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40 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Hoax |
To trick |
Canard |
A false report or history |
Unflagging |
Remaining strong |
Defunct |
Not longer existing or being used |
Sated |
To fill with food or with anything until not wanting more |
Inveigh |
To protest or complain vehemently |
Inveigle |
To persuade to do something in a clever or deceptive way |
Serf |
Person that belonged to a low class and worked other people lands |
Entropy |
Chaos, disorganization, randomness |
Cerebration |
To use the mind. To think |
Mien |
Appearance, aspect, dress, figure |
Prognosis |
Forecast, prognostication |
Fretful |
Upset, worried, restless |
Ecumenical |
Worldwide, or general in extent, that brings together different kind of Christian churches |
Outclassed |
To be or do much better than someone |
Sap |
Undermine |
Avowed |
Openly acknowledged or declared |
Nullify |
To cause to loose it's value or effect |
Ulterior |
Kept hidden in order to get a particular result. |
Recidivist |
A person that continues to do crimes even after being caught or punished |
Bluster |
To speak in a loud and aggressive way |
Pretension |
Unpleasant quality of people that believes they are better than they really are |
Swagger |
To walk in a very confident way |
Delectable |
Very pleasant, very attractive |
Lulled |
To cause to fall asleep or feel sleepy |
Claque |
A group hired to applaude a performance. A group of sycophants |
Deprecatory |
Disapprove something |
Habiliments |
Clothes , the way they dress |
Paragon |
A person that is excellent in some way and should be considered a model or example to be copied |
Drab |
Prostitute, a slattern: a dirty women |
Mellifluous |
Having a smooth, flowing sound |
Wanton |
Malicious, not caring for others, not limited or controlled |
Proscribe |
To make illegal, to not allow |
Divesting |
Deprive or take away from a person |
Stagnation |
To stop developing, progressing or moving |
Canton |
Division, section, region |
Hubristic |
Full of pride and confidence |
Overweening |
To confident or proud, to excessive and unpleasant |
Proclivities |
A strong natural liking that is usually bad |
Lenient |
Allowing a lot of freedom and not pushing bad behavior in a strong way |