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46 Cards in this Set

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Badger v.

To annoy or pester

Baleful adj.

Threatening harm

Banal adj.


Base adj.

Not honest or good, having low quality or value

Battery n.

A large groups of similar things

Bauble n.

A small; inexpensive jewelry or toy

Baying v.


Beatific v.

To bless: to make happy

Bedlam n.

A state or uproar & confusion

Beguile v.

To trick

Behemoth n.

Something huge

Beleaguered adj.

Weary tired, bothered

Belied v.


Bellicose adj.

Warlike, inclined to fight

Bemoan v.

To mourn over, to express grief for

Beneficence n.

The quality of being kind or charitable

Benigh adj.


Bereft adj.

Deprived or robbed of something

Beseech v.

To beg or ask

Bifurcated v.

Slit in two

Bilious adj.


Blase adj.

Apathetic; unconcerned

Blithe adj.

Happy, casual, unconcerned

Bloviated v.

Was wordy, windy when speaking

Bludgeon v.

To hit forcefully

Bonhomie n.

A pleasant & friendly mood

Boon n.

A benefit

Boor n.

A crude person w/ rude, clumsy manners

Bootless adj.


Bowdlerize v.

To cut off all the offensive parts of a book

Bravado n.

A false show of bravery ; swagger

Brazen adj.

Shamelessly bold

Brevity n.

Shortness of duration

Bromide n.

A cliche or tired saying

Brusque adj.

Abrupt, curt, harsh

Bucolic adj.

Rustic; rural

Bugbear n.

Something to fear

Bulwark adj.

A strong support or protection

Bumptious adj.

Assertive in a loud; arrogant way

Bungle v.

To screw up

Buoyant adj.

Happy; confident

Burdensome adj.

Oppressive; causing difficulty or worry

Burgeoning adj.


Buttress n.

A support

Bygone adj.


Byzantine adj.

Devious; complicated