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103 Cards in this Set

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ability to make someone do something they normally wouldn't do

using to achieve political goals=political power


right to use power by public


acceptance of use of power


organizations that performs specific functions in society


have ultimate authority

main institution within society where decisions are made and conflicts resolved

political culture

orientation of citizens towards politics

political socialization

how political beliefs and values are passed on

3 primary types of govt

autocracy-1 person in power (king)

Oligarchy- ruled by few (council)

Democracy- people hold the power

Theocracy- ruled by religious leader

Aristotle's forms of govt

kingly rule- best- 1 person who wanted the best

aristocracy- ruled by educated class

Constitutional govt- written documents giving rights

3 perversions

tyranny- dictator who wants the worst

oligarchy- small group with power

democracy- mob rule "bad"


mob rule

everyone gets a vote

minority always loses

US has representative democracy (const repub based on democratic principles)

Secure minority rights

Pluralism- band together to be heard better

Elitism- use power to effect politics

Individual participation- every individual can vote

Collective action

goal that can't be conquered by an individual

govt needs to step in

everyone in society benefits

3 parts of Govt structure


executive branch - President

implements the law

controls government operations

foreign relations

head of govt and armed forces

3 parts of Govt structure


legislative branch

congress- makes laws

upper -senate

lower- house of representatives

work together to make laws

3 parts of govt structure


judicial branch

supreme court

interpret law- what does it mean

is it constitutional and valid

Single member districting

how us elects people

direct election

proportional representation

Europe election

vote for a party not a person

Right wing beliefs

fair process

market equality

small govt


religious govt



people make choices

culture dictates law


military power


Left wing beliefs

fair outcomes

reject markt equality

large govt


secular (religion v govt)



govt solve society

law dictates culture

involve other nations




pro gays, abortion, gun control


against death penalty


anti gays, pro life, pro guns

favor death penalty


british rule

colonists were subject of the king

natural rights

john locks-strong can deprive the weak


limited govt

limits govt power

people must hold power


representative democracy people elect the rep

no aristocracy (ruling elite class)

Continental congress 1

1774 carpenters hall

all show except Georgia

colonies must establish army and boycott British trade (war breaks out bc king sees as treason)

not seeking independence, address resolution

dec of independence

july 4 1776

56 signers, john hancock 1st

independence hall

written by thomas jef influenced by ben frank

july 2 actually signed

severed all ties w england

Articles of Confederation

manage revolutionary war

established USA

1 vote / state

can only be changed if approved by all 13 states

What the articles of Confed can do

make war

negotiate agreements

print and borrow money

resolve western territory issues

9/13 agree to make new state

Failure of articles of confed

small army

little money

no taxation

did not promote trade

Treaty of paris


gave US full freedom from great britian

1st const convention


some no shows

fix problems w articles

couldn't bc not all 13 showed

Shayes rebellion

1787 jan

ex soldiers not getting their money

courts seized

paid army to get rid of mad soldiers

2nd Const convention

1787 may

all 13 present

revise articles

dual issue problem

(virginia) make new const, not revise

Dual issue problem

confederation too weak

too strong was over bearing

fearful of rebellions

devise a got strong but not too strong to threaten society

Compromise/ state plans

virginia - large state

new jersey - small state

Virginia Plan

10 votes

new confederation

strong national govt

3 branchs, ex, ju, leg

leg- 2 branches people and state (more population = more reps to vote)

ex and ju choose by national leg

national leg most powerful

New jersey plan

3 votes

amend old articles of confed

more power to fed govt

1 vote/ state regardless of pop

great compromise

virginia + new jersey

2 senates per state regardless of pop

house of reps base on population

3/5 compromise slaves counted as 3/5 vote

electoral college how president elected

president allowed 1 4 year term 1789

Constitution of USA


1Legislative branch- senate/ house


3Judicial (supreme court)

4how to add new states

5how to amend constitution

6laws of US

7how to ratify

key constitution principles

representative republic- people vote

federalism- shared powers btw govt and ppl

Checks and Balances

powers evenly distributed

Congress checks president (veto or impeach)

Senate refuse who is appointed(impeach judges)

President checks congress vetoing bills & checks court by nominating judges

judiciary declare près actions unconstitutional

and declare law uncons (judicial review)

seperation on powers

specific areas of responsibilities for each branch


support new cont and strong govt

liberty, order, process

Anti Federalists

against cont, keep articles, against strong govt

give the power to the states

they create bill of rights

Bill of rights

10 ratified guarantees of const

to limit what govt can do

made by anti federalists

Amend 1

freedom of religion, speech, press, petition

Amend 2

right to bear arms

Amend 3`

soldiers can't live in homes during peace times

amend 4

unreasonable search and seizure

amend 5

can not be tried twice for same crime if found not guilty (double jeopardy)

compensation for taken property

Amend 6

speedy and public trial

Amend 7

common law

right of trial by jury in civil court

Amend 8

no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment

Amend 9

unenumerated rights

more rights than stated

Amend 10

power of fed govt only granted by const

share with states

Constitution lasted bc

allowed modification


changes with changing times

Substantive cons

texas constitution

tries to tell govt how to do its job

narrow scope

inherent powers

powers that belong to sovereign govt

freedom to our life

Concurrent powers

powers shared by both national and state govt

supremacy clause

const is supreme law of land

reserved powers

bill of rights

powers not given to national govt

McCulloh v maryland


fed govt can set up banks

implied power used to prove point


supreme or ultimate political authority

state can govern itself


political system, local units and govt as well as national govt

dual federalism

separate but equal govts

national and state

Unitary system

1 national govt

holds all political power

no separate smaller govts

Confederate system

alliance/ poltical pact

creates weak national govt

i.e. European union

National powers

declare war

postal system


Shared powers



interstate commerce

borrow $/ regulate banks

general welfare

punish criminals

States powers

local govt


marriage regulations

regulate corporations

implied powers

powers of national govt that aren't written down


states can ignore law that goes against constitution

interstate commerce clause

congress can regulate commerce w foreign nations

Jacksonian era

states rights

conflict btwn norther and southern states

FDR era

increases size of govt

end dual federalism

cooperative federalism (do what govt says or lose funding)

commerce clause

Grant types (3)

operational- $ from fed to states, states will lose if they don't do what is asked, originally land grants (schools/ fed programs)

Capital- $ for building projects

Entitlement- $ from fed to individuals based on need

Limiting grants 2

categorical-specific purpose grants, require matching funding from state

Revenue- "block" federal dollars given to state for almost anything

Fed controls on Aid

Conditions of aid- fed govt will give $, but want to see things happen

Mandates (preemptions)- strict conditions on states if they receive aid

Devolution Revolution

new federalism, shift in power downsizing fed govt

Popular rule

ruled by majority/ mob rule

minorities protected from mob rule by bill of rights

Popular culture

changes every generation

opposing views of civil liberties

concerns ideas and morals in society

Immigrant culture

WASP white anglo saxon protestant

immigrant threat

integrated and assimilated

Norman rockwells 4 freedoms

from want and fear

of religion and speech

types of speech not protected

Libel- defame someones character/ lie about them

Obscenity- no redeeming social value, sexual rather than political interests

Symbolic speech- an act to transmit a negative message

False Advertising- false message about a product

Prior restraint

govt can not put place limits on future speech

Speech cases

Schnek v US- clear and present danger test

pentagon papers ( NY times were allowed to print)

ALien and sedition acts (negative things about pres)

Espionage and sedition (negative things about military)

Smith Act- overthrow govt

Internal security act - communists must register (later used that list against them)

Church and State

limits govt actions on religious actions

no law against prohibiting free exercise

may limit if it affects someone else

3 part religion test

secular purpose

neither advances or inhibits religion

doesn't foster an excessive govt entanglement w religion

Privacy rights

choose, die, privacy

Due process/ Crime

limits conduct of police and procedures

no search or arrest without cause

no coerced confession

no entrapment

informed of rights

Rights of person being tried

know evidence against them

judgement read (or can pay bail)

legal counsel

remain silent

Exclusionary Rule

search and seizure

can occur:

with warrant, upon arrest, good faith exception

Civil rights movement

separate but equal until ww2

universities were 1st breakthrough

Brown v board


linda brown, white school was closer, had to cross active railroad to attend black school

supreme court ruled it ok

NAACP brought it back to supreme court

separate but = is unconstitutional

suspect classifications

judgement on people based off of race or ethnicity as having been discriminated against as a group

MLK jr

civil rights leader

baptist minster

invloed in non violent protests

montgomery bus boycott

southern christian leadership council (black activists)

march on washington

1968 assasianted

Civil rights act 1964

invalidated jim crow laws (discriminating laws)

started by jfk, followed through by LBJ

scene falls convention


women rights moment birth place

Equal rights amendment


equal rights based on sex.. didn't pass

griswold v conneticut

women rights to privacy

use of birth control

Roe v Wade

women right to abortion

Affirmative action

leveling playing field for previously discriminated against groups

signed 1965

limited with schools and govt positions