of the ventricles; decreased compliance decreases stroke volume.

• Contractility, or the force of contractions, of the myocardium under given loading conditions; increased contractility increases stroke volume.