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126 Cards in this Set

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Free Self direction, responsibility
discipline deal with the nature of the good, nature of human being
system of right, fundamental beliefs, habits
bound by duty and contract to do
la enfermedad, indisposición, dolencia
one who is responsible for his/her actions
point of view that everything is determined, no freedom/no responsibility
the value motives others to act
beliefs that all things are predetermined by God
moral stance
moral orientation or direction in life
selfish, focus on self image
medicine that deal with mental, emotional and behavioral disorders
God makes Himself known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit
call story
God calling people and importing to them with a mission
a binding agreement between 2 parties
we see God from His works
a call from God
apocalyptic literature
the writing that involved with Israel's troubled history around time of Jesus
pertain the end of our world, death and resurrection
analysis of texts in their original text
literature about Jesus, resurrection
a way of interpreting text and event to help us understand what they mean
terms used to refer to the second coming of Christ at the end of time
5 books of Moses that contain core of teaching: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
12 followers of Jesus
the body of Christ
non-Jewish believers
official teaching office of the church
tasks Jesus left for his followers
sacrifice something to show the love of God
common good
well being within society
passion toward good
judgment to protect common good
general truth or role
moral principle
obligation to determine how to act
natural law
original moral sense on what is good
guides for action
something you bound to do by duty
popular saying of wisdom
power or ability to act
power or ability to act, to know, to hold
opportunity or occasion for an important decision
disregard for norms governing behavior
a physical or mental reality toward with thoughts, feelings, and actions can be directed
an entitlement or a claim
the self that thinks, feels and acts
the freedom and power of the self to choose, decide, act
common good
the sum total of social conditions, which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily
the system of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in a society
Golden Rule
do to others as you would have them do to you
Commutative Justice
pertains to contractual relationships between individuals and between institutions that have the legal status of a person
Legal Justice
the relationship of the individual to society, based on law and the enforcement of law
Distributive Justice
relationship of government to the individual, and the government's obligations
Ecological Justice
concerned with obligations that human beings have to do with all the rest of creations
acting with divine or moral law
unity with and among people, based on common interests, values, principles
the determination by the diocesan marriage tribunal that a marriage covenant is invalid and therefore void
relating to the married state, or the couple in their married relationship
a pledge or promise to do something in the future
to agree to something, in marriage, it is an agreement to a lifelong exclusive partnership with the spouse, and acceptance of the marriage vows
faithfulness, loyalty
permanence, the sacrament of marriage is dissolved only in death
the bringing forth of offspring
to declare that you will do or will refrain from doing something, In marriage, the partners vow or "promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life"
sacramental covenant
the marriage bond between two baptized persons based on an unconditional promise to be faithful until death, and open to the gift of children
social cell
the married couple in the basic "building block" in society. Stable family relations are the most important human relationship in society
one's calling from God to a particular way of life
Private property
something that is owned for one's exclusive use, or for one's exclusive control
4 Ethical Experience are
the experience of personal response; the experience of the other; the experience of obligation; the experience of contrast
The Experience of Personal Response
call for "help" makes you not to think, but to act, it an automatic response to help others in needs
The Experience of The Other
defined by Emmanuel Levinas; it is our responsibility to help others in need, when facing someone in need, we tend to remember their "faces" and it reminds us about our responsibilities
The Experience of Obligation
when someone orders us to do something, we tend to obey the rule; usually "those" have authority over you convince you follow his/her wishes
The Experience of Contrast
experience occurs when you feel something is unfair and tend to speak it up "This is unfair"
Teleological (Aristotle)
Teleo-goal, purpose or end

Looking for the end, not as an end point, but as a completion as fullness

Seeking to understand the ultimate goal, purpose or ending something
De-ontological (Kent)
Asking questions like "what is my duty? What is my duty as Catholic?"

-To do what is right
Relational (Levinas)
starting with the other, not with ourselves

face to face with the other who calls me to be ethnical
studied under Plato, known as the leading thinker of his time

Thomas Aquinas rediscovered Aristotle through Arab scholars in the mid-late 30th century
Aristotle:The Pursuit of Happiness
a person (citizen) will find true happiness in a community
all things aim for goodness

a good person uses reason to control desire
Immanuel Kant
born and raised in Konigsberg in eastern Prussia (now Germany), a Protestant family

His writing had a huge impact on Western thought
Kant's ehnics
the "good" is the goal of life, but in a different way from Aristotle

Always keep the dignity of a person in mind, don't use people
Kant: The Good Will
doing our duty just because it's our duty, not for a reward

act in a way you want others to act also
Emmanuel Levinas
born in Kaunus, Lithuania to Jewish parents

personal friend of Pope John Paul II, who discussed world issues with him
Levinas: the face is ethical
the face is a trace of God who has already passed by

our responsibility to the face is our calling or duty
the difference between "Ethnics" and "Morals"
ethnics is the thought and moral is the action. ethnics guides actions
trust, hope and acceptance; "I" message
Self-Protection, Win-Lose Attitude and Stereotyping; "you" message
The difference between "I" message and "you" message
"I" message-state your concern, listen to others' opinions

"You" message-don't listen; defend your self
S.T.O.P method
S-search: who, what, where, when,how and why

T-thing about the consequences

O-others; what influences will bring to others

Christian Stewardship
1. Human are created in God's image
2. All of creation has been created and design to reflect God to the rest of creation by caring for and looking after the world
3. this caring taking is called stewardship
4. it requires that we value the rest of creation as good, not simply because its useful
5. God, human beings and others are meant to live in a graceful, respectful world
Principle For Land Stewardship
1. Land is Gods
2. People are Gods' Stewards on Land
3. The land's benefits are for everyone
4. The land should be equally distributed
5. The land should be conserved and restored
6. The land use planning must consider social and environmental impacts
7. Land use should provide a moderate live-hood
8. The land workers should be able to become land's owners
9. The lands mineral wealth should be shared
Christian Relationship: The LAW of Love:
we are compelled by nature to love, to reach out to other people. We desire intimacy and feel incomplete, limited or threatened without love.
Christian Relationship: Sexuality
an powerful energy behind all our relationships as well as the great value of the human body
Christian Relationship: Rape
violent, brutal and dehumanizing; rape is about power and can leave long-term emotional scars
Christian Relationship: Lust
desire to use another person as a "non-person"; treat others as objects not as human
Christian Relationship: pornography
sex movies, dehumanizes sex leaving its users empty and deprived of a real relationship

selling through sex, marketing products
name given to the South African policy of "separate development," a rigid system of racial segregation designed to maintain white supremacy
Self Love
begins with self-acceptance as we value the qualities we possess and of who we are

Just as God loves us unconditionally we must try to see ourselves as God does even when we make a mess of things
Erotic Love
the desire 2 people have for union of their bodies and souls hears and minds, it goes beyond mere sexual attraction
7days creations,
Characteristics of a Prophet's Call
speak God's word; cry out against suffering; protect the poor; obey only God; brave, belief can not be changed; represents the "GOOD"; success comes after death; wins a spiritual victory; shows their faithful commitment to God and to the poor
Poor in Spirit
Hunger for Righteousness
Pure in Heart
Persecuted for Righteousness
Poor in Spirit
other-centered, reliance on God's word
Concern for others, desire to forgive and be forgiven
gentleness, Obedience to God
Hunger for Righteousness
Self control, Moral purity
compassion, generosity, forgiveness
Pure in Heart
as what is says :)
justice, reconciliation(peace)
Persecuted for Righteousness
involved in doing good, endurance and loyalty(action)
moral rightness, honesty, fair and respect human rights of others
Social Justice
do not seek what is not ours, respect, welfare, quality of live intended by God
Social Sin
sinful way of acting; the cycle of evil
free people from social sin; unjust system
Liberation Theology
bring Christ redemption to reality of social sin; free the poor and suffering from evil
Social Gospel
examines principles of love, forgiveness, peace, justice
Ten Commandments: 1
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
Ten Commandments: 2
2. You shall not make yourself as a idol or pray for other idol. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Ten Commandments: 3
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Ten Commandments: 4
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Ten Commandments: 5
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Ten Commandments: 6
6. You shall not murder.
Ten Commandments: 7
7. You shall not commit adultery.
Ten Commandments: 8
8. You shall not steal.
Ten Commandments: 9
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Ten Commandments: 10
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”