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30 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Insipid |
Lacking of taste or flavor |
Pragmatic |
concerned with practical matters/berkerja berdasarkan pertimbangan praktikal daripada teoritikal |
Iconoclast |
a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions. |
Arduous |
difficult to accomplish, hatd to endure |
Profligate |
recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources/boros |
Ameliorate |
make, become better/mempertajam |
Capricious |
given to sudden behavior change/plin plan/tak terduga/berubah2 |
Fortuitous |
happening by accident or chance/tak disengaja |
Orthodox |
Conforming to all the traditional beliefs, and religious practices/berpegang teguh pd peraturan dan ajaran resmi, msl dl agama; |
Pellucid |
translucently clear/benung/jelas |
Corroborate |
confirm or give support to |
Magnanimous |
very generous or forgiving/murah hati atau dermawan |
Prolific |
fruitful, present in large number/produktif |
Dogmatic |
dictatorial, opinionated/sikap atau perilaku seseorang yang didasari oleh kepercayaan tertentu dengan sangat kuat dan tidak dapat diubah atau tidak dapat disesuaikan dengan kenyataan yang ada, sehingga orang tersebut tidak toleran dan terbuka dengan keberadaan ataupun pendapat yang berbeda dari orang lain |
Placate |
make (someone) less angry or hostile |
Exacerbate |
infuriate, make worse/mengesalkan dan membuat lebih buruk |
Redundant |
mubazir/berlebihan |
Hackneyed |
unoriginal and trite/usang/basi |
Prudent |
acting with or showing care and thought |
Belie |
disguise or contradict |
Cacophony |
a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds/bunyi hiruk pikuk |
Impetuous |
acting or done quickly and without thought or care/terburu-buru nafsu |
Idiosyncrasy |
a way of thought peculiar to an individual/keistimewaan/keanehan |
Pithy |
brief, to the point/ringkas dan tajam |
Ostentation |
pretentious and vulgar display intended to impress, show off/sombong |
Adulterate |
alter or debase, often for profit/memalsukan untuk keuntungan |
Vociferous |
Riuh/hiruk pikuk |
Taciturn |
reserved or uncommunicative in speech/pendiam |
Obdurate |
refuse to change one’s opinion; stubborn/keras kepala/bandel |
Garrulous |
excessively talkative/cerewet/banyak mulut |