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17 Cards in this Set

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The upper 1/3 of the esophagus is made up of ____ muscle, while the lower 2/3rds are made up of ____ muscle.

How many sphincters are there?

Which, along with the crux of diaphragm and the angle of His forms a pinch-cock to avoid reflux?
striated, smooth

2, UES & LES

What is primary peristalsis?

What innervates the LES?
peristalsis associated with a swallow

vagal preganglionic and sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons
Does saliva help neutralize the pH in the terminal parts of the esophagus?

Is it abnormal for normal people to reflux?

No, but they quickly clear it.
What is the definition of GERD?

Are regurgitation, belching, or dysphagia often common sx?
Cephalad displacement of gastric contents into esophagus causing either tissue damage or symptoms

- does it increase w/ age?
- gender predominance?

State whether or not the following are risk factors for GERD:
obesity, pregnancy, smoking, collagen vascular dz, EtOH, hiatal hernia
- yes
- more common in males
- all are
Is increased potency of stomach acid often the cause of GERD?
How can a hiatal hernia contribute to GERD?
When the LES is up in thoracic cavity abnormally, inspiration opens the LES with negative thoracic pressure
The following describe which complication of GERD:
Occurs in 10-40% of those with reflux symptoms
Secondary to high amounts of acid, pepsin, and perhaps duodenal contents (bile) refluxing
More common in those with a hiatal hernia
Chronic, relapsing condition
Presents as chest pain, dysphagia, occ. odynophagia

Does this complication increase the chance of stricture or Barrett's esophagus?
Erosive Esophagitis

What is a stricture, and how does it form?
- presenting sx?
- tx?
Occurs secondary to severe circumferential mucosal damage
Composed of circular bands of scar tissue underlying mucosa
- dysphagia
- often amenable to dilatation
What is Barrett's esophagus?
- for which neoplasm is it considered a precursor?
+ is this a high risk?
- does it spontaneously resolve?
- is it more or less symptomatic than normal mucosa?
- occurs in what % of GERD pts?
Metaplastic change of mucosa from squamous to specialized columnar
- adenoCA of esophagus
+ no, low risk of cancer.
- no
- less
- 10%
For pts with classic GERD sx, should we try empiric therapy?

What are some alarm sx? Effect re: tx?
yes, and a good response can mean we don't have to do further testing.

Weight loss, dysphagia, anemia, early satiety, bleeding
- require early investigation w/ EGD or barium swallow; not empiric tx.
Is EGD good at finding GERD itself? NERD? How about complications of GERD?

What is the best dx test for GERD?

Can barium swallow dx GERD? What is it good for?
No, no. Yes, it's excellent for finding complications; it misses the dz itself b/c people can have reflux and not have damage.

24hr pH probe.

investigating dysphagia, if EGD isn't available.
What type of GERD tx should be tried first?
- elevated head
- stop smoking
- stop EtOH
- reduce fat
- lose weight
- avoid chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, citrus, and tomatoes
For occasional, mild, non-erosive GERD, what is the tx?

more severe dz?

Erosive esophagitis, and the worst dz?
PRN OTC antacids; H2 blockers

H2 blockers @ 3x recommended dose

What is a Nissen procedure? When is it used?
loop stomach around the esophagus laproscopically

Used in those refractory to therapy, those regurgitating food, and those unable/unwilling to take longterm, high dose PPI
If complications occur i/ pts w/ GERD, when do they usually happen?

What is the prog if cancer is developed?
Early on in "reflux life"

... can any of these cause esophagitis?
yes, all can.