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65 Cards in this Set

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actions/techniques not to take part in risk behaviors
A prevention technique for risk behaviors: abstaining from -- not participating in risk behaviors
Health Literacy
able to discus your health with another person in all aspects of health awareness; awareness; understanding
Risk Behaviors
Taking an action that goes in a negative way toward your health.
Parts of behavior -
1. positive influences,
2. dietary behavior,
3. sexual behavior,
4. Behaviors that contribute to injury and violence,
5. alcohol and drug behaviors,
6. physical fitness,
7. Environment
State of well being made up of the 5 components of health
perfection and balance of the 5 components of health
traits/characteristics that pass through generations
background of person that indicates heritage/traditions/customs that have been passed down through generations
Similar people of similar age that affect your lifestyle
the news or any way of getting a message around to everyone
- print
- radio
- TV
- internet
The area around people which they are accustomed to. Changes in the environment can be either social or temperature.
Healthy People 2010
A set of 28 Health objectives established for the nation to achieve over the the 21st century
Health Education
A program developed to identify the issues regarding risk behaviors and the practice of prevention techniques to live a healthy lifestyle
A legal liquid drug that is catergorized as a depressant
A plant that is manufactured to be smoked, chewed, and dipped
A legal or illegal substance that alters the mind, and with continued use, will damage the body
Legal drugs bought over-the-counter or perscribed by a doctor to fight a disease(physical effects)
The stretching of a ligament
Stretching of a tendon
Muscle cramp
When a muscle contracts and doesn't relax. Muscle is in a constant state of contraction.
Life-threatening condition from a decrease in the core temperature causing the blood to thicken.
When skin cells die due to shortened blood flow. Occurs outward and moves inward.
Heat stroke
A life threatening heat illness due to an increase of core temperature. Body can no longer sweat or create its own water.
Heat exhaustion
A heat related illness due to lack of water.
Heat cramp
Cramp due to dehydration or lack of water.
caused by a lower impact to the head that shifts the brain so it hits the skull, causing the brain to bruise.
One is not responding to outside stimuli
Cracking of a bone
Shock (physical)
A condition caused by lack of oxygenated blood to the vital organs.
Cardio-pulmenary-recussitation: process of bringing back or maintaining the heart rhythm and breathing.
Chain of survival
A process put into use in a cardiac emergency.
1.Call 911
2.Early CPR
3.Early Defibrulation
4.Early adv. care
A device that sends a shock to the heart attempting to reset its rhythm
Bulimia Nervosa
A disease characterized by the binge eating then purging to maintain their body weight.
Binge eating disorder
A cycle of overeating for comfort then becoming depressed because of increased body weight
Principle of Progression
Working the body from a lower level to a higher level, as a persons level of skill and condition improves
The 3 components of a workout

Anabolic Steroids
Man made testosterone
Working past the level of exhaustion producing negative effects
Range of motion of a joint
Muscular endurance
Being able to move a lesser weight multiple times
A prevention to not participate in risk behaviors
Actions taken to stay out of risk behaviors
Cumulative risks
Participating in two or more risk behaviors and finding how it affects you health
Physcial fitness
An adequate level of the 5 components of fitness
Principle of specificity
A program devolped with selected activities to improve a person's skill and condition with a definite/specific goal in mind
Resting heart rate(RHR)
The amount of times your heart beats per minute at rest
Principle of Progression
Working the body from a lower level to a higher level, as a person's level of skill and condition improves
Target Zone
60-75% of a person's maximum heart rate
Cardiac Zone
80-90% of a person's maximum heart rate
A disease characterized by weakening of the skeletal system due to
1.lack of activity
2.lack of nutrients
3.old age
Physical activity
All movements that allow the body to increase energy expenditure
Elevating one’s heart rate to 55% of its maximum heart rate -> warms up muscles allowing them to stretch
Muscular power
Moving a given weight at a given speed
Maximal heart rate
The most amount of times one’s heart beats per minute
Cardio Respiratory Endurance
The amount of time one’s heart and lungs can work
Exertion of muscles in various ways to keep them fit
Principle of overload
Working your muscles to exhaustion for positive gains
Anaerobic exercise
Does not require oxygen for energy, for all activities that last 0-1.5minutes
Aerobic Exercise
Requires oxygen for energy, for all activities that last 2.5 minutes or longer
The body’s ability to burn calories for energy
Training program
A series of planned workouts over a period of time for the purposes of achieving a goal
Fad diet
A popular short term diet that promotes quick weight loss
Weight Cycling
The process of gaining, losing and subsequently gaining more weight than before
Eating disorder
A mental disorder where a person cannot control their eating habits
Anorexia nervosa
A mental disorder where a person is 15% below their body weight