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60 Cards in this Set

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What are the three external features of the horse?
Crest of the neck
Jugular groove
What are the four palpable structures of the horse neck?
Wing of atlas, trachea, larynx, superficial cervical lymph nodes
What is the crest of the horse neck?
It is the fat and connective tissue under the mane.
What is the location of the cervical vertebrae of the horse?
They are more ventral than you'd think.
What are the external features of the ox?
Dewlap - Best developed in Brahman bull
Jugular groove
What are the external features of the goat neck?
Wattles (tassels):
Present in certain breeds of goats
Composed of skin with cartilaginous core, blood vessels, nerves and strands of muscle
Function is unknown – likely thermoregulation

Jugular groove
What are the vertebral formulas of the horse, ox, sheep, goat, llama and pig?
C7, T18, L6, S5, Ca15-21

C7, T13, L6, S5, Ca18-20

C7, T13, L6(7), S4, Ca16-18

C7, T13, L6(7), S5, Ca16-18

C7, T12, L7, S5, Ca16-20

C7, T14-15, L6-7, S4, Ca20-23
What is the supraspinous ligament modified to in the horse?
The nuchal ligament.
What are the six vertebral ligaments of the large animal neck?
Supraspinous ligament
Interspinous ligament
Interarcuate ligament
Dorsal longitudinal ligament
Ventral longitudinal ligament
Intertransverse ligament
Does the ventral or dorsal longitudinal ligament go the entire length of the spinal column in large animals?
The dorsal does, the ventral stops cranially at T6, T7 (unlike in small mammals where it goes all the way to the dens as well as the dorsal ligament does)
What are the two parts of the nuchal ligament in the horse?
The funicular part (cord-like) and the lamellar part (sheet-like)
Where does the funicular part of the nuchal ligament attach in the ox and horse?
Funicular part courses between the external occipital protuberance of the occiput and the first few thoracic vertebrae

Funicular part courses between the external occipital protuberance and T3, T4 or T5 vertebra
Where does the lamellar part of the nuchal ligament course between in the ox and the horse?
Lamellar part (has two parts, cranial and caudal) courses between C2-C7 vertebrae and the funicular part

Lamellar part courses between C2-C7 vertebrae and the funicular part
Where are the withers as defined by spinous processes of the vertebra?
Around T4 and T5
What are the three bursae of the nuchal and supraspinous ligaments of the cervical region of the horse?
Cranial nuchal bursa
Between funicular part of nuchal ligament and the dorsal arch of C1

Caudal nuchal bursa
Between funicular part of nuchal ligament and the spinous process of C2

Supraspinous bursa
Between supraspinous ligament and the most prominent spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae (withers)
What are "poll evil" and "fistulous withers"?
Infections of the cranial nuchal bursa and supraspinous bursa respectively.
What vessel is wrapped by the superficial cervical fascia?

What fascia layer forms the carotid sheath?
The external jugular v.

The deep cervical fascia forms the carotid sheath wrapping the common carotid artery, vagosympathetic trunk, internal jugular v (not in horse which lacks the internal jug), and tracheal lymphatic duct.
Why is the deep cervical fascia clinically relevant?
It is extensive and connects down into the thorax, allowing the potential for infection to travel down through the thoracic inlet.
Where does the dorsoscapular ligament course between? And what is its function?
Arises from the supraspinous ligament at the withers
Attaches to deep surface of rhomboideus m.
Provides an elastic mechanism that helps absorb shock when the foot strikes the ground
What are the dorsal and ventral boundaries of the jugular groove?
Dorsal - brachiocephalicus m.
Ventral - sternocephalicus m.
What are the OIAI of the cutaneous colli m. in the horse?
O: Manubrium
I: Superficial fascia covering the region of the jugular groove
A: Tighten and move the skin on the ventral surface of the neck
Innervation: Facial n.
Does a horse have cleidocervicalis m.? Cleidobrachialis m?

What about the dog?
Please see the chart.
What is the OIAI of cleidomastoideus m. in the horse?
Cleidomastoideus m.
O: Clavicular intersection at cranial end of cleidobrachialis m.
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: When head and neck are fixed, to draw the limb cranially, extending the shoulder joint; when limb is fixed and the muscles act together, to extend the head and neck; when the muscles act separately, to bend the head and neck
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What is the OIAI of the cleidobrachialis m. of the horse?
O: Clavicular intersection
I: Crest of humerus
A: Draw the limb cranially
Innervation: Axillary n.
What are the parts of sternocephalicus m. in the horse, dog, and ox?
Sternocephalicus m.:
Sterno-occipitalis m.
Sternomastoideus m

Sternocephalicus m.:
Sternomandibularis m.

Sternocephalicus m.:
Sternomandibularis m.
Sternomastoideus m.
What is the OIAI of sternocephalicus m. of the horse?
O: Manubrium
I: Caudal border of the mandible
A: Flex the head and neck or bend the head and neck to the side
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the OIAI of cleido-occipitalis m. in the ruminants?
Cleido-occipitalis m.
O: Clavicular intersection
I: Funicular part of nuchal ligament and nuchal line on the occipital bone
A: Draw the limb cranially, raise the head
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What is the OIAI of cleidomastoideus m. of the ruminants?
O: Clavicular intersection
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Draw the limb cranially, draw the head ventrally or laterally
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
Which of the brachiocephalicus m. has a cervical attachment extending caudally to the middle of the neck in the goat?
The cleido-occipitalis m.
In all ruminants, the dorsocaudal border of the cranial half of what brachiocephalicus m. fuses with the cranial border of trapezius m.?
Cleido-occipitalis m.
What are the heads of brachiocephalicus m. and sternocephalicus m. in the sheep?
Brachiocephalicus m.:
Cleidocephalicus m. (has two heads: Cleidooccipitalis m. and Cleidomastoideus m.)
Cleidobrachialis m.

Sternocephalicus m.: one head - Sternomastoideus m.
What are the OIAI of sternomastoideus m. of the ox?
Sternomastoideus m.
O: Manubrium
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Fix and draw the head and neck ventrally
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the OIAI of sternomandibularis m. of the ox?
Sternomandibularis m.
O: Manubrium and 1st rib
I: Rostral border of masseter m., ventral border of mandible, and depressor labii inferioris m.
A: Flex the head and neck
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
Why can't you get a pulse from the facial artery in the ox?
Because the sternomandibularis m. inserts over it.
What are the heads of brachiocephalicus m. and sternocephalicus m. in the goat and ox?
Brachiocephalicus m.:
Cleidocephalicus m. (consists of two heads: Cleidooccipitalis m. and Cleidomastoideus m.)
Cleidobrachialis m.

Sternocephalicus m.:
Sternomastoideus m.
Sternomandibularis m. (or sternozygomaticus m. - in goat)
What are the sternomastoideus m. OIAI of the goat?
O: Manubrium
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Fix and draw the head and neck ventrally
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the sternomandibularis m. (or sternozygomaticus m.) OIAI of the goat?
O: Manubrium and 1st rib
I: Zygomatic arch
A: Flex the head and neck
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What is the OIAI of the omohyoideus m. of the horse?
O: Subscapular fascia near shoulder jt.
I: Lingual process of basihyoid bone
A: Synergist to sternohyoideus m. (draws basihyoid and larynx caudally to assist in glutition)
Innervation: C1 spinal n.
What are the OIAI of the omohyoideus m. of the ox?
O: Indirectly by deep cervical fascia from 3rd or 4th cervical vertebra
I: Basihyoid bone
A: Synergist to sternohyoideus m. (draws larynx and basihyoid caudally to assist in glutition)
Innervation: C1 spinal n.
What is the OIAI of the sternohyoideus m. in the horse?
O: Manubrium
I: Basihyoid bone and lingual process
A: Retract larynx and tongue
Innervation: C1 spinal n.
What is the OIAI of the sternothyroideus m. of the horse and ruminant?
O: Manubrium
I: Thyroid cartilage of larynx
A: Retract larynx; synergist to sternohyoideus m.
Innervation: C1 spinal n.

Sternohyoideus and sternothyroideus mm.:
Arise together from the manubrium and divide in mid-neck region
In mid-neck, muscles are divided by a transverse tendinous intersection into cranial and caudal parts
T/F in all domestic animals, the insertion site of the omohyoideus m. and sternohyoideus m. is the same?
Omohyoideus m. fuses with sternohyoideus m. near insertion on basihyoid
What are the OIAI of omotransversarius m. (cleidotransversarius m.) of the horse?
O: Shoulder fascia
I: Transverse processes of C1-C4 vertebrae
A: Draw the limb cranially (bilaterally), bend the neck laterally
Innervation: Cervical spinal nn.
Fused ventrally with cleidomastoideus m
What are the OIAI of trapezius m. of the horse?
O: Nuchal and supraspinous ligaments from C2 to T10 vertebrae
I: Thoracic part – Dorsal third of scapular spine; Cervical part – Entire scapular spine
A: Elevate shoulder, draw scapula craniodorsally and caudodorsally
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the OIAI of the omotransversarius m. of the ox?
O: Acromion and brachial fascia
I: Wing of atlas (and partly transverse process of axis)
A: Draw the limb cranially, flex the neck laterally
Innervation: Cervical spinal nn.
What are the OIAI of trapezius m. of the ox?
O: Nuchal and supraspinous ligaments from C1 to T12 vertebrae
I: Spine of scapula
A: Fix the scapula, draw the limb cranially and abduct the limb
Innervation: Accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the OIAI of serratus ventralis m. of the horse?
O: Cervicis – Transverse processes of C4-C7 vertebrae; Thoracis – First 8 or 9 ribs
I: Scapular cartilage and two adjacent triangular areas on medial surface of scapula
A: Support the trunk (primary action); raise the neck when the forelimb is fixed; may support inspiration. Allows horse to shift weight from one side to the other.
Innervation: Cervical spinal nn. and long thoracic n.
Cervical part is fleshy; thoracic part has tendinous sheets
What are the OIAI of serratus ventralis m. of the ox?
O: Cervicis – Transverse processes of C3/4-C7 vertebrae; Thoracis – Ribs 1-7, 8, or 9
I: Cervicis – Cranially on serrated face of scapular; Thoracis – Caudally on serrated face and subscapular fossa
A: Support the trunk, raise the neck when the limb is fixed, auxiliary inspiratory m.
Innervation: Cervical spinal nn. and long thoracic n.
What is the OIAI of rhomboideus m. of the horse?
O: Cervicis and thoracis – Nuchal and dorsoscapular ligaments from C2 to T8 vertebrae
I: Scapular cartilage
A: Draw scapula dorsally and cranially. Assist trapezius m.
Innervation: Cervical and thoracic spinal nn.
What are the OIAI of splenius m. of the horse?
Two parts – capitis and cervicis
O: Spinous processes of T3-T5 vertebrae by means of thoracolumbar fascia, nuchal ligament
I: Nuchal crest, mastoid process of temporal bone, transverse processes of C2-C5 vertebrae
A: Extend, elevate, or bend the neck and head laterally (a strong extensor of the head and neck bilaterally)

Innervation: Spinal nn. and accessory n. (CN XI)
What are the OIAI of splenius m. of the ox?
Two parts – capitis and cervicis
O: Spinous processes of T1-T3 vertebrae; an aponeurotic sheet to the nuchal ligament as far cranially as the third cervical vertebra
I: Capitis – Dorsolaterally on occipital bone; mastoid process; Cervicis – Wing of atlas; transverse processes of C2 & C3 vertebrae in the ox, C2-C5 in small ruminant
A: Extend, elevate, or bend the neck and head laterally
Innervation: Spinal nn.
What are the four heads of longissimus m.?
Capitis et atlantis
Cervicis - with four fascicles that cover each other cranially
What is the main extensor of the head and neck of domestic species?
Semispinalis capitis m. Acting unilaterally, it bends the head to the side.
Where does the semispinalis capitis m. course between in the horse and ruminant?
Horse – arises from the articular processes of cervical vertebrae and the spinous processes of T3-T5 and transverse processes of first six or seven thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the occipital bone just ventral to the nuchal crest
Ruminant – arises from the transverse processes of the first ten thoracic vertebrae, the articular processes of the last five cervical vertebrae and nuchal ligament and inserts on the occipital bone near the attachment of the funicular part of the nuchal ligament
What are the OIAI of rectus capitis dorsalis m. of the horse?
O: Major (superficial and deep (or medialis)) – spinous process of axis; Minor – dorsal arch of atlas
I: Major – nuchal crest; Minor – occipital bone
A: Elevate the head
Innervation: C1 spinal n.
What is the OIAI of obliquus capitis caudalis m.?
O: Spinous process of axis
I: Wing of atlas
A: Rotate atlas and head to the side.
Innervation: C2 spinal n.
What is the OIAI of the obliquus capitis cranialis m. of the horse?
O: Ventral surface of wing of atlas
I: Nuchal crest and mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Extend head or flex it laterally
Innervation: C1 spinal n.
What are the OIAI of longus capitis m. in the horse?
O: Transverse processes of C3-C5 vertebrae (C2-C6 in Ox)
I: Muscular tubercle on base of skull
A: Flex the head and neck and bend them laterally
Innervation: Spinal nn.
What is the OIAI of longus colli m. of the horse?
O: Thoracic part – bodies of T1-T6; Cervical part – transverse processes of C3-C7 vertebrae
I: Thoracic part – transverse processes of C6 and C7 vertebrae; Cervical part – bodies of cervical vertebrae and ventral tubercle of atlas
A: Flex the neck (assist longus capitis m.)
Innervation: Spinal nn.
What are the dorsal and ventral boundaries of the intramuscular injection site of the horse?

What nerves do you need to watch out for?
Mainly splenius m.: dorsal boundary is the crest, ventral boundary is the cervical vertebrae.

Beware of spinal accessory n., or going too deep under splenius to hit vertebral n.