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29 Cards in this Set

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The American Colonization Society called for:

a gradual end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States.

Which was not a movement Abby Kelley was associated with?

tariff reform

Which of the following was not true of race relations within the abolitionist movement?

Virtually no traces of racial prejudice found their way into the movement.

Which was not among the institutional asylums built during the 1830s and 1840s?

settlement houses in cities

At Oneida, founded in 1848 in New York State, John Humphrey Noyes did away with private property and developed the idea of “complex marriage.” “Complex marriage” at Oneida meant:

any man and any woman could have sexual relations at any time so long as the relationship was mutual and was recorded in a public record book.

Which of the following was not a feature of the emergent American feminism of the 1840s?

Feminist leaders like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott confined their focus to the quest for suffrage; for them, demands for equality in other areas seemed trivial by comparison.

The 1836 “gag rule”:

prohibited consideration of petitions calling for emancipation in the House of Representatives.

Which of the following was not an area of public activism open to women during the 1830s and ’40s?

political party conventions

Beginning in 1816, the American Colonization Society:

wished both to abolish slavery and send American blacks to Africa.

Between 1833 and 1840, about how many northerners joined abolitionist groups?


The region of the United States that came to be known as the “burned-over district” as a consequence of the many religious revivals that flourished there in the early nineteenth century was:

Upstate New York and northern Ohio.

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

founding of American Colonization Society; establishment of Liberia; William Lloyd Garrison’s Thoughts on African Colonization

Which was not a characteristic of Robert Owen’s early nineteenth-century utopian communities?

Individualism and anarchy were watchwords at New Harmony.

The Liberator, the abolitionist journal, was published in Boston in 1831 by:

William Lloyd Garrison.

Which of the following was not a distinguishing feature of the new abolitionism of the 1830s?

a conviction that if abolition was not soon achieved by “moral suasion,” then violent measures would become necessary

Dorthea Dix, a Massachusetts school teacher, was the leading proponent of:

more humane treatment of the insane.

The founder and earliest leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1820 was:

Joseph Smith.

Which was not true of Brook Farm?

It functioned as a vibrant community for a half-century.

“Perfectionism” was (is) the view that:

social ills once considered unable to be cured could be eradicated.

As a driving force in the creation of public schools for all, Horace Mann promoted all of the following views except that:

schools were training free individuals, which he believed meant people who might follow any desire they had, from hedonism to zoology.

The richly diverse voluntary associations that developed in early-nineteenth century United States included all of the following except societies to:

shorten the hours of labor for farmers to eight in a day.

The nineteenth-century view that there should be an immediate end to slavery and incorporation of the freed persons into the republic as equal citizens is called:


Which was not an aspect of cooperative Shaker settlements?

Dancing was not allowed in Shaker settlements.

At the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention in New York, Elizabeth Cady Stanton modeled the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments on:

The Declaration of Independence.

The number of voluntary reform communities established in the decades before the Civil War that historians often call “utopian” communities—such as the Oneidan, Owenite, or Fourierist communities—numbered about:

one hundred.

The Liberty Bell took on its name—previously it had been known as the Old State House Bell—after:

abolitionists adopted it as a symbol of their cause of abolishing slavery.

Which was not a chief endeavor of black abolitionists?

They called for freed blacks to travel to Africa to live in peace and freedom.

American reform efforts during the 1820s and 1830s:

raised and addressed a variety of issues, such as alcoholism, crime, prison life, illiteracy, labor conditions, women’s rights, and slavery.

Which of the following is not true of the utopian communities of the 1820s, ’30s, and ’40s?

They differed little in their systems of labor, gender relations, and internal governance.