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49 Cards in this Set

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Abstract Factory - Creational Pattern


Abstract Factory: Interface to the actual factory.

Concrete Factory: Implements the Abstract Factory interface to create a specific class of object.

Abstract Product: The sort of product that the abstract factory creates.

Concrete Product: The actual object (whose class you don’t know) created by the factory.

Client: Uses the created objects only through their interfaces.
Builder - Creational Pattern


Director: Builds an object without knowing exactly what it’s building.

Builder: Interface used by the Director to do the construction.

Concrete Builder: Actually builds the product by following directions given by the Director. Typically created externally (by the Client) or by an Abstract Factory.

Product: The object built by the Builder under the direction of the Director.
Factory Method - Creational Pattern


Creator: Defines a method that needs to create an object whose actual type is unknown. Does so using abstract-method call

Concrete Creator: Derived class that overrides the abstract object instantiation method to create the Concrete Product.

Product: Interface implemented by the created product. Creator accesses the Concrete Product object through this interface.

Concrete Product: Object used by the Creator (base-class) methods, implements the Product interface.
Prototype - Creational Pattern


Prototype: Interface of object to copy, must define a mechanism for cloning itself.

ConcretePrototype: Object that’s copied, implements cloning mechanism.

Client: Creates a new object by asking the Prototype for a clone.
Singleton - Creational Pattern

Singleton: The object being created, defines a class level (static) get-instance method that returns the instance. The class-level get-instance method may create the object if necessary.
Adapter - Structural Pattern


Client: An object that collaborates with objects conforming to the target interface
Adaptee: An object that doesn’t support the desired interface

Target: The interface we want the Adaptee to support.

Adapters: The class that makes the Adaptee appear to support the Target interface.
Class Adapters use derivation.
Object Adapters use containment.
Bridge - Strutctural Pattern


Abstraction: (Frame) A platform-independent portal into platform-specific code.

Implementor: (FramePeer) An interface used by the Abstraction to talk to a platform-specific implementation. Typically is also the Abstract Product of an Abstract Factory.

Refined Abstraction: (MyFrame) Often omitted, a version of the Abstraction, customized for a particular application.

Concrete Implementor: (WindowsFramePeer, MotifFramePeer) platform-specific implementation of Implementor
Composite - Structural Pattern


Component: An interface or abstract class that represents all objects in the hierarchy.

Composite: A Component that can hold other

Components. It doesn’t know whether these subcomponents are other Composites or are Leaves.

Leaf: A Component that stands alone; it cannot contain anything.

Client: manipulates other objects in the composition through the Component interface.
Decorator - Structural Pattern


Component: an interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them (or have behavior modified) at runtime.

Concrete Component: an object to which additional responsibilities or new behavior is attached.

Decorator: wraps a Component and defines an interface that conforms to the Component’s interface.

Concrete Decorator: (implicit) extends the Decorator to define the additional behavior.
Facade - Structural Pattern


Façade : Provides a simple interface to a complex subsystem.

Subsystem Classes: Classes that comprise one or more complex subsystems.
Flyweight - Structural Pattern


Flyweight: Defines an interface for messages that use extrinsic state.

Concrete Flyweight: Implements Flyweight with methods that compute state information or get it from an external source (extrinsic state).

Unshared Concrete Flyweight: Implements Flyweight using internal state variables rather than extrinsic state.

Flyweight Factory: Creates and manages flyweights. Supplies an existing Concrete Flyweight if one exists, otherwise creates one.
Proxy - Structural Pattern


Proxy: Maintains a reference, and controls access, to the Real Subject. Implements the same interface as the Real Subject so it can be used in its place.

Subject: An interface implemented by both the Proxy and the Real Subject, allows them to be used interchangeably.

Real Subject: The real object that the Proxy represents.
Chain of Responsibility - Behavioral Pattern

Handler: Defines event-handling interface and optional successor link.

Concrete Handler: Handles request or, by doing nothing, causes event to be forwarded to successor.

Request: Strictly speaking, not part of the pattern, but often present. Encapsulates information about event that occurred in order to pass this information to the Handler.
Command - Behavioral Pattern


Command: Defines an interface for executing an operation or set of operations.

Concrete Command: Implements the Command interface to perform the operation. Typically acts as an intermediary to a Receiver object.

Invoker: Asks the command to carry out a request.
Receiver: Knows how to carry out the request. This functionality is often built in to the Command object itself.
Iterator - Behavioral Pattern


Iterator: interface for accessing and traversing elements.

Concrete Iterator: Implements Iterator and keeps track of current position.

Aggregate: Defines an interface for creating an iterator. (Omit if no Abstract Factory required.)
Concrete Aggregate: Holds the data. Implements the creation interface to manufacture an iterator.
Mediator - Behavioral Pattern


Mediator: (Often omitted) defines an interface to Colleagues.

Concrete Mediator: Implements Mediator interface to interact with Colleagues and manage communication between them.

Colleagues: A system of interfaces and classes that communicate bidirectionally through the mediator rather than directly. Note that the client is a colleague
Memento - Behavioral Pattern


Originator: Creates a memento that holds a “snapshot” of its current state.

Memento: Stores the internal state of the Originator in a way that does not expose the structure of the Originator. Supports a “wide” interface used by the originator and a “narrow” interface used by everyone else.

Caretaker: Stores the mementos, but never operates on them
Observer - Behavioral Pattern


Subject: The Publisher—notifies Observers that some event has occurred. Keeps a subscription list and a means for modifying the list. Sometimes Subject is an interface implemented by a Concrete Subject.

Observer: Defines an interface for notifying observers.

Participant: Implements the Observer interface to do something when notified
State - Behavioral Pattern


Context: Defines a public interface to the outside world, methods of which change behavior with object state. Maintains an instance of a Concrete State class.

State: Defines an interface that comprises all the behavior that changes with state.

Concrete State: Implements State to define behavior for a particular state.
Strategy - Behavioral Pattern


Strategy: an interface that allows access to an algorithm.

Concrete Strategy: Implements a particular algorithm to conform to the Strategy interface.

Context: Uses the algorithm through the Strategy interface.
Template Method - Behavioral Pattern


Abstract Class: Defines an algorithm that uses “primitive” operations that are supplied by a derived class.

Concrete Class: Implements the “primitive” operations
Visitor - Behavioral Pattern


Visitor: Defines an interface that allows access to a Concrete Element of an object structure. Various methods can access elements of different types.

Concrete Visitor: Implements an operation to be performed on the Elements. This object can store an algorithm’s local state.

Element: defines an “accept” operation that permits a Visitor to access it.

Concrete Element: Implements the “accept” operation.

Object Structure: a composite object that can enumerate its elements.
Interpreter - Behavioral Pattern
Creational Patterns
Patterns that are all concerned with object creation. Most of them provide ways to create objects without knowing exactly what you’re creating beyond the interfaces supported by the created objects.
Abstract Factory
Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.
Separates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.
Factory Method
Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.
Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.
Structural Patterns
The structural patterns concern themselves with the organization of the program. Their intent is always to organize classes so that certain ends can be achieved. The whole point of this organization is that you can make changes to the program without having to change the dynamic model at all.
Make a class appear to support a familiar interface that it doesn’t actually support. This way, existing code can leverage new, unfamiliar classes as if they are existing, familiar classes, eliminating the need to refactor the existing code to accommodate the new classes.
Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. In order to decouple subsystems so that either subsystem can change radically without impacting any code in the other one, put a set of interfaces between two subsystems and code to these interfaces.
Organize a runtime hierarchy of objects that represent whole/part (or container/content) relationships as a collection of objects that implement a common interface. Some of the implementers of this interfaces define stand-alone objects, others define containers that can hold additional objects, including other containers.
Attach new responsibilities to (or modify the behavior of) an object at run time. Decorators can vastly simplify class hierarchies by replacing subclassing with containment.
Provide a single interface through which all the classes in a complex subsystem are manipulated. Façade allows you to treat a complex subsystem as if it were a single course-grained object with a simple easy-to-use interface.
To minimize memory use, make objects smaller by using extrinsic state (e.g. putting state information into a container or computing it on each access) and sharing (using multiple references to single objects rather than multiple copies of objects).
Access an object through a “surrogate or placeholder” object. Proxy is applicable whenever there’s a need for a more sophisticated or versatile reference to an object than a pointer. You have seen this as Indirection in GRASP and it was used liberally in the persistence framework.
Behavioral Patterns
The behavioral patterns concern themselves with the runtime behavior of the program. They define the roles that objects take on and the way that these objects interact with each other. All of these objects are instances of the same class (or at least implement the same interface), so there’s not much in the way of structure in this pattern. It’s the dynamic behavior of the objects that are important.
Chain of Responsibility
A set of objects relay a message from one to another along a well defined route, giving more than one object a chance to handle the message. The object that’s best suited to field a given message actually does the handling. It’s possible for more than one object on the route to act on the message.
Encapsulate a request or unit of work into an object. Command provides a more capable alternative to a function pointer because the object can hold state information, can be queued or logged, and so forth.
Access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing how the aggregation is implemented.
Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator simplifies your code by hiding complexity; it loosens coupling between the objects that use the mediator and the objects the mediator uses.
Encapsulate an object’s state in such a way that no external entity can know how the object is structured. An external object (called a caretaker) can store or restore an object’s state without violating the integrity of the object.
When an object changes states, it notifies other objects that have registered their interest at run time. The notifying object (publisher) sends an event (publication) to all its observers (subscribers).
Objects often need to change behavior when they are in certain states. A good solution defines an interface comprising all methods who change behavior; interface implementations define each state.
Define an interface that defines a strategy for performing some operation. A family of interchangeable classes, one for each algorithm, implements the interface.
Template Method
Define an algorithm at the base-class level. Within the algorithm, call an abstract method to perform operations that can’t be generalized in the base class. This way you can change the behavior of an algorithm without changing its structure.
Add operations to a “host” object by providing a way for a visitor—an object that encapsulates an algorithm—to access the interior state of the host object. Typically, this pattern is used to modify or examine the elements of a composite structure.
Pattern that specifies how to evaluate sentences in a language. The basic idea is to have a class for each symbol (terminal or nonterminal) in a specialized computer language. The syntax tree of a sentence in the language is an instance of the composite pattern and is used to evaluate (interpret) the sentence.