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73 Cards in this Set

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Nitroglycerin is a ______
Vasodilator. relaxes vascular smooth muscles. Including dilation of the coronary arteries.
metered dose of nitroglycerin is ___ per spray?
0.4 mg
Primary side effect of nitroglycerin
contraindications of nitroglycerin
viagra, inferior wall MI, ICP,
Morphine is a ____?
Narcotic opioid and an analgesic to reduce the perception of pain.
Dose of morphine is _____?
2 to 4mg SLOW
Contraindications of morphine are:
Respiratory depression,
CNS depression (head injury)
Increased ICP
abdominal pain
morphine dose?
0.4 to 2 mg up to 10mg
Do not use adenosine on _____?
2nd or 3rd degree heart blocks
Amiodrone is a _____?
class III antiarrhythmic. but stimulates all 4 classes.
The 6 classes of antiarrhythmics are?
1A, 1B, 1C, II, III, IV
class 1A antiarrhythmics major action.
Blocks fast sodium channels.
Prolongs repolariation
decreases exciteability
Class 1B antiarrhythmics major action.
Blocks fast sodium channels
shortens repolarization
decreases excitability
Class 1C antiarrhythmics major action.
Profoundly slows conduction
Class II antiarrhythmics major action.
suppresses automaticity
slows the rate of impulse conduction
Class III antiarrhythmics major action.
prolongs repolarization by interfering with potassium
Class IV antiarrhythmics major action
slows impulse conduction and contraction. By blocking the movement of calcium.
Amiodarone does what?
Slows conduction through the purkinje.
lengthens action potential throughout the heart.
prolongs repolarization
Blocks potassium and calcium
Amiodarone causes vaso______?
Amiodarone increases cardiac output by _____?
decreasing afterload
Contraindications of amiodorone?
2nd and 3rd AV block
Atropine's mechanism of action in the heart?
Increases heart rate
blocks vagus nerve
Increases conduction velocity
Atropine's mechanism of action in the respiratory system.
Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
decreases body secretions.
Medications ending in lol are?
Beta-blockers mechanism of action?
slows heart rate
reduces BP
reduces dysrhythmias by decreasing catecholamine levels.
Contraindicatrors of beta-blockers
Heart rate <60
BP <100
2nd or 3rd av block
poor peripheral perfusion
Epinephrine stimulates _______?
Alpha, Beta1 and Beta 2
Epinephrines alpha agonists does what?
increases vascular resistance
Epinephrines Beta 1 agonists do this
increases force of contractions
increases heart rate
But also increases O2 demands and workload.
Epinephrines Beta 2 agonists do this?
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
dilates cerebral, pulmonary, coronary and hepatic vessels.
Use epinephrine for Cardiac _____?
pulseles V-tach
Lidocaine is an __ antiarrhythmic
class 1b (Blocks fast sodium channels)
Use lidocaine after _____?
pulseles VT/VF after defibrillation and vasopressors.
In a bradycardia with a ventricular escape _____ may be lethal.
Dose of Lidocaine?
1 mg up to 3x
Magnesium sulfate does what?
Slows the rate of SA node impulse
Magnesium sulfate dose?
1 to 2 g in 10 mL NS
If you have A-fib with a rapid ventricular response, how would you mix your Magnesium sulfate?
1 to 2 g in 100 ml D5W over 60 min
Contraindications of Magnesium sulfate?
Respiratory depression
The antidote for Magnesium sulfate is?
Procainamide is classified as?
a Ia antiarrhythmic (blocks fast sodium channels)
Mechanism of action of Procainamide?
Decreases conduction velocity in the atria, ventricles and purkinje.
Prolongs PR and QT intervals
Causes peripheral dilation
Use procainamide for?
VT in pt with no sign of heart failure.
Or pt with A-fib or A-flutter with WPW.
Can use in SVT if vagal manuvers or adenosine does not work.
Dose of procainamide?
20 mg/min until dysrhythmia resolves, Hypotension occurs or a wide QRS.
Can use in SVT if vagal manuvers or adenosine does not work.
Contraindiations of procainamide?
complete AV block (if no pacemaker)
Pt with prolonged QRS and QT intervals
Or Digitalis toxicity
Calcium chloride is a ?
electrolyte, calcium salt
Mechanism of action for calcium chloride?
increases cardiac contraction (+ inotropic) helps coagulate blood
Indications for calcium chloride?
calcium channel blocker overdose
Magnesium toxicity
Dosing for calcium chloride.
500 to 1000 mg (5 to 10 ml) over 2 to 5 min
Contraindications of calcium chloride?
kidney stones
Dobutamine dosing?
2 to 20 mcg/kg/min continuous infusion
Mechanism of action of dobutamine?
Stimulates Alpha, beta1 and beta 2.
potent inotropic effect.
Increases: contractility, stroke volume, and cardiac output.
minimal alpha effects
Use dobutamine for?
cardiac decompensation due to depressed contractility. ie: CHF, pulmonary congestion.
Contraindications of dobutamine.
severe hypotension
aortic stenosis
Dobutamine is classified as a?
dopamine is classified as a?
sympathomimetic / vasopressor / cardiac stimulant
mechanism of action in dopamine?
effects change with increasing doses
Stimulates dopeaminergic, beta, alpha andrenergic,
dose for low dose dopamine?
0.5 to 2 mcg/kg/min
dose for medium dose dopamine
2 to 10 mg/kg/min
Dose for high dose dopamine?
10 to 20 mcg/kg/min
low dose dopamine does what?
dilation of the renal coronary and intracerebral vascular beds
Medium dose dopamine does what?
Acts on beta 1 resulting in improved myocardial contractility. increased SA rate and impulse conduction.
High dose of dopamine does what?
A1, A2 = BP and systemic vascular resistance increase.
Contraindications of dopamine?
hypersensivity to sulfates
Vasopressin is classified as a ?
hormone / antidiuretic
Mechanism of action for vasopressin
causes constriction of peripheral, cerebral, pulmonary and coronary vessels.
Dose of vasopressin?
40 units one time.
Contraindications of vasopressin
coronary artery or peripheral artery disease.
Sodium bicarb is classified as a ?
alkalinizing agent, antacid, electrolyte.
Mechanism of sodium bicarb?
buffers hydrogen ions.
Raises blood PH
reverses acidosis
Indications of sodium bicarb
metabolic acidosis
overdoses of tricyclic antidepressants and procainamide
Dose of sodium bicarb?
1 mEq/kg
contraindications of sodium bicarb?
severe pulmonary edema