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58 Cards in this Set

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State is a territory controlled by an independent govt


Int'l govt organization Ex: United Nations, NATO, EU


Non-governmental Organizations

Ex: Red Cross, Green Peace, Roman Catholic Church


Multinational corporations

Ex: Walmart, Mcdonalds, BMW

Nation State

It means the kind of state organized by a single nation; seen as the standard form of states in today's global politics

Ex: USA-yes, Canada- no, Britain-no, France-yes, Germany-yes, Japan-yes,China-no

Multi-national State

Instability; Multiple nations exisit within a single state

Ex: Canada, Britain, China

Multi-State Nation

A nation is divided and forms multiple states

Ex: Korea, Germany, Vietnam, Palestine (Islam and Jordan)

Stateless Nation

A nation is divided and lives as the minority in other people's states

Ex: Kurds


Govt controls all aspects of people's life (social, political, economic); sees maximum oppression of people's freedom; historical examples: Naxi Germany, Soviet Union; Today's Example: North Korea


the govt restricts only the people's political rights and freedom; an authoritarian govt is "softer" than a totalitarian govt; Ex: Theocracy, monarchy, military dictatorship, bureaucratic authoritarianism

Uni-Polar System

the world dominated by one power center

Ex: Roman Empire & today's USA after the cold war

Bi-polar System

The world divided into 2 power centers as in cold war

Ex: Cold War

Multi-Polar System

The world divided into the many power centers; 4 or more; 19th C Europe; 6 European powers

Absolutist State

A state with absolute power invested 1 or more rulers

Scramble for Africa

European countries trying to colonize the smaller African countries in order to expand

Spanish-American Civil War

As a result of this, the US colonized Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam

German Unification

In 1871 under Otto Von Bismark

Long Peace

From 1815-1914, there was no major war among major European states; had 2 characteristics: multi-polar system and practice of balance of power policy

Britain's Splendid Isolation

Britain played the key role; it worked as a balancer by altering its side flexibility; Policy of no permanent ally

Monroe Doctrine

The 1823 US proclamation to keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere

World War I

This is where the long peace ended; ww1 started in 1914; European powers were divided into 2 camps: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria (Italy)

Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia)

German Problem

In late 19th C, Germany's power considerably grew thanks to national unification and industrial evolution; Triple Entente: Anti Germany Coalition

Eastern Question

In the Balkan peninsula, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) declined, with local ethnic groups demanding political independence; European powers disagreed as to how to fill this political vacuum

Russian Revolution

WWI broke down the Russian Empire; The USSR was established as the first socialist state under the leadership of the Bolsheviks (communist party)

Versailles Conference

In 1919 the winner states held a conference to reconstruct int'l order; US president Woodrow Wilson's leadership; Agreed on the Treaty of Versailles, which applied a harsh punishment to Germany (loss of territories and countries, indemnity)

League of Nations

1920; turned out ineffective partly bc of the US's absence

National Self Determination

Eastern Europe; Dissolution of the Australia Empire


Wilson's global visions continue to inform American foreign policy making in various ways until today and are often summarized as wilsonianism


WW2 was fought b/w axis powers and allied powers in Europe (from 1939) and Asia (from 1941)

Axis Powers: Anti-status quo, Germany, Italy, and Japan

Allie Powers: Prop-status quo, US, Britain, France, USSR and China

Adolf Hitler

1933: formation of the Nazi's Party's govt w Adolf Hitler as its chancellor (prime minister)

Benito Mussolini

Italy; Fascist party

Munich Conference

Germany (Hitler) demanded the annexation of a part of Czehoslovakia; Britain and France gave in; After the war, many criticized this compromise as having fueled Hitler's ambitions; The British and French strategy is called appeasement

Meiji Restoration

Happened in 1868; ending the traditional rule by Samurai (Shogun); Starting reform to westernize society


1931 Japan invaded Manchuria (northern part of China) and established a puppet state (Manchukoo); 1937, Japan entered a full-scale war w China; Nanjing Massacre

Tripartite Pact

Germany, Italy, and Japan; Japan's domination of all of Asia became a real possibility because of this

Hiroshima & Nagasaki

The US dropped nuclear weapons onto these 2 cities in Japan in 1945 during the final stage of WW2

Four Policeman

Roosevelt's proposal

United Nations

Established in October 1945

Joseph Stalin

Leader of the Soviet Union

Truman Doctrine

The 1947 presidential call to aid countries under Communist threat

Marshall Plan

1947 call for massive US aid to war torn Europe

Mao Zedong

leader of the chinese communist party

Kim il-SUng

led North Korea and was backed by the Soviet Union

Korean War

After WW2 it was divided into the 38th parallel, South Korea and North Korea; in June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea for national unification; the US and People's Republic of China entered the war, the armistice was signed in 1953, but no peace treaty has been agreed


demonstrates how alliances rise and fall with security threats; global system of alliances

Warsaw Pact

Soviet Union's alliance

Cuban Missile Crisis

Fidel Castro led the Cuban communist revolution in 1959; Assitance from the soviet union; After finding a missile base under construction in Cuba, President Kennedy ordered the US Navy to blockade all maritime transportations to Cuba

Ho Chi Minh

Leader of Vietnam; Communist Vietnamese anti French liberation movement in the 1940s and 50s

Vietnam War

Look at handout


Lowering of int'l tension; in this time period, at the initiative of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, the US tried out cooperative approach to the Soviet Union


Strategic Arms Limitation Talk treaty; Purpose to cap # of nuclear weapons

Sino-US Reconciliation

The US and Soviet Union agreed on nuclear arms control for the first time; SALT 1 (strategic arms limitation talk treaty); the US and People's Republic of China completed diplomatic reconciliation; Until the, US had no diplomatic relation w PRC bc of the Korean War; President Nixon's visit of Beijing in 1972

US National Security Council

Colin Powell (1987-89, Reagan); Condoleeza Rice (2001-05, Bush), Susan Rice (2013-now)


In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the new leader and started a major economic and social reform program

End of History

Francis Fukuyama argues that with the collapse of communism, the model of Western liberalism (liberal democracy and market economy) has triumphed, making the world more peaceful

Clash of Civilizations

Samuel Huntington argues that we will see intensifying conflicts b/w different civilizations (cultures); Today's world contains 8 major civilizations: Western Europe & US, Confucian (China), Japanese, Islamic, Hindu (India), Slavic-Orthodox, Latin America, African: 2 serious conflicts: West vs. Islam & West vs. Confucianism

New World Order

George H.W. Bush's foreign policy vision; Key components: commitment to the Us's leadership in global politics & proposal of strengthening the UN

Bush Doctrine

George W. Bush's foreign policy vision; Key components: focus on terrorism, unilateralism, preemptive attack, "Axis of Evil", influence of neo-conservative; neo-conservatism claims that the US should use military forces proactively to promote democracy in the developing world; assumption: democracy is a key source of global peace