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35 Cards in this Set

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what is scientific inquiry involve
- finding the answers to a question
-sharing resaults
what makes a test fair
the things that the scientists try and keep the same- constants, one thing that is changed is variable.
what types of variables are involved in scientific expirments, expand
the changes in expirments,
A model of a set of facts or concepts organised according to a formal set of rules.
The most logical explanation of why things work the way they do. A theory is a former hypothesis that has been tested with repeated experiments and observations and found always to work.
A rule that describes, but doesn't explain, a pattern in nature and predicts what will happen under specific conditions
list 3 safety procedures in a lab
-know where your safety materials are
- tell the teacher first if anything goes wrong
- do not touch anythign without a label, tell a teacher.
define cause and effect relationships
Cause and effect is a form of analysis that examines the causes and consequences of events and ideas.
what is a cell
(biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
list 3 points of cell theory
The theory that all organisms are made of cells, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cells are the structural and functional units of life.
cell wall
a wall that keeps out what the things it dosent want and in the things it does
fluid filled space containing water, sugar,and proteins
organelle with chlorophyll used in photosynthisis
provides cells with energy
golgi apparatus
stores proteins untill te cell needs them
builds proteins essintial for cell growth and reproduction
the main frame of a cell, a vault
makes proteins
endoplasmic reticlum
canals that carry materials throughout the cell
the DNA of a cell
waht is the disadvantage of asexual reproduction
genitic diversity
asexual reproduction
a type of reproduction where an organism replicates itself, by budding or dividing, without the involvement of other organisms.
sexual reproduction
The process where two cells (gametes) fuse to form one fertilized cell or zygote. cf asexual reproduction; gamete; hybrid.
what are the 5 types of asexual reproduction
-spore formation
-vegitiative reproduction
-binary fission
what are the 3 types of sexual reproduction
what are the 5 steps in cell reproduction
chrosomes, and why they are important
chrosomes are the dna in cells, and they are important becuase they create copies of them selves so that the new cell is the same, unless meiosis when it is only half of the chrosomes.
Ribbon-like twists of DNA molecules in the nucleus of the interphase
the two halfs of the dna from different places ( clone and original) joined together
why is cell division important?
it is important for our healing and growth and reproduction
what stage do mitosis and meiosis differ?
durring interphase
a single set of chromosomes (half of the full set of genetic material). In humans, the haploid number of chromosomes is 23.
Cells with the normal number of chromosomes (23 pairs = 46)
somatic cell
any cell in the body that is not a germ/sex cell (reproductive cell).
the straight liens where the chromatids meet