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49 Cards in this Set

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last 5 generations

1. GI Generation

2. Silent generation

3. Baby Boomers

4. Generation X

5. Millennials

GI Generation

-oldest generation still living born between 1900s-1925

-WWI Prohibition women's right to vote ( 19th amendment

Silent Generation


- Great Depression WWII

Baby boomers

1946- 1964

- 78 million graying adults mid 60's early 50's

Generation X

-1965- 1980

-more ethnically diverse and accepting of diversity family structure and orientation

- 40% of them had single parent households

-1/4 received pay treatment

- self reliant independent

focus on education and leisure pursuits

- computer orientation access to information

Millennial Generation

-1980s - 2000

-parents delayed child birth

- sheltered and mad to feel valued ( emerging adulthood


biological and social change across life span

biological aging

changes in the structure and functioning of the human organism over time

social aging ( transition points

- TP- relinquishment of old roles and replace with new ones

changes in individuals assumption and relinquishment of roles over time

social norms

standards of behavior that members of a group share and to which they are expected to conform such as an unacceptability of ouching and shoving

age norms

- socila norms that define what is appropriate for people to do at various ages license, marriage , state care seattle career

social clock

- a set of internalized concept that regulate our progression through the age related milestones if the adults years

age graded system

- members of each grade are alike in chronological age or life stage and have certain roles that are age specific

Ex: people in sudan distinguish among 5 grades: children, youth, rulers of village, retired elders and very old

role life events play in helping people locating themselves

come events are considered non normative that is largely independent of age or stage Ex: being in automobile accident, winning lottery, conversion to religion we often employ major events as markers in our lives like having a baby or getting marries marks transitions

Childhood sexual abuse as stressful life event

changes thechilds nervous system and their reactions to threat

-nervous system is more sensitive

-experience more daily emotional and physical symptoms associated with menstrual cycle

- men and women had self harming behaviors

physical performance

-women reach full height before their twenties and men continue to grow until age 30

both genders reach peak bone mass by age 35 and both genders reach their capacity to work at maximum rate of fatigue by this age.

- muscle strength and coordination peak in

obesity increasing across cultures

worldwide nutrition transition brought by globalization and increasing access to western style diets

how does socioeconomic status, ethnicity and gender effect transition into adulthood

- people who are poorer and lack higher education have higher death rate

- women live longer than men

- racial minorities and single parents are more likely to live in poverty


3 main factors that protect people from depression

- having enough autonomy to exercise control in response to stressful events

- having access to materials resources that make it possible to make choices about how to respond to stress

- having access to a supportive network


psychological disorders and disturbances result from individual vulnerability and environmental stresses, perception, and sleep

Gender differences in stress

-women admit more to stress

- men more likely to cope using drugs and alcohol

- women stress more over family events men stress over financial and work related problems

Heterosexual sexual activity in early adulthood

- 90% have intercourse by age 22

80% of people in committed relationships report being satisfied sexually

70% of people have only had 1 sexual partner in the past yeas

post formal operations

-knowledge is not absolute but relativistic( no such thing as facts just simple realities)( ppl have different visions for project learn to cooperate

- accept contradictions and incompatibilities( times where we must respect and do what supervisor say)

- find encompassing whole to organize experience (look at larger picture

information processing sternberg

- information is perceived and then processed through a number of steps

- good problem solvers are good encoders

Gilligan vs. kohlberg

-kohlberg: preconcention, conventional post conventional

- man and women have different moral domains - men think moral problems ar e interns of right and rules( ethic of justice

- women void hurt ( ethic ofcare)

adulthood social relationships

our relationships with others involve relatively stable sets of expectations ( ex: I'm the daughter of, or wife of)

expressive tie

a social link formed when we invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to another person ( many of our needs can only be met by association with other people

primary relationships

view these relationships with friends family and lovers as ends in themselves valuable in their own right

instrumental tie-

a social link formed when we cooperate with another person to achieve a specific goal ( working relationship, political relationship

secondary relationship

- social relationships that rest on instrumental ties

- we see these relaironships as means to ends rather than an ends in their own right ( cashier, ( everyday touch and go relationships

Erickson major theme in adult development

intimacy vs. isolation

- closness, love and vulnerability vs. promiscuity or exclusion

phases of adult male development

- leaving family

- entering adult world ( being committed to roles as adults

- settling down

becoming ones own person

phases of adult female

-find ways to combine work and family

- women fund a variety of paths to adulthood

steinbergs triangular theory of love

- love is made up of 3 elements

1. passion

2. intimacy

3. commitment

- calls the emotional bond consummate love

why some young adults are living at homr

- longer time to establish career

- economic recession

- lower salaries

- higher cost of healthcare

why so many adults are single

- establish career, do not know how to date, concerned about divorce, searching for perfect mate, view being single as best way to live, unresolved issues in past relationships

nonmartial cohabitation vs. marriage

- living with someone who you are not married to

sexual orientation

refers to rather an individual is strongly aroused sexually by members of their own sex, the opposite sex or both sexes


having little sexual orientation to males or femles


center of the continuum of sexual orientation


socially, legally and religious sanctioned union between a women and a man with the expectation that they will play the mutually supportive roles of husband and wife.

two types of nuclear families

- family orientation- you mother father siblings

- family of procreation- begins apart of a family in which you are one of the parents

short comings of hills family life cycle

- sequence of changes that occur in the structure and relationship of family life between marriage and death of both spouses( first just parents then children then just parents again

- does not apply to divorced spouses, single parent families, same sex families, step family, some immigrant families, and institiualized populations

significance of 1st pregnancy

- functions as a major marker or transition and confronts a couple with nee developmental tasks

4 major tasks in confronting a pregnant women

1. accept the pregnancy gain emotional attachment to undorn child

2. must come to differentiate herself from fetus and establish a distinct sense of self

3. reflects on and reevaluates relationship with own mother

4. come to terms with issue of dependency

postpartum depression

symptoms include irritability waves of sadness frequent crying little sleep no appetite feelings of hopelessness

- realted to dramatic hormonal changes at birth being tied down to baby

- feel guilty when they can comfort baby

single parent fathers

- good at juggling

- more anxiety over sexual behavior

- lost during temper tantrum

- need to develop own nurturing skills

significance of work for men and women

self interest- feeling good at being skilled at something

- money

- friends

- atmosphere

differences in men and women work experiences

- women gain back their assertiveness in adulthood, women don't commit themselves to competitive success because they view socializing as an achievement

- men seek to dominate