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15 Cards in this Set

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Une année sabbatique

A gap year / a deffered year / year out / year off / time out / time off

Un pays étranger

A foreign country

Aller à l'étranger

To go abroad

Faire du bénévolat

To volunteer

Gagner un salaire

To earn a salary



S'impliquer dans / participer à

To get involved in

Faire un stage

To intern

Un stagiaire

A trainee

Bénévolat pour une association caritative

Charity work

C'est à dire

That is to say

Ce qui signifie

Which means

Activities you can do during a year off :

-travel (going abroad /discovering the world )

-volunteer (getting involved in charity work)

-study ( going to Uni abroad/ improving language skills )

- intern (working as trainee)

-work (earn a salary)

How long is a gap year?

All depends on you! It can last For several weeks, months, one semester, up to a year or more.

When would be the best time to take a gap year?

The best time to go on a gap year, is either just after graduation, at the end of High School, or during your studies at Uni/College.