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56 Cards in this Set

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Aluminum hydroxide
Amphojel - not absorbed - may cause constipation - used in pts with renal failure
Calcium carbonate
Tums - also used for calcium replacement - may cause constipation, renal calculi
Calcium carbonate with magnesium hydroxide
Mylanta, Rolaids - may cause constipation, don't give to renal pt, renal calculi
magnesium hydroxide
mom - milk of magnesia - laxative - don't give to renal pt
magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide with simethicone
mylanta, maalox plus, mag al plus - watch for diarrhea
sodium bicarbonate
alka seltzer, baking soda - fluid retention (r/t Na+) edema, abdominal distension, used IV form for metabolic acidosis
antacids nrsg mgmt
don't take > 2 weeks w/o dr permission
don't exceed maximum dose
keep record of stool
shake liquid suspension well
chew tablets well and follow with 8 oz water
calcium carbonate and sodium bicarb may cause ___________
rebound hyperacidity
While taking aluminum based antacids increase fluids to ________. Why? _________
2000 mL/day / help relieve constipation (unless contraindicated)
do not use antacids in pts taking ____________
mylicon - antiflatulent - has defoaming action that disperses and prevents the formation of mucus-surrounded gas pockets in intestine
absorbent that reduces amount of gas in intestine, can also pull fluid back into GI track in case of poisoning, OD
Histamine H2 antagonist
H2 receptor blockers - inhibit action of histamine at histamine H2 receptor cells of stomach, which reduces secretion of gastric acid
H2 receptor blockers -uses
GERD, ulcers, hypersecretory dz
H2 blockers nrsg mgmt
do not use if pregnant, breast feeding, and in children under 16 years of age
caution in pts with hepatic dz or renal dz
I&O ratio
monitor gastric pH
BUN, CBC, LFTs, creatinine, PT
tagamet - bad drug - dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, gynecomastia, some occasion of impotence, decreased effectiveness with smoking - elderly pts can develop problems with thought processes
pepcid - best - HA, nausea, dry mouth, if given over period of time can cause neutropenia, if adm IVP too quickly can cause arrythmias
zantac - given with bismuth for H. pylori
sucralfate - sucrose + aluminum hydroxide - produces a thick barrier that coats and binds to ulcer. Does not effect secretion of acid. Used short term (8 wks) for active duodenal ulcers and for maintenance therapy.
adverse rxn: constipation
carafate nrsg mgmt
give other meds 1-2 hrs before or after dose
do not adm with antacid, tetracycline, or digoxin (decreased effect)
must be taken QID
*cannot crush
misoprostol - synthetic prostaglandin - stimulates the production of protective mucus and inhibits gastric acid secretion
used to prevent nsaid induced gastric ulcers
adverse rxn: diarrhea
cytotec nrsg mgmt
Do not give to pregnant women!
adm 3-4X per day
Pepto Bismol
Bisumth subsalicylate - stimulates mucosal bicarbonate and prostaglandin production
used for dyspepsia, heartburn, and diarrhea
**inhibits H. pylori from adhering to ulcerated tissue
may be used in combo with bactrim, amoxicillin to treat H. pylori
may turn stool black/dark
may decrease absorption of tetracycline or any co-administered meds
Proton-pump Inhibitors
act by blocking hydrogen, potassium, and ATPase - this enzyme acts as pump to release gastric acid (also called H+, or protons) on the surface of the GI mucosa.
Short-term tx of GERD - tx should last only 4 weeks
*activated by food intake - adm 20-30 min ac with first major meal of the day
beneficial effects cont for 3-5 d after d/c.
SE uncommon: HA, abd pain, diarrhea, n/v
preassess bowel sounds
prevacid - used for GERD
prilosec - used in combo with antibiotics for H. pylori and GERD
protonix - can be given IV - GERD
scopolamine, ProBanthine, Robinul, Bentyl - dycyclomine
weak inhibitors of gastric acid secretion
doesn't heal ulcers
increase fiber intake, dry mouth
***contraindicated in galucoma and tachycardia
occasionally used for tx of peptic ulcers
GI application for atropine
preoperative drying agent - do not give with glaucoma or tachycardia
anticholinergics/antispasmodics nrsg mgmt
adverse effects: constipation, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness
Urinary retention or hesitancy: instruct on importance of monitoring for
monitor I&O
blurred vision may interfere with activities
gastrointestinal stimulants
reglan - metaclopromide
GERD, gastric stasis
causes muscles in upper stomach to contract causing faster emptying
decreases esophageal relaxation and blocks food from entering esophagus - GERD
given parenterally to prevent n/v associated with cancer chemo and to prevent n/v during the immediate postoperative period
adverse rxn: drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, insomnia
uncommon: pseudoparinsonism
increases the rate at which stomach and intestines move during digestion. Increases rate at which your stomach empties into your intestines
may be given immediately after major abd surgery to reduce risk of paralytic ileus
oioids (antidiarrheals)
diphenoxylate with atropine (lomotil)
loperamide (imodium)
slows peristalsis
*atropine -ACHN! BS HR glaucoma
SE: drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, paralytic ileus, constipation
bismuth subsalicylate
kaopectate, pepto bismol)
binds and absorbs toxins
SE: constipation, nausea, tinnitus
sandostatin - prevents release of serotonin and other active peptides that promote diarrhea. Also inhibits intestinal secretions and enhances absorption
SE: nausea diarrhea, abd pain
lactobacillus, live cultures foods
replaces normal flora in intestinal tract
used in tx of diarrhea associated with antibiotic and antineoplastic tx.
antidiarrheals local-acting
charcoal, pectin, psyllium - used for tx of bacterial diarrhea
antidiarrheals systemic-acting
lomotil, imodium
tx for constipation
Bulk forming laxatives
calcium polycarbophil (fibercon)
methylcellulose (citracel)
psyllium mucilloid (metamucil)
absorbs water and adds to fecal mass
onset - 24-48 hrs
should be given at HS with at least 8 oz water
*don't give with other meds
SE: abd fullness or cramping, esophageal or GI obstruction if not taken with enough fluid, gas
Saline cathartics/osmotics
magnesium hydroxide (MOM)
polyethylene glycol (miralax)
sodium biphosphate (fleet phospho-soda)
magnesium citrate
increase water content of stoll and softens stool, poorly absorbed in intestine, pull water into fecal mass, produce BM quickly 1-6 hrs onset
*do not give miralax at the same time as other meds
*risk for fluid & lyte imbalance
SE: abdominal cramping, diarrhea
lactulose may also be given for high levels of ammonia.
*never serve warm: causes severe abd cramping (mag citrate)
stimulant laxatives
bisacodyl (correctol, dulcolax)
castor oil (vit deficiencies)
phenolphthalein (ex-lax)
promote peristalsis by irritating bowel
onset 6-12 hrs
Do not use routinely r/t dependency, used for bowel preps
se: abd cramping, nausea, diarrhea
stool softeners/surfactant
docusate sodium (colace)
docusate calcium (surfak)
cause more water and fat to be absorbed into stool.
rx: for pts at risk of constipation
onset 24-48 hrs
abd cramping, diarrhea
*check Na+ and Ca+
herbal agent laxatives
senna - sennacot
stimulate bowel and increases peristalsis
*abd cramping
mineral oil
lubricates intestinal wall and softens stool
onset 24-48 hours
SE: diarrhea, nausea, nutritional deficiencies
Never admin laxative to pt experiencing ___ ___, ____, ____, without consulting MD
abd pain, nausea, vomiting
antiemetics: anticholinergics, antihistamines
dramamine, benadryl, vistaril, antivert, transderm scop
use: motion sickness
SE: drowsiness, dry mouth
*Z-track when giving vistaril IM - can cause tissue sloughing
*never admin >25 mg phenergan IV
*phenergan given pre-op for peds
cannabinoid - inhibit pathway to vomiting center
use: chemo, increase appetite
SE: dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, decrease sensory awareness
dexamethasone (decadron)
methylprednisolone (solu-medrol)
used to prevent chemo and post-op nausea
SE: wt gain, nausea, fld retention, insomnia, neutropenia, mask s/s infection, hyperglycemia
prochlorperazine (compazine)
promethazine (phenergan)
chemo, general illness
se: drowsiness, dry mouth, photosensitivity
serotonin antagonist
ondansetron (zofran)
general illness, hyperemesis gravidarum, chemo
SE: HA, drowsiness, fatigue
ipecac syrup
causes vomiting by irritating effect on stomach as well as by stimulation of the vomiting center of medulla
can be used as expectorant
adverse effect: hypovolemic shock
*must know what pt took before admin
can be used as expectorant at 1/10 recommended dose for emetic
digestive enzymes
lipase and protease are two that are manufactured and secreted by the pancreas and are responsible for the breakdown of fats, starches, and proteins.
available in oral form
used as replacement therapy for cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, ca of pancreas, malabsorption syndrome, surgical removal of all or part of the stomach, surgical removal of all or part of pancrease
gallstone solubizing agents
suppress the manufacture of cholesterol and colic acid by liver which decreases size of gallstones
nonsurgical tx of gallstones
asacol, dipentum, azulfindine
asacol - tx of ulcerative colitis
azulfidine - chron's dz and ulcerative colitis - a sulfonamide
antihelmintic - Gi irritation, HA, dizziness, numbness (rare)
may chew, crush, or swallow whole
for best results take with high fat meal
f/u exam important
identify close contact for possible infestation and tx
good hand washing and hygiene
change linen dly
clean fingernails, cut short, mitten socks to prevent scratching
do not allow dogs to play in sandbox
lindane (kwell)
permethrin (nix)
may cause neruotoxicity
follow directions for use
prior to application of lotions or creams
wash area, allow to dry
apply enough to cover entire body surface with thin layer, leave on 6-8 hrs
cut long hair, come with fine-toothed comb dipped in vinegar to remove nit
discard comb after use
educate on use of others hygiene items
launder bed linens, towels, clothes
wear gloves