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71 Cards in this Set

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What is the viscosity of blood?

1.1-1.2 Centipoise

What are the factors that influence blood viscosity

RBC and protein conc.

increased cells increase viscosity

smaller vessels increase viscosity

What is the average volume of blood in a person?

70mL/kg for adults

children may have slightly higher. ~10mL/kg

What is aperture impedance?

Based on the detection of electrical resistance as cells pass through a small aperture.

Voltage pulses determine number of cells

Height of pulses determine cell volume

how does light scatter and fluorescence measure cells

degree of scatter:

0= size

7= complexity

90= lobularity

90 (d)= granularity

What is RDW

Red cell distribution width.

can measure anisocytosis

What is the lifespan of cells in the blood?

RBCs 120 days

Platlets 10 days

Granulocytes hours

Name the Haematopoietic tissue

Fetus 0-2 months = yolk sac

2-7 months = liver/spleen

5-9 months = bone marrow

infants = bone marrow (all bones)

Adults = vertebrae, ribs, sternum, skull, sacrum and pelvis, proximal end of femurs

Haemopoiettic Stem cells

~1% of bone marrow

CD34 expressed


Can self renew

Describe the haemopoietic cell % in bone marrow

Erythropoietic cells ~20%

Granulopoetic cells ~60%

Lymphocytes ~15%

Megakaryocytes <0.1%

Other: Plasma and macrophages

WBC diff %s

Neutrophils 40-75%

Eosinophils 1-5%

Basophils <1%

Monocytes 2-8%

Lymphocytes 20-45%

Platlet range

150-400 x10^9/L

Reticulocyte description


Spherical shape

mRNA remains (bluish colour) polychromataphilia

Can be found in blood

Haemoglobin structure

A A2B2 (A from C16, B from C11)

A2 A2D2 (D from C11)

F A2G2 (G from C11)

Hb prevelence

Hb A 95% in adult

HbF small % after birth

HbA2 small levels are normal in adults

Unloading vs Loading of 02

Basic and low 2,3 DPG favors loading

Acidic and high 2,3 DPG favors unloading

RBC membrane composistion

Lipid Bi layer

Spectrin, actin, arkyrin and Band 3

RBC metabolism

Glycolysis, (anaerobic production of ATP)

Hexose monophosphate shunt keeps GSH in a reduced state via NADP->NADPH

methaemoglobin pathway keeps Fe in a 2+ state

Folate and B12

Required for DNA production

daily requirments is:

1ug for b12

100ug for folate

Reference range

WBC 4-10 x10^9/L

Hb 115-160 g/L

Plt 150-400 x10^9/L

RBC 3.9-5.6 x10^12/L

Hct .38-.45

MCV 800-100fL

RDW 9-15

MCH 27-32pg

MCHC 320-360 g/L

Causes of Iron deficiency

Chronic blood loss


Poor diet


Iron deficient anaemia symptoms

Shortness of breath



pallor of the mucous membranes


Causes of macrocytosis

Alchol, liver disease, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, reticulocytosis, aplastic anaemia, red cell aplasia, folate and b12 def,myeloidsplasia and paraproteinaemia

macrocytic anaemia

Tear drop cells


hypersegmented neutrophils

Microcytic anaemia

Tear drop cells

target cells

pencil cells

α-Thalassaemia types

αα/α- silent/thalassaemia trait

αα/-- or α-/α- thalassaemia trait

α-/-- Hb H disease

--/-- Hb Barts/ Hyrops fetalis

Hb barts / Hardrops fetalis

Almost all Hb is Hb H

total failure of the α-globin gene

most die during pregnancy or die after birth

Hb H disease

Greatly reduced α-globin synthesis

results in hypochromatic microcytic anaemia

Excess ß-globin results in Hb H (ß4)

Hb H can precipitate anc cause RBC lyses

Clinical Features of Hb H

May be mild

Hb ussually 70-100g/l

MCV 50-65

MCH 15-20


Could have jaundice

α-thalassaemia trait


Microcytosis W/ or W/out anaemia

Partner testing if patient is αα/--


Results from reduced rate of ß-globin

most common are point mutations in ß-globin locus

>200 types reported

Categories of ß-thalassaemia

ß naught- No globin expression from the gene

ß+ - Reduced production of ß-globin

clinical types of ß-thalassaemia

ß- major

ß- intermedia

ß- Trait

ß-thalassaemia trait

Heterozygosity for ß thalassaemia

usually asymptomatic

may become symptomatic when under stress

ß-thalassaemia trait

clinical indicies



Hb studies: ↑Hb A2

+/- ↑Hb F

ß-thalassaemia major

Homozygous or compound heterozygous for ߺ thalassaemia

excess α-globin precipitates and causes damage to developing RBCs

↓RBC life

Transfusion dependent anaemia

Not present inu tero or at birth

Presents after 1st year of life

Symptoms of ß-thalassaemia major

Bony deformaties


transfusion dependent after 1st year of life

growth of sexual organs can be delayed

survival and quality of life is transfusion dependent

BM transplant is curative but there is sig mortality

ß-thalassaemia clinical indices


Hb Studies: Hbf and Hb A2; minimal to no Hb A

ß-thalassaemia intermedia

Anaemia hb 70-100g/l

may have spleenomegaly and bony deformities

Not usually transfusion dependant


ߺ ß+

ß+ ß+

ßn ߺ(dormant)

ßn ߺ +excess α chains (ααα)

Delta Beta thalassaemia

Deletions of ß locus which removes both ß, δ genes

similar clinical features as ߺ thalassaemia

hypochromatic microcytic ±anaemia


Hb A2 is low or normal

Hb Lepore

Fusion between ß and δ genes

similar to ß trait

Partner testing should be offered

Hb E

Substitution mutation

Hb E trait asymptomatic, 50% will have abnormal indices

HB E disease usually asymptomatic

mild anaemia with microcytosis

HbE/ß thalassaemia

variable severity (trait, major, intermedia)

not easy to predict phenotype

~50% will be transfussion dependant

~50 will require splenectomy

Hb C

ß-globin varient

common in africa

Heterozygous Hb C is asympotmatic

Homo Hb C: Spleenomegaly and gallstones may be present

Significant when co-inherited with Hb S

Hb S

Glu>Val replacement

deoxy Hb S undergoes polymerisation

When there is enough Hb S polymer there will be Sickling will cause sickle cell disease

Sickle cell disease types

Homo Hb SS

Hetero: Hb S/C,

Hb S/ß thalassaemia,

Hb S/D punjab,

Hb S/C harlem

Hb S/O arab

Describe iron overload

Raised serum iron and transferrin (>45%)

Raised serum ferritin

increased iron in the liver and heart

abnormal liver function tests

organ dysfunction with iron overload


reduced sexual organ development



cirrhosis, haemosiderosis

Iron overload pathogenesis

Genetic haemochromatosis

95% homo for HFE mutation

HFE chromosone 6 (90% for c282y mutation)

Juvenile haemochromatosis (HFE2) Chromosone 1

Haemochromatosis type 3 HFE3

classic phenotype but no HFE mutation

African Iron overload

Excess iron intake

ineffective erythropoiesis

Repeated blood transfusion

Intrinsic pathway

extrinsic pathway

common pathway

inhibition of clotting cascade


FIIa stimulates the tPA, uPA is released from endothelial cells.

tPA and uPA activate plasminogen to plasmin

Plasmin breaks down fibrin

Haemophilia A

80-85% of Haemophilias

prolonged aPPT and not PT

Plasma FVIII ~1%

Treated with recom FVIII

Haemophilia B

Prolonged aPTT and Normal PT time

↓Factor IX

Treated with conctrated F IX

lupus anticoagulant

Antibodies bind to phospholipids, this reduces the amount in plasma, thus increases the aPTT, dRVVT and PT.

Adding excess phospho lipids correct it.

Mixing studies does not correct


Encoded on chromosome 12

Produced in endothelial cells and in MK's

mulitmers range from 1000-20000kDa

Functions of vWF

Binds to collagen which links platlets

stabilises fVIII

vWF disease

Type 1: 70% if vWD

normal functioning vWF but in redused amounts

Type 2: functional deficiency of vWF

Type 3: No detectable vWF

coag and pregnancy

↑fibrinogen, II, V, VII, VIII, IX, and X

↓XI, XIII, fibrinolysis and protein C and S.

schistocytes and their causes

Mechanical damage to the microvascular (abnormal surfaces, cardiac lesion, fibrin strands)

Can for micro spherocytes

usually reticulocytes present

sharp pointy ends

assoc with thrombocytopaenia (disseminated intravascular coag, thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura, Haemolytic ureamic syndrome.)

Haemolysis from infections

direct damage to RBC (malaria)

Toxin production (clostridium)

Oxidant stress

microangiopathic HA (meninoccaemia)

Auto antibody prod


KIdney disease: burr cells

Hepatic dysfunction: Acanthocytes

Lab features of haemolysis

Hb Norm or ↓

Reticulorcytes ↑


spherocytes, fragmented cells

↑uncojugated bilirubin

BM: erythroid hyperplasia

Intrinsic Red cells defects

Hereditory spherocytosis

enzyme defect g6pf


abnormal red cells

Extrinisic red cell defects

Severe hepatic or renal dys

red cell frag: DIC, HUS, TTP


Auto or allo-immune

Heriditory spherocytosis

Defect of RBC membrane proteind (Band 3, spectrin, actin) most testing targets band 3,

Fluctuating anaemia and jaundice

RBCs prematurely destroyed in spleen

spleenomegaly and gallstones

Diagnosis of heriditory spherocytosis

hb can be variable

blood film; spherocytes and polychromasia

flow cyt EMA shows reduced binding to band 3

direct anglobulin test

Diagnosis of spherocytes

heriditory spherocytosis

auto immune HA

drug induces HA


Megoblastic anaemia

Inhib of DNA but not RNA

in ↓b12 deficiency there is an inhability to use n-Methy-tetrahydrofolate

In ↓Folate deficiency there is an inhability to synthesise n-methy-tetrahydrofolate → ↓ thyamine for DNA synth