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174 Cards in this Set

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What is the trouble that surrounds difference
really about?



What keeps trouble going?

The existence of privilege and the lopsided
distribution of power

What is trouble rooted in?

A legacy we all inherited, and while we're here it belongs to us
Who's fault is this trouble?

Not ours

Now that the trouble is ours, what is our

To decide how we are going to deal with it
before we pass it along to the generations to come
Why do people rarely talk about power and
privilege? Why?
It is difficult to talk about it

A fear of anything that might make dominant groups uncomfortable or "pit groups against each other"

What is the problem with the explanation?
The groups are already pitted against one
another by the structures of privilege that
organized society as a whole
What does the fear keep us from doing?

Looking at what's going on and making it
impossible to do anything about the reality that lies deeper down
What happens when privilege is ignored?

It keeps us in a state of unreality by promoting the illusion that difference by itself is the

It can be a problem when people try to work

together cross-cultural divide that that group up to date and do things their own way

What is the real allusion connected to

The popular assumption that people are
naturally afraid of what they do not know or
understand making it inevitable that you will be here in distressed people he are not like you and, in spite of your good intentions, you will find it all but impossible to get along with them
What is, for all its popularity, the idea that
everyone is actually frightened by difference? What does it justify?
A cultural myth

Keeping outsiders on the outside and treating them badly if they happen to get in

Give an example of how the mere fact that something is new or strange is that enough to make us afraid of it.
When the Europeans first came to North
America, they weren't terribly afraid of the
people they encountered, and the typical Native American response was to welcome the
astonishingly different people with that arms much to their later regret
Who are all drawn toward the mystery of what they don't know?









The just plain curious

Even children

Why is it a concern that children are drawn
toward the mystery of what they do not know?
They are vulnerable
What happens when we feel afraid?

It is not what we don't know that frightens us, it's what think we do know
What is the problem?
Our ideas about what we don't know

How we think about such things is something were born with

Why would we take difference and diversity as reasons for fear and occasions were trouble?
We learn to think about them in ways that make for fear and trouble

Marshall Mitchell

Teaches disability studies at Washington State University

Tell the children who approach him in his
wheelchair with no hesitation or fear, but each year that they get older they become more
Why did Marshall Mitchell's students grow more fearful as they grew older?
They are then afraid of what they been taught

and think they know

The issues of different cover a large territory,

what is a useful way to put it into perspective?

With the diversity wheel

Marilyn Loden and Judy Rosener
Created the diversity will

What is in the hub of the wheel?
6 social characteristics

What are the 6 social characteristics?




Physical ability


Sexual orientation

What are some examples of qualities on the hub of the diversity wheel?
Left/right – handedness


What is located on the outer ring of the
diversity wheel?


Marital status

Parental status

Social class indicators
Give examples of the social class indicators
located on the outer ring of the diversity wheel.



Who can describe themselves using diversity wheel? How?

By going around the wheel

When someone describes themselves using the diversity will, where do they start?

The hub

Give an example of one describing themselves using the diversity wheel from the hub to the outer ring.

I am male, English Norwegian (as far as I know), white (as far as I know), 59 years old,
heterosexual, and nondisabled (so far).
Give an example of one describing themselves using the diversity rail from the outer ring

I am married, a father and grandfather, and a middle class professional with a PhD. I've lived in New England for most of my life, but I've also lived in other countries. I have a vaguely
Christian background, but it I had to identify my spiritual life with a particular tradition, I lean more toward that anything else. I served a brief stint in the Army reserves.

My details following the diversity wheel

Starting with the hub

I am female, Irish–Welch–Czechoslovakian (as far as I know), white (also as far as I know), 38 years old, heterosexual, nondisabled (so far).

Continuing at the outer ring

I am single, a mother to 3 cats, and a student that is a senior in college. I've lived in Virginia, Washington DC, and North Carolina. I grew up Catholic but I consider myself a Christian.
What is the diversity wheel missing?
Part of the unique individual that I am

My personal history

Contents of my character

What I dream and feel
What does the diversity wheel say about a

It says a lot about the social reality that shapes everyone's light in powerful ways

What would happen for most people if they shift

a few parts of the diversity wheel?

This would be enough to change their lives

Why do these characteristics matter even though they may not tell us who we are as
individuals in the privacy of our hearts and souls?
They locate us in relation to other people and society in ways that can have huge
What is the trouble of diversity shown in the
diversity wheel?
People differ from one another

It is produced by world organized in ways that encourage people to use difference to include or exclude, reward or punish, credit or discredit,
elevate, or oppress, value or devalue, leave alone or harass

Characteristics in the center of the diversity wheel

Have the added quality of being difficult if not impossible to change (except acquiring a
disability which can happen to anyone at any time)
What are the exceptions to the characteristics in the center of the diversity wheel?
Sex change surgery is available

It possible for some people to pass for a race that is other than what they know themselves to be

It is possible for some people to pass for a
sexual orientation that is other than what they know themselves to be
What are these exceptions quite different from?
Being married one day and divorce the next

Getting a new job that suddenly elevates your class position
What is the inner part of the diversity wheel

Characteristics that, one way or another, we must learn to live with regardless of how we choose to reveal ourselves to others
Why are perceptions difficult to control?

People tend to assume that they can identify characteristics simply by looking at someone

we routinely form quick& race, gender, age,
sexual orientation, or disability status
What do we base these impressions on?
Blanket assumptions
Give an example of a blanket assumption.
Everyone is heterosexual until proven otherwise

If they look like they are white
How are these impressions formed?
Without thinking

They rely on in order to see the world as an

organized and predictable place from one

moment to the next

When might we realize we routinely form these types of impressions?
We may not realize it until we run into someone who doesn't fit neatly into one of our categories
What can happen when trying to form an
impression of gender or sexual orientation?
It can jolt your attention and nag you until you think you have figured it out
What does our culture allow?

For only 2 genders (compared with subcultures that recognize several)
What happens when someone does not clearly fit in one or the other?
They are instantly perceived as an outsider

What happens when babies are born with a
mixture of sexual characteristics?
They are surgically altered in order to fit the
culturally defined categories of female and male
What happens when a person born with visible characteristics that were clearly male or female when they are Native American Navajo?
They are placed and a 3rd category which was considered just as legitimate as male and female

The 3rd category in which children born into the native American Navajo are categorized as when they do not fit into the female or male categories
What else is significant that Native American Navajo do to accommodate those that are
considered different?
Some Native American Plains tribes are allowed to choose their gender regardless of their
physical characteristics
Give an example of when Native American plains Indians are allowed to choose their gender
regardless of their physical characteristics.
When men might respond to a spiritual vision by taking on the dress of women

What are most of our ways of thinking about sexuality based upon?

Social construction

Give an example of how most of our ways of thinking about sexuality is based upon social construction.
Whether gay or lesbian behavior is regarded as normal or deviant depends on the cultural
context, as does the larger question of whether sexual orientation is perceived by defining the kind of human being you are in the way you live your life
Describe the characteristics at the center of the diversity wheel.

Very difficult to change

Are the object of quick and firm impressions that can profoundly affect our lives


Is not just about variety
James Baldwin

African-American novelist

Once offered the provocative idea that there is no such thing as whiteness or blackness or race

What did James Baldwin really mean?

He was pointing to a basic aspect of social reality

that most of what we experience as real is a

cultural creation or made up even though we don't experience it that way

Give an example of Baldwin's theory.


Baldwin is not denying the reality that skin

pigmentation varies from one person to another

He is saying that unless you live in a culture that recognizes such differences as significant, they are socially irrelevant and do not exist

What does Baldwin's example mean for a "black woman" in Africa?
She is not experienced white racism, does not think of herself as block or experience herself and why nor do people around her

She is only perceived as an African woman

Not as being black

What happens when she comes to the US, a place where privilege is organized according to race?
Suddenly she becomes black because people
assigned her to a social category that bears that name

They treated her differently
What did Baldwin argue?
A Norwegian farmer has no reason to think of himself as white along at he's in Norway

When he is in the US, one of the first thing he discovers is the significance of being
considered white and the privilege that goes along with that

He is eager to adopt white as part of his
identity and to make sure that others
acknowledge it
Basically, what is Baldwin trying to tell us?

Races and all its categories had no significance outside systems of privilege and oppression in which they were created in the first place
Social construction

Races and all its categories have no significance outside system of privilege and oppression in which they were created in the first place
What is a way to see the constructed nature of reality?
To notice how the definitions of different races

change historically by including groups of one time that were excluded by a another

Give an example of how the definitions of race change historically by including groups of one time that were excluded by another.

The Irish were long considered by the

dominant white Anglo-Saxon Protestants of

England and the US members of a nonwhite race, as were Italians, Jews, Greeks, and people from a number of eastern European countries

How were immigrants on the streets to England and the US treated?
They were excluded and were subjugated and exploited in much the same way as blacks were
How are the Irish treated in relation to the British?
The British treated the Irish as an inferior race for centuries even though their skin color was
indistinguishable from that of the that are to be white

The color of skin that the Irish have is fairer than those of European heritage but their complexion did not matter because the
dominant racial group that the cultural
authority to define the boundaries around white as it chooses
What is the concept of skin color similar to?
The concept of normal
How is nondisabled, disability, and on disability defined?

These are socially constructed

What does being socially constructed really mean?
How people notice and label and think about such differences and how they treat other
people as a result depending entirely on ideas contained in a system's culture
Give an example of how the categories are
socially constructed.
Human beings come in a variety of height, and many of those considered normal are unable to reach five places such as kitchen shelves without distance of visible a such as chairs and step stools

In spite of their inability to do this simple task without special aids, they are not defined as disabled
Give another example of how the categories are socially constructed.
100 million people in the US cannot be properly without the aid of eyeglasses

They are not considered disabled because the dominant group has the power to define what is that are normal
Give another example that is in contrast of how the categories are socially constructed.
People who use wheelchairs to get from one place to another do not have the social power to define their condition as with in the boundaries of normality as little more than a manifestation of the simple fact that in the normal course of life, people come in a wide variety of shapes sizes and physical and mental conditions
What is another way in which disability and non-disability are constructed?
Through the language used to describe people
Give an example of the way that disability and nondisability are constructed through language used to describe people.
With someone you cannot be labeled a blind person at create the impression that not able to to see sums up the entire person

Blind becomes what they are

Give other examples of the way that disability and nondisability are constructed through
language used to describe people.
Those that are described as brain-damaged or crippled or retarded or deaf

In the same way, their disability becomes what they are

What does reducing people to a single
dimension of who they are do?
Separates them

Excludes them

Marks them as other

Marks them as different from normal

Marks them as inferior






What is the effect of reducing people to a single dimension of who they are?
The effect is compounded by betraying people with disabilities as helpless victims who are
confined or stricken or suffering from some
affliction and then lumping them into a
undifferentiated class
Give examples of the labels of this
undifferentiated class.

The blind

The crippled

The retarded

The deaf

The disabled

What is the intention of pointing out the
disability and nondisability are socially
To show there's a world of difference between using a wheelchair and being treated as a
normal human being who happens to use a wheelchair to get around and using a
wheelchair and being treated as an visible,
inferior, unintelligent, asexual, frightening, passive, dependent, and nothing more than your disability

The difference is not a matter of disability
itself but of how it is constructed in society and how we then make use of that
construction and our minds shape how we think about ourselves and other people and how we treat them as a result
What makes socially constructed reality so
We rarely if ever experience it as that

We think the way our culture to find something like race or gender simply the way things are in some objective sense

We think there really is such a thing as race and that the words we use simply name an
objective reality that is out there

What is the truth?

Once human beings something a name that thing acquires a significant that otherwise would not have

The name quickly takes on a life of its own as we forgot the social process that created it and start treating it as real in and of itself

What does this process allow?

Us to believe that something like race actually points to a set of clear and unambiguous
categories into which people fall

Ignores the fact that the definition of various races changes all the time and is riddled with
inconsistencies and overlapping boundaries
Give an example of how this process allows the pieces on the place.
In the 19 century, US law identify as having any African ancestry as black
One drop rule

Defined white as a race of absolute purity in
relation to black
What does Native American status require?

At least 1/8 Native American ancestry in order to qualify
Adrian Piper
Argues that it was mostly a matter of economics because Native American claim financial benefits from the federal government, making it to whites' advantage to make it hard for anyone to be considered Native American
How is designating someone as black different?

It takes away power and denies the right to make claims against white, including white
families of origin
What is the real purpose of these designations?

Preserving white power and wealth

What is another way in which to use race?
To tag various ethnic groups

Give an example of how to use race to tag
various ethnic groups.
With the Chinese were imported as cheap
laborers during the 19th century, the California Supreme Court declared them not white
Give another example of how to use race to tag various ethnic groups.
Many Mexicans owned a large amount of land in California and did business with whites, were
considered white.

Paul Kivel
Point out Mexicans are no longer considered white and the Chinese are conditionally white at times
What happens when the stakes are privilege and power?

Dominant groups are quite willing to ignore such inconsistency so long as the result is a
continuation of their privilege
What is the first stumbling block in trying to
understand the problem of privilege and
The idea of privilege itself
What happens when people hear that they
belong to a privileged group or benefit from
something like white privilege or male privilege?
They don't get it

They feel angry and defensive about what they do get

Has become one of those limited words we need to reclaim so that we can use it to name and
illuminate the truth
Denying that privilege exists

A serious barrier to change
Peggy McIntosh

Describes privilege as this thing when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they've done or failed to do
Give an example of how people benefit from white privilege.
If people take you more seriously when you give a speech that they would someone of color
saying the same thing in the same way, then you are benefiting from white privilege
Give an example of how people benefit from

heterosexual privilege.

A heterosexual black woman can feel free to talk about her life in ways that reveal the fact that she is married to a man in the form of
heterosexual privilege because lesbians and gay men cannot actually reveal their sexual
orientation without putting themselves at risk
How do most people respond to being
It did not occur to them that if they were Latino or female or gay that people would be morecritical or less positive

They don't feel privileged in the moment

Instead, they just feel that they did a good job and enjoy the rewards that are supposed to go with it
What does the existence of privilege mean?
It does not mean that they didn't do a good job or that they don't deserve credit for it

It means that they also get something that other people are denied, people who are like then and every respect except for the social categories they belong to

There access to privileged doesn't determine their outcome but it is definitely an asset that may more likely that whatever talent, ability, and aspirations that they have will result in something good for them

Access to privilege

Doesn't determine people's outcomes


Characteristics such as being female or of color

Do not determine people's outcomes

What will be recognized and rewarded?




What other group is this true for?

People with disabilities

What do nondisabled people often assume about people with disabilities?

People with disabilities lack intelligence and are little more than needy, helpless victims who can't take care of themselves and their
achievements and situation in life depend solely on their physical or mental condition and not on how they are treated or the physical or
attitudinal obstacles that are placed in their way
The luxury of obliviousness
A.k.a. epistemic privilege

The ease of not being aware privilege

An aspect of privilege itself

What does awareness require?



What is a key aspect of privilege?

Being able to command the attention of lower status individuals without having to get it it in
Give an example of being able to command the attention of lower status individuals without
having to get it in return.
African-Americans have to pay close attention to white and white culture and get to know them well enough to avoid displeasing them, since white control jobs, schools, government, the
police, and most other resources and sources of power
What does white privilege give whites?

Little reason to pay attention to

African-Americans or to how white privilege
affects them
What other groups have this aspect in common just as white groups?

Any other basis for privilege

What is behind this luxury that males, whites, and others can put upon the face even the mildest invitation to pay attention to issues of privilege?

"We shouldn't have to look at this stuff because it is a fair."


Says privilege comes the 2 types

What is the first type of privilege based on?
Unearned entitlements
Unearned entitlements

Things of value that all people should have

Give examples of unearned entitlements.
Feeling safe and public spaces

Working in a place where they feel they belong in value for what they can contribute
What does an unearned entitlement become when it is restricted to certain groups?

A form of privilege that is unearned advantage
What is it possible to do in some cases?

To do away with unearned advantages without anyone losing out

Give an example of how we can get rid of
unearned advantages anyone losing out.

If the workplace change so that everyone with value for what they could contribute that
privilege would disappear without the
dominant group having to give up their own then that they are valued for their

The unearned entitlement would then be available to all and would no longer be a form of unearned advantage

In many other cases, what does unearned
advantage give?

Dominant groups the competitive edge they are reluctant to even acknowledge, much less give up

This is true of lower-, working–, and
lower–middle–class-whites and male who know all too well the price they pay for a lack of class privilege and how hard it is to improve their lives and hang on to what they have managed to achieve
What can their lack of privilege do?

Blind them to the fact that the cultural valuing of whiteness and maleness ever collar and
femaleness gives them an edge in most
situations that involve evaluations of credibility or competence
What would giving up that advantage do?
Double or even triple the amount of competition

affecting the white males, you are a shrinking numerical minority of the US population

White women and people of color

A combined group that outnumbers white males by a large margin
What would level the playing field to admit white women and people of color?
A loss of race and gender privilege

What is Macintosh's 2nd form of privilege?
Conferred dominance

Conferred dominance

Give one group power over another

Manifests itself in great privilege
Give examples of convert dominance.

The common pattern of men controlling conversations with women is grounded in cultural assumption that men are supposed to

dominate women

An adolescent boy you appears too willing to defer to his mother risks be referred to as a "mama's boy" in the same way that a husband you appears in any way subordinate to his wife is often labeled "henpecked"

The counterpart to girls carries no such stigma

"Daddy's girl" is considered an insult in this culture, and the language contained in a

specific insulting terms for a wife who is under the control of her husband

The Rage of a Privileged Class By: Ellis Cose
Tell the story of an African-American lawyer, a partner in a large firm, who goes to the office early one Saturday morning to catch up on some work and is fronted near the elevator by a recently hired young white attorney

The lawyer shakes his head and tries to pass, but the white man steps in its way repeats what is now a challenge to the man's very presence in the building

The partner and then it reveals his identity to the young man, who then sets aside to let him pass

The young white man had no reason to
assume the right to control the older man standing before him, except the reason
provided by the cultural assumption of white racial dominance that can ever arrive any class advantage a person of color might have

What forms of unearned privileges usually change first? Why?
Milder forms

They are easiest for privileged groups to give up

Give an example of how the milder forms of
unearned privileges change first. What is this trend reflected in?
Over the last several decades, national surveys show a steady decline in the percentage of white in the US who express a overtly racist
attitudes toward people of color

Diversity training program but usually focus on appreciating or at least tolerating
differences or by extending unearned entitlements to everyone instead of the dominant group alone
What specific areas is that much harder to do something to change forms of unearned


Why do issues of for dominance and the stronger forms of unearned privilege get much less attention and when raised, they often
provoke hostile defensiveness, especially from those who struggle with a lack of class privilege?
Because it is much harder to do something about power and the unequal distribution of
resources and rewards

Why do most diversity programs produce limited and short-lived results?

The reluctance to come to terms with more
serious and entrenched forms of privilege

According to Peggy McIntosh, how does privilege show up?
In the daily details of people live in almost every social setting

Why should we believe what occurs in these
examples according to Johnson?
Some items are based in scientific gathered data

Other items are based on the enormous weight of evidence compiled over many years and the stories that people tell about their
experience living in this society

Added to this logic of understanding what is likely to happen in a world organized as this one is
Give examples of the items that are based in scientific data.
Income statistics

Study of everything from access to healthcare to buy in the criminal justice system to how much people pay for cars

Give in example of how things that are not based on scientific data but provable in the strictest sense.
Johnson cannot prove scientifically that being a slave on a plantation was a terrible
experience but they can show lots of evidence that supports the claim such as stories of slaves and former slaves, diaries of
slaveholders, photographs of slaves who were horribly scarred from being whipped,
newspaper stories from slavery times and so on

Johnson can also imagine what it would be like to live under such conditions

Johnson feels that in all of this evidence together, it is safe to conclude it must have been terrible, even though, strictly speaking,
Johnson cannot prove it
Examples of race privilege.
Whites are less likely the back blacks to be

Once arrested, whites are less likely to be

Once convicted, white are less likely to get a present, regardless of the crime or

What percentage of those who use illegal drugs are white?

What percentage of the whites that use illegal drugs are in prison?
Less than half

What are more examples of race privilege?
Although many superstar professional athletes are black, in general black players are held to higher standards than whites because it is
easier for a good but not great white player to make a professional team than it is for a
similar black

Whites are more likely than comparable Blacks to have loan applications approved and less likely to be given for information or the runaround during application processes

Whites are charge lower prices for new and used cars that are people of color, and
residential segregation gets white access to higher quality goods of all kinds at cheaper prices

White can choose whether to be conscious of their racial identity or to ignore it and regard themselves as simply human beings without a race

Whites are more likely to control
conversations and be allowed to get away with it and you have their ideas and contributions taken seriously, including those that are
suggested previously by a person of color and
ignored or dismissed

White can usually assume that national
heroes, success models, and other figures held up for general admiration will be of their race

White can generally assume that when they go out in public, they won't be challenged and asked to explain what they are doing, nor will they be attacked by hate groups simply
because of their race

White can assume that when they go
shopping, they'll be treated as. Customers not as potential shoplifters or people without the money to make a purchase. When they tried to cash a check or use a credit card, they can assume they won't be hassled for additional identification and will be given the benefit of the doubt

White representation in government and the ruling circles of corporations, universities, and other organizations is disproportionately high

Most whites are not segregated into
communities that isolate them from the best job opportunities, schools, and community services

Whites have greater access to the quality
education and healthcare

Whites are more likely to be given early
opportunities to show what they can do at work, to be identified as potential candidates for promotion, to be mentored, to be given a second chance when they fail, and to be
allowed to treat failure as a learning
experience rather than as an indication of who they are and the shortcomings of their race

Whites can assume that race won't be used to predict whether they will fit in work or whether teammates will feel comfortable working with them

Whites can succeed without other people
being surprised

Whites don't have to deal with an endless and exhausting stream of attention to their race. They can simply take their race for granted as unremarkable to the extent of experiencing themselves as not even having a race.

Whites don't find themselves slotted into
occupations identified with their rate as Blacks are often slotted into support positions or Asian into technical jobs

Whites are confused with other whites, as if all white look-alike. They are noticed for their
individuality, and they take offense whenever they are put in a category rather than
perceived and treated as individuals

Whites can reasonably expect that if they work hard and play by the rules, they will get what they deserve, and may feel justified and
complaining if they don't. It is something other racial groups cannot realistically expect

Give an example of how South African American students must deal with their race.
Johnson doesn't have people coming up to the

in treating that they they were some exotic other, gushing about how cool are different they are, wanting to know where they are from, and reaching out to touch their hair

What is included in the list for male privilege?
In most professions and upper–level
occupation, men are held to a lower standard than women. It is easier for a good but not great male lawyer to make partner than it is for comparable women.

Men are charged our prices for new and used cars

If men do poorly at something or make a
mistake or commit a crime, they will generally assume that people won't attributes the
failure to their gender. They kids who shoot teachers and schoolmates are almost always wait, but rarely is the fact that all this violence done by males raised as an important issue.

Men can usually assume that national heroes, success models, and other figures held up for general admiration will be men.

Men can generally assume that when they go out in public, they won't be sexually harassed or assaulted just because they're male, and if they are victimized, they won't be asked to
explain what they were doing there.

Male representation in government and the ruling circles of corporations and other
organizations is disproportionately high.

Men are more likely to be given early
opportunities to show what they can do it were, to be identified as potential candidates for permission, to be mentored, to be given a chance when they fail, and to be allowed to treat failure as a learning experience rather than have an inclination of who they are and the shortcomings of their gender.

Men are more likely than women are to
control conversation and be allowed to get away with it and to have their ideas and
contributions taken seriously, even those that were suggested previously by a woman and dismissed or ignored.

Most men can assume that their gender will be used to determine whether they'll fit in at work or whether teammates will feel
comfortable working with them.

Men can't the without other people being

Men don't have to deal with an endless and exhausting stream of attention drawn to their gender.

Men don't find themselves slotted into a
narrow range of occupations identified with their gender as well that are slotted into
community relations, human resources, social work, elementary school teaching,
librarianship, nursing, and clerical, and
secretarial positions.

Men can reasonably expect that if they work hard and play by the roles, they will get what they deserve and feel justified in complaining if they don't.

The standards used to evaluate men as men are consistent with the standards used to
evaluate the inevitable such as occupations. Standards used to evaluate women as women are often different from those used to
evaluate them in other roles.
What items repeat from the list on race in the list of male privilege?


What items do not repeat from the list on race in the list of male privilege?


Give an example of when men do not have to deal with an endless and exhausting stream of attention drawn to their gender.
To how sexually attractive they are

Give an example of how standards use to evaluate whether this women are often different from those used to evaluate them in other roles.

A man can be both a 'real man' and a successful and aggressive lawyer, while an aggressive woman lawyer may succeed as a lawyer but the judge did not measuring up as the woman.
What is included in the list regarding sexual
Heterosexuals are free to reveal and lead their intimate relationship openly– by referring to their partners by name, recounting
experiences, going out in public together,
displaying pictures on their desks at work– without being accused of "flaunting" their
sexuality or risking discrimination.

Heterosexuals can marry as a way to commit to long-term relationships that are socially
recognized, supported, and legitimated.

Heterosexuals can rest assured that whether they are hired, promoted, or fired from a job will have nothing to do with their sexual
orientation, and aspect of themselves they cannot change.

Heterosexuals can move about in public
without fear of being harassed or physically
attacked because of their sexual orientation.

Heterosexuals don't run the risk of being
reduced in a single aspect of their lives, and this being heterosexuals summed up the kind of person they are. Instead, they can be viewed and treated as complex human beings do happen to be heterosexual.

Heterosexuals can usually assume that
national heroes, that models, and other
figures held up for general admiration will be
assumed to be heterosexual.

Most heterosexuals can assume that there
actual orientation won't be used to determine whether they will that in at work or whether teammate will feel comfortable working with them.

Heterosexuals do not have to worry that their sexual orientation will be used as a weapon against them, to undermine their
achievements or power.

Heterosexuals can turn on the television or go to the movies and be assured of the
characters, news report, and stories that
reflect the reality of their lives.

Heterosexuals can lead to where they want without having to worry about neighbors who disapprove of their sexual orientation.

Heterosexuals can live in the comfort of
knowing that other people's assumptions about their sexual orientation are correct.
What rights does the fact that heterosexual can marry as a way to commit to long-term
relationships confer?

Spousal health benefits

The ability to adopt children


Joint filing of income tax returns

The power to make decisions for a spouse who is incapacitated in a medical emergency

What is included in the list regarding disability status?
Nondisabled people can choose whether to be

conscious of their disability status or to ignore it and regard themselves as late as human


Nondisabled people can live secure and other people's assumption that they are sexual

beings capable of and active sex life, including the potential to have children and be parents.

Nondisabled people have greater access to education and healthcare. They are less likely to be singled out based on stereotypes that underestimate their abilities to be put in "special education" classes that don't allow them to develop to their full potential.

Nondisabled people can assume that they will fit in at work and in other settings without having to worry about being evaluated and judged according to preconceived notions and stereotypes about people with disabilities.

Nondisabled people are more likely to be given early opportunities to show what they can do at work identified as potential candidates for promotion, to be mentored, to be given a second chance when they fail, and to be allowed to treat failure as a learning experience rather than as an indication of who they are.

Nondisabled people don't have to deal with an endless and exhausting stream of attention to their disability status. They can simply take their disability status for granted as unremarkable to the extent of experiencing themselves as not even having one.

Nondisabled people can ask for help without having to worry that people will assume they need help with everything.

Nondisabled people can exceed without people beat the price because of low expectations of their ability to contribute to society.

Nondisabled people can expect to pay lower prices for cars because they are seem to be mentally unimpaired and less likely to allow themselves to be misled and exploited.

Nondisabled people can do that if they work hard and play by the rules, they will get what they deserve without having to ever come stereotypes about their abilities data. They are less likely to be shuttled into dead end, menial jobs, given an adequate job training, paid less than they are worth regardless of their ability, and separated from workers unlike themselves.

Nondisabled people are more likely to control conversations and be allowed to get away with this and have their ideas and contributions taken seriously, including those that were suggested before by a person with disabilities and then dismissed or ignored.

Nondisabled people can assume that national heroes, the best models, and other figures held up for general admiration will share their disability status.

Nondisabled people can go to polling places on election day knowing they will have access to vending machines that allow them to exercise their rights as citizens and privacy without the assistance of others.

Nondisabled people can generally assume that when they go out in public, they won't be looked at as odd or out of place or not belong. They can also assume that Ms. buildings and other structures will not be designed in ways that limit their access.

Nondisabled people can assume that when they need to travel from one place to another, they will have access to buses, trains, airplanes, and other means of transportation.

Nondisabled people can count on being taken seriously and not treated as children.

Nondisabled people are less likely to be segregated into living situation that isolate them from job opportunities, schools, community services, and the everyday workings of life in a society.

Nondisabled people don't have to worry about your disability status being used against them when trying to fit in at work or whether teammates will feel comfortable working with them.

What are some living situations that isolate those with disabilities?
Nursing home

Special schools

Sports program

What is one of the this visible consequences of privilege shown in the US Census and other sources?
The uneven distribution of jobs, health, and
income and all that goes with it, from decent housing and good schools to adequate
Give examples of consequences of privilege.
At every level of education whites are half as likely as our color to be unemployed or have incomes below the poverty line.

The average white household has more than 14 times the net wealth of the average

African-American household, and the average annual income for white work year-round and full time is 44% greater that it is for

comparable African-Americans.

It is percent greater than the Latinas and


The white income advantage at all levels of

educational attainment.

Statistics concerning gender equality

Many work year-round and full time earn on
average 50% more than two comparable women
Statistics concerning people who have
Nondisabled people are twice as likely to
complete high school and college

Nondisabled people are more than twice as likely to be employed

Nondisabled people are half as likely to live in poverty

Regardless of which group were talking about,

what does privilege generally allow people to do?

To assume a certain level of acceptance,
inclusion, and respect in the world, to operate within a relatively wide comfort zone
What does the privilege increase the odds of?

Having things your own way

Of being able to set the agenda in a social situation

To determine the rules and standards and how they are a applied
What does privilege grant?

The cultural authority to make judgments about others

To have those judgments stick

A presumption of superiority

Social permission to act on that presumption without having to worry about being challenged

What does privilege allow?

People to define reality

To have prevailing definitions of reality said their experience
What does privilege mean?

Being able to decide who get taken seriously

Being able to decide who receives the tension

Being able to decide who is accountable to whom and for what

What does it mean to have privilege?

To be allowed to be through your life without
being marked in ways that identify you as being an outsider, an exceptional or "other" to be
excluded, or to be included but always with

Paul Kivel

Points out in the US, a person is considered a member of the lowest status group from which they have any heritage.

This means that if you come from several ethnic groups, the one that lowers your status is the one you are amiss likely to be tagged with

Having any black ancestry is enough to be classified as entirely black in many people's eyes

Any category that lowers our status relative to others' can be used to mark as

To be privileged is to go through life with the relative ease of being unmarked

What is Johnson distinguishing the term privilege from?
Good luck

Being able to do things that one personally values but that are valued in the culture
Give examples of Johnson's distinguishing the term privilege from good luck .
Having good friends is the lucky and good, but it

not a form of privilege unless it is systematically allowed from some and denied to others based on membership in social categories.

Nor is it something such as stealing free to express the motion a form of privilege, even though many people that are in a good thing and something that is allowed for women and discouraged and men

Emotional expressiveness

Not a privilege

Even though it's good for health and well-being, patriarchal culture but a land value on it compared with appearing to be tough and always being in control as were aspects of patriarchal masculinity

What is privilege a feature of?

Social systems

Something that is highly valued in the culture of a system can never qualify as a form of privilege

Who finds themselves shaking their heads at the foregoing description of privilege?




Why might this be?

Due to the complex and sometimes paradoxical way that privilege works in social life