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100 Cards in this Set

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What are the characteristics of Intimacy?
1. Knowledge
2. Caring
3. Interdependence
4. Mutuality
5. Trust
6. Commitment
What are the need for relationships?
The need to belong, quanlity relationships important to health
What are some historical changes in relationships?
Fewer marriages
More cohabition
More divorce
More single mothers
More babies born outside marriage
What are the three attachment styles?
Secure (-->Secure)
Anxious-ambivalent (preoccupied)
Avoidant (fearful or dismissing)
How does someone who is Secure act?
They are secure in their place in the world
How does someone who is preoccupied act?
Want a relationship, don't think they deserve one
How does someone who is fearful act?
Scared of intimacy, abandonment
How does someone who is dismissing act?
They are fine on their own, don't need anyone
What is the worst match?
Preoccupied and dismissive
What is the dating theory of Natural Selection?
people have certain traits in dating
What is personal/parental investment?
Males wish to spread seed
Females need investment, someone to raise child
What is paternity certainty?
Males want to know child is theirs
What are concerns about cohabition?
Higher risk of breakup
More divorces, longer the period
Cohabiters less traditional
Cohabiters more flaky
What are some causes of cohabition/relationship changes?
Technology in birth control
Gender ratio-more females
What occurs depending on the gender ratio?
More Females- men have options, less likely to settle down
Less Females- men hold onto women more, more conservative
How has technology affected relationships?
Less face to face conversation
"Ambient awareness"- more awareness of people without knowing htem
No non-verbals, more interpretation
More public relationships
What is Ambient Awareness?
Through technology, knowing of people without knowing them
What are sex differences?
Taught, learned through interaction ex. hair flipping
What are gender differences?
Biological differences
What are the Five Big Traits of Personality?
1. Extraversion
2. Agreeableness
3. Conscientiousness- work
4. Neuroticism- pessimism
5. Openness to Experience
What is Self-Esteem?
Global evaluation of yourself, based off of others
What is Socio-biological Theory?
Dating based off biology-
-Men want figure, fetility, spread the seed
-Females want broad shoulders, protection, strength
What is Filter Theory?
1. Proximity
2. Social Background
3. Attraction
4. Family Influence
5. Habits
6. Selected Partner
What is the Marriage Gradient?
Women marry older, high status men
Men marry younger, prettier women
What is the Marriage Squeeze?
Poor, young men and Educated, old women don't get married often
What are Direct Rewards?
Immediate rewards- their physical features
What are Indirect Rewards?
Attracted to someone because of situation (time/place/environment)
What is Beauty's Halo Effect?
When someone is pretty, assume they have all other good qualities
What is beauty according to human perception?
Men like innocent baby face, short, young women
Women like strong, chistled, taller men
What are some influence on the perception of beauty?
Historical Period
Ethnicity- differences b/wn race
Gender- men value physical attractiveness more then women
Personality- self-moniters- some people care more about things
What is the Contrast Effect?
when you compare yourself to others- feel better when compare to average
What are negatives of being attractive?
People are less trusting, used to flattery
What is the idea of matching?
People normally date people on their attractiveness level
What is the equation for Desirability?
Desirability = Attractiveness x Probability of acceptance
What is the Principle of Homogeneity?
We like people similar to ourselves
What is mate worth?
Social worth trade-
ex. money, beauty
What are Idealized others?
Opposite who find traits they desire in a person
What are complementary others?
Opposites who have characteristics that complement each other
What is the Romeo and Juliet effect?
You want someone more because you can't have them
What is Reactance?
Situation leads someone to want another person more
What are three sets that are valued in another person?
1. Warmth and Loyalty- good personality, person
2. Attractiveness and Vitality- physical, youth, fertility
3. Status and Resources- money, job, house, resources
How long does it take to form a first impression?
39-100 milliseconds, 5 seconds to make full impression
Why are first impressions important?
Stereotype and categorize
Primacy Effect
Foundation for future expectations
What is conformation bias?
Notice things that we already think, ignore contradictions
What is primacy effect?
when friend gives info about you, sets a path
How does time affect how well you think you know something?
Overconfident in how well we know others over time, but accuracy doesn't increase
What are positive illusions?
When you make your expectations to fit reality
What are self fufilling prophecies?
if you look for a certain person and treat them that way, it will happen
What are attributions?
why we think people do the things they do
What are actor/observer effects?
when actor does an action, observer more judgemental when do the same
What is P and Q space?
P space- day to day part of relationship
Q space- overall quality of how you think about relationship
Dysfunctional "Destiny" beliefs, what are they?
1. Disagreements are destructive
2. Mindreading is essential
3. Partners never change
4. Sex should be perfect everytime
5. Men and women are different
6. Great relationships just happen
What are the "Growth" beliefs?
1. Happy relationships are a result of hard work
2. Good relationships develop gradually
3. Any relationship can succeed if you work at it
What is self enhancement?
We like people who tell us positive information about ourselves
What is the Marriage Shift?
when you go from friendship to marriage, want someone honest, not always nice
What is impression management?
Trying to influence what impressions of us that others form
What is ingratiation?
Taking a one down position, give praise
What is self-promotion?
showing good qualities to prove worth
What is intimidation?
making/forcing people to do things people want
What is a high self moniter?
Someone who is skilled at impression management, different among groups
What is Social Penetration Theory?
How do people know you over time
1. Breadth and depth
2. Reciprocity- tell about yourself, other does same
3. Responsiveness- you want the person to respond, but not return stuff
What are the differences for women in verbal communication?
-Discuss feelings, personal matters, gossip
-Self disclose more
-Less talking around men
-more indirect
What are the differences for men in verbal communication?
-discuss impersonal people/actions
-more direct
-seek humor
-self disclose less, talk more w/women
What is the Magic Ratio?
5 positive interactions for every 1 negative interaction
What is kitchen sinking?
have a specific problem, but hold in and throw all problems in one argument
What is yes-butting?
when one tries to fix problem, other "yes, but" gives negative aspects to solutions
What is drifting off-beam?
can't stay on topic, end up exchanging problem for problem
What is mind-reading?
Expect person to know what your thinking, or you assume you know what they are thinking
What is cross-complaining?
when someone brings up complaint, raises another one
What is a Volatile relationship?
A lot of bickering, end up fighting over subjects
What is the Avoidant relationship type?
When one addresses a problem, another brushes it off
What is the Validating relationship type?
Recognize each other's problems, end up discussing matters that bother each other
What are the Four Horsemen of the Apolocalypse?
1. Criticism- attacking character, not behaviors
2. Contempt- extreme sarcasm, demeaning
3. Defensiveness- once you start getting criticized, start defending yourself
4. Stonewalling
What does generalizable mean?
Applies to people in a population
What is a "true" experimental study?
Random assignment, experimentor has control over sample
What is quasi-experimental studies?
Only study people who volunteer, choose to study
What is a descriptive study?
Describe something, don't predict/explain
What is a historical study?
Study based on previous events
What is a correlational study?
as one thing happens, so does another, no causation
What is one time data collection?
One group, one time, data collection
What is the Avoidant relationship type?
When one addresses a problem, another brushes it off
What is the Validating relationship type?
Recognize each other's problems, end up discussing matters that bother each other
What are the Four Horsemen of the Apolocalypse?
1. Criticism- attacking character, not behaviors
2. Contempt- extreme sarcasm, demeaning
3. Defensiveness- once you start getting criticized, start defending yourself
4. Stonewalling
What does generalizable mean?
Applies to people in a population
What is a "true" experimental study?
Random assignment, experimentor has control over sample
What is quasi-experimental studies?
Only study people who volunteer, choose to study
What is a descriptive study?
Describe something, don't predict/explain
What is a historical study?
Study based on previous events
What is a correlational study?
as one thing happens, so does another, no causation
What is one time data collection?
One group, one time, data collection
What is cross-sectional time periods?
go around asking different groups, a single time
What is longetudal research?
follow different groups over a long time
What is retrospective research?
ask about past events for research
What is self report?
people ask you questions about yourself
What is other report?
when subject reports on someone else
What is physiological report?
Reporting about something within the body
What is meta-analysis?
Looking at all studies with some different results
What is the social desirability bias?
You answer based on what you think the researcher wants to hear
What is reactivity bias?
Acting in an artificial matter
What is recall bias?
People have a hard time remembering what happened, exaggerate