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56 Cards in this Set

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Acral Lentiginous Melanoma (pic)

Acral Lentiginous Melanoma description

dark brown discoloration in nail bed

Beau's Lines Description

transverse INDENTED lines parallel to lunula
occurs after serious medical illness/infection/surgery

Beau's Lines (pic)

Clubbing Description

Soft tissue growth at the nail bed. Greater ant-post distance vs. distal IP join. Takes months/years to develop.
In response to thoracic disease, think hypoxemias: cyanotic congenital heart disease, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer and server hepatic cirrhosis. HAVE TO EXCLUDE OTHER CRITERIA BEFORE ACCEPTING COPD.

Clubbing (pic)

Koilonychia description

"spooning of the nail" - curves up away from the nail bed. Classic finding in iron defeciency anemia.

koilonychia (pic)

Lindsay's nail description

"Half and Half nails" - proximal portion is pale/white, while distal half is brown/pink/red. Associated w/ renal failure

Mees' lines description

transverse white band parallel to lunula. described with arsenic intoxication, thallium, lymphoma, malaria, and now most common is cancer chemo.

Muehrcke's Lines descript

two or mroe paired transverse white bands assoc w/ severe hypoalbuminemia (<2.2 g/dL)

DDX: Heart failure, Renal failure, decompensated liver failure (and secondary renal failure)

Nail Pitting descript

small depressions in the nail that are present in 50% of people with psoriasis (usually more severe cases)

Onycholysis descript

irregular separation of the naile plate from hyponychium. Trauma, psoriasis, hyperthryroidism (specifically Grave's Dz).

Periungual fibroma (aka Koenen tumor) description

flesh-colored papule of nail folds (usually toes) seen in 50% patients with tuberous sclerosis.

Quitter's nail descript

Cig smoking = orange-brown discoloration of nails of fingers holding the ci. A normal proximal nail indicated smoking cessation.

Splinter Hemorrhages descript

small brown/red streaks perpendicular to lunula, usually distal nail. Commonly traumatic, but also seen with microembolism from infectious endocarditis, scleroderma, and trichinosis (parasite).

Terry's Nails Descript

proximal paleness of anil with only a little preserved pink distal border (can appear dark). Seen with liver cirrhosis and other "severe medical conditions" (heart failure, poorly controlled DM, TB, hepatitis)

Lindsay's Nails (pic)

Mees' Lines (pic)

Muehrcke's Lines (pic)

nail pitting (pic)

Onycholysis (pic)

Periungual Fibroma (pic)

Quitter's Nail (pic)

Splinter Hemorrhages (pic)

Terry's Nails (pic)


long fingers assoc w/ Marfans! (wrist circumference<5th finger and thumb)

Bouchard's Node description

Bony Protuberance of proximal IP joint w/o inflammation. osteoarthritis

Boutonniere deformity description

extension at distal IPJ and flexion at proximal IPJ. severe chronic rheumatoid arthritis

Dupuytren's contractures description

shortening of finger flexors in the palm. idiopathic, EtOH abuse/EtOH cirrhosis

Heberden's Node description

bony protuberance of distal IPj w/o inflammation. osteoarthritis

Janeway Lesion description

painless, red macular lesion of palms/soles produced by embolism due to infectious endocarditis

Joint hypermobility description

dorsiflex 5th finger more than 90 degrees and/or appose thumb to flexor of forearm. suggests Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Large, fleshy hands description

if rings don't fit anymore acromegaly

Mechanic's Hands description

Thickened, cracked and dirty appearing palmar skin. anti-synthetase syndrome variant of dematomyositis

Osler node description

PAINFUL red RAISED lesions on ventral surface of fingers/toes caused by IC deposition. Originally described with subacute bacterial endocarditis.
Hint from Morehead: "it would be painful to follow Osler (because he was so brilliant"

Pallor of nail beds and palms description

assoc w/ severe anemia.

Swan Neck deformity description

extension of proximal IP and flexion at distal IP. severe chronic RA

Arachnodactyly (pic)

Bouchards Node - OsteoA

Boutonniere deformity - RA

Dupuytren's contractures

Heberden's node - OsteoA

Janeway lesion *PAINLESS*

Ignore arm thing

Joint hypernmobility - Ehlers-Danlos

large fleshy hand - acromegaly

Mechanics Hands - dermatomyositis


Pallor of nail beds/palm/hand - anemia

Swan Neck Deformity - RA

Difference between Osler Node and Janeway Lesion?

What to ask/further examine if you suspect Fe Deficiency?

Examine nails (koilonychia), mouth (angular cheilosis) and tongue (atrophic glossitis). These are all signs of general malnutrition/anemia though.... for specific Fe Def Dx, ask about dysphagia, and especially pica!!!!

Also Chronic GI Blood loss can be assoc w/ Fe def

You have an IV drug user and you're worried about endocarditis. What would you look for on PE?

Ventral fingers/toes - Osler node or splinter hemorrhage

Palms/Soles - Janeway lesion

MSK - Septic Joint

Eye exam - Roth spots

Why important to catch Marfans early?

Most will have aortic root dilation, predisposing them to aortic dissection

Findings in Alcoholism

Dupuytren's Contractures
Enlarged lacrimal and parotid glands
Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
Tom Wolfe's Sign

Ulcerative face lesions, acute, with fever, in US:

More likely blastomycosis than lupus vulgaris